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Posts Tagged ‘Muslim’

Nail-bomber given life sentence

by Kafir ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Terrorism, UK at January 30th, 2009 - 9:16 am

BBC- A Muslim convert has been jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 18 years after launching a failed suicide bomb attack on a restaurant in Devon.

Nicky Reilly, 22, was the only person injured when he accidentally set off his home-made nail-bomb in a toilet of Exeter’s Giraffe restaurant last May.

He later admitted attempted murder and preparing an act of terrorism.

Police believe the Plymouth man, who has learning difficulties, was “preyed upon and radicalised” by others.

Reilly – who converted to Islam between 2002 and 2003 – had admitted the charges last October, but sentencing was delayed to allow doctors to assess his mental state.

Reilly came from a “loving and fairly normal family unit” but was “seduced” by a cause he “wrongly and almost fatally interpreted and probably never understood”, said the judge.

Devon and Cornwall Police had earlier said Reilly – who had changed his name to Mohammad Rashid Saeed Alim – had been “preyed on, radicalised and taken advantage of”.

Before sentencing on Friday, Kim Reilly told BBC News that her son was “very sorry and very remorseful”.

“He’s sorry to the people of Exeter and those in the cafe that day.”

Prior to his failed suicide bombing, Reilly left a note saying: “I have not been brainwashed or indoctrinated. I am not insane.”

Reilly claimed he was simply doing “what God wants from his mujahideen”.

“Everywhere Muslims are suffering at the hands of Britain, Israel and America. We are sick of taking all the brutality from you,” he wrote.

The note attacked drunkenness and sexual immorality as “unacceptable to Allah and the true religion Islam”.

Officers travelled to Pakistan in their search for two unidentified people who encouraged Reilly after contacting him via an extremist website.

Anti Zionism = Anti-Semitism

by WrathofG-d ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Palestinians at January 12th, 2009 - 12:04 pm

It Isn’t About Land….Its About Hatred Of Jews



Chicago synagogues vandalized

(JTA) — At least three Chicago-area synagogues were vandalized following rallies in support of and against Israel.

The synagogues were defaced early Saturday morning by two vandals who smashed windows and doors with rocks and bricks and sprayed pro-Palestinian graffiti on the buildings. The men were captured on a video surveillance camera at one synagogue and were seen by a caretaker fleeing the scene at a second synagogue.

Some of the graffiti read “Death to Israel and “Free Palestine,” according to local reports.

Police believe that the incidents could be related and are currently being investigated as hate crimes by the Chicago Police Department and the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, according to the Secure Community Network, which coordinates security for North American Jewish institutions. The Chicago Tribune has reported that a fourth synagogue, in the suburb of Lincolnwood, was also vandalized.

The vandalism incidents, and an attempt late Friday afternoon by four unknown men in Chicago to enter a Jewish federation building, followed a Jewish communal rally Friday in support of Israel and a pro-Palestinian rally later in the day.

A week ago, a Chicago Jewish day school received a bomb threat in the mail that was also directed at other Jewish schools and institutions.



Outrage over proposal to boycott Jewish-owned shops

Jewish leaders in Rome today expressed outrage over a trades union proposal to “identify and boycott” Jewish-owned shops in the Italian capital amid fears of a resurgence of anti-Semitism linked to Israeli actions in Gaza, .

Jewish leaders said the proposal, put forward by Giancarlo Desiderati, leader of the Flaica-Uniti-Cub union, which represents 8,000 shop assistants in Rome, was reminiscent of the anti-Semitic racial laws adopted 70 years ago by the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini in imitation of Nazi Germany, under which only “Aryan” shops were allowed to trade.

Asked if he was aware of the comparison, Mr Desiderati said: “We know we will have everyone against us, but we cannot pass over in silence what is happening in Gaza”.

He said his union had already urged its members to boycott Israeli products, and boycotting Jewish-owned or Jewish-run stores was a logical next step.

[The Whole Article]


South Africa

Remove rabbi from religious forum, Muslims say

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (JTA) — A South African Muslim group wants the country’s chief rabbi removed from a religious leaders’ forum over the Gaza incursion.

The South African Muslim Judicial Council is questioning whether South Africa’s Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein should continue to be a member of the prestigious National Religious Leaders’ Forum comprising clerics from all the major faiths.

This follows a hot debate on a talk radio station last week between Goldstein, who plays a key role in the organization, and Muslim theologian Moulana Ebrahim Bham, in which Goldstein said the war in Gaza is one of self-defense and that the South African Jewish community “passionately” believes Israel is the victim and is conducting itself “in a manner which is a just and legal war” into which it was forced against its will.

Council spokesman Nabeweya Malick said his organization was questioning Goldstein’s position and “whether he holds the necessary moral and ethical authority to be part of this noble forum.”

The Muslim council spokesman said the chief rabbi’s statements have given justification for continued military action and did not mention a call for a cease-fire. “Speaking as a rabbi, where is his compassion? The forum is for all religious leaders to maintain some kind of sane moral position,” he said.

[The Whole Article]



Synagogue, Jewish building attacked in France

PARIS (JTA) — Molotov cocktails were launched at a synagogue in suburban Paris and at a Jewish community building near Strasbourg.

Sunday’s firebombing near the synagogue in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis also partly burned a Jewish restaurant.

No injuries were reported in either attack.

The National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism blamed the mayor of Saint-Denis, a member of the Communist Party, for the attack, which came after the city called for a pro-Palestinian protest on Jan. 8, and a pro-Palestinian rally on Jan. 10 in Paris featuring 30,000 demonstrators turned violent.

“What we feared has arrived,” the bureau’s president, Sammy Ghozlan, told reporters.

The bureau had demanded that police prevent Mayor Didier Paillard’s anti-Israel rally, which “risked provoking … and inciting hate” of Jews, Ghozlan said in a statement, but his calls went unheeded.

Paillard said Monday that the bureau’s accusation was an “unacceptable manipulation,” and the city organized a peaceful gathering in front of the synagogue for Monday night.

French politicians overwhelmingly condemned both attacks, which come as similar crime increases in tandem with virulent anti-Israel rallies across the nation.

[The Whole Article]


“Moderate” Muslims Vote In A Moderate Poll

by DJM ( 5 Comments › )
Filed under Islamists at December 29th, 2008 - 6:49 am

Unfortunately, the poll results do little to help the image of Muslims Against the Sharia.

Of the Muslims who participated in this poll, 48.95% believe a “Moderate” Muslim is one who strives for Islamic superiority and/or wishes to see the Sharia imposed on all.

You’d think there would be more “moderates” at the site…

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

(NOTE: When you factor in the “oxymoron” selection to include Muslims who think the term “moderate Muslim” is contradictory, the total leaps to 65%!)

[UPDATE] Thanks to MAS for directing readers to this eye-opening poll:


(This poll indicates over 59% of responding Muslims think Islam should dominate all others.)

Arm Yourself

by DJM ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Islamists, Jihad at December 26th, 2008 - 7:49 am

“We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred forever, unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone” (Surah 60:4)

This blog is about common arguments used by Islamists and their supporters. If you’ve ever had a debate with a “moderate” Muslim, some of these will be very familiar:

1. “Islam” means “peace” – The word Islam means “submission.” When confronted, most Islamists will argue it does mean “submission,” but only to Allah. This doesn’t just apply to those who choose to embrace the Islamic faith. To the Muslim world, peace can only come when all humans submit to Allah, whether by conversion or subjugation.

2. Jihadis make up only a small percentage of Muslims – Recent polls in Indonesia indicates differently. One in ten Muslims polled supported violence against innocent people, while a third wanted the Sharia as the highest law in the land. Similar polls in the U.K. shows more than half of young Muslims support terroristic violence or want to impose the Sharia on all citizens. The Sharia, or Islamic Law, requires such barbaric, draconian punishments as stoning to death rape victims who cannot provide four male witnesses to the crime or allowing male family members to legally execute women or girls accused (not proven, just suspected) of dishonoring the family.

And in America, up to a quarter of all polled Muslims said suicide bombings against innocent civilians are justified some or all of the time.

There are over one billion Muslims in the world. Using the most conservative number of 10% who support radical views, that leaves one hundred million Islamic extremists. A small percentage…

3. Islam forbids the killing of innocent people – This is true. However, what constitutes an “innocent person” might surprise you. In Islam, there are no innocent non-Muslims. Disbelief is a crime against Allah. Anyone who commits a crime against Allah is a legitimate target for Jihadis. “Disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” (Surah 4:101). The Qur’an commands Muslims to kill the enemies of Allah (Surah 2:191).

4. The Qur’an is misinterpreted or out of context – A very common defense, Muslims will usually go straight for this one, especially when infidels use direct quotes from the Qur’an. Once, when I asked a Muslim how long “forever” meant in Surah 60:4 (see the verse at the top of this article), the response was “In Muhammad’s time.” Either Muslims have little grasp of the English language, or they choose to deceptively ignore the qualifier “until you believe in Allah.” The verse could not be clearer. But because Muslims do not want to admit the true intent of Islam, they continue to mislead and misrepresent about the Qur’an. Disbelievers are FOREVER the enemy of Allah, until they submit to Islam.

5. The Qur’an is mistranslated – This is also true. The question you should ask is how it is mistranslated. According to Arabic speaking apostates, the English version of the Qur’an is less violent. One example is the word “kartillo.” It is most often translated as “fight.” But the definitions are different. The English word “fight” suggests a struggle until the enemy is overcome. The Arabic word, however, means to the death. To either die fighting or fight until you kill your enemy. When Muhammad said, “And fight [Disbelievers] until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.” (Surah 2:193), he did not mean struggle against non-Muslims, resist them, or battle until victorious. He meant kill them.

6. Lying is forbidden in Islam – And how would you know a Muslim wasn’t engaging in “Taqiyya” (deceit) when they make this claim? Taqiyya is an integral part of Islam. Muhammad himself approved the use of deceit to kill his enemies.

In the Hadith Bukhari Vol. 5, Book 59, #369, Muhammad needs an assassin to kill Ka`b bin al-Ashraf, a Jew and a poet who knows Muhammad is a false prophet. A man named Muhammad bin Maslama volunteers to kill Ka’b, but then asks if he could lie to Ka’b in order to lure him into a trap. From the Hadith: Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (to deceive Ka’b).” The Prophet said, “You may say it.” Muhammad is also quoted as saying: “Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people”

And most importantly, the Qur’an itself lauds Allah as being the greatest of all deceivers (Surah 3:54 – this verse is one of those often mistranslated. Most English versions translate the Arabic word as “planner” or “schemer.” The true meaning is “deceiver.”)

7. Jews and Muslims lived in peace for centuries in Islamic states – In peace? It is true there have been non-Muslims living in Islamic states for centuries. But those non-Muslims never enjoyed equal rights with Muslims. They were subjected to humiliations to conform with the Qur’an’s command that they “feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29). They could never exercise their religion in public. They could never disparage Islam (we see this today in Islamic states – anyone who ‘insults’ Islam, even with truthful statements, is beheaded). They lived under the Sharia, which provided discriminatory justice for the two groups. A non-Muslim who killed a Muslim, even in self-defense, was cruelly tortured and executed. A Muslim who murdered a non-Muslim faced only a monetary fine.

8. Other religions have their violent histories – Throughout history, many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion. However, it is important to distinguish between the past and the present. While other religions have acknowledged and condemned past injustices, Islam continues to this day to perpetrate acts of savagery on innocent people. It is the only religion that uses historical violence to justify modern terrorism.

9. Terrorists are not true Muslims – A popular defense for Islamic apologists. It is irrelevant if terrorists are adhering to Islamic teachings accurately or not. The ideology behind the “Religion of Peace” promotes and justifies Islamic violence. The Qur’an encourages intolerance, hatred and the destruction of all non-Muslims. Radical Muslims interpret the vile messages in this ‘holy’ book as a religious duty. By the same token, Muslims will rarely, if ever, excuse historical violence committed by self-proclaimed Christians, despite the fact Christian ideology does not promote religious violence. Hypocrisy is yet another malevolent vice of the Islamic culture. When a Christian commits a crime against humanity, it is the fault of the religion as a whole; When a Muslim commits a similar barbarous act, it is the individual’s fault, not that of the religion.

Now that you’ve armed yourself with weapon of knowledge, go forth and begin your own crusade against the threat of Islam.