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Posts Tagged ‘Naomi Wolf’

Feminist Makes Excuses for Misogyny

by Phantom Ace ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Islamists at August 31st, 2008 - 9:03 am

One of the most bizarre manifestations of leftist cognitive dissonance occurs when hardcore feminists like Naomi Wolf abandon all their principles and twist themselves into philosophical knots, in order to make excuses for one of the most misogynistic belief systems on Earth: Behind the veil lives a thriving Muslim sexuality.

Ideological battles are often waged with women’s bodies as their emblems, and Western Islamophobia is no exception. When France banned headscarves in schools, it used the hijab as a proxy for Western values in general, including the appropriate status of women. When Americans were being prepared for the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban were demonised for denying cosmetics and hair colour to women; when the Taliban were overthrown, Western writers often noted that women had taken off their scarves.

But are we in the West radically misinterpreting Muslim sexual mores, particularly the meaning to many Muslim women of being veiled or wearing the chador? And are we blind to our own markers of the oppression and control of women?

The West interprets veiling as repression of women and suppression of their sexuality. But when I travelled in Muslim countries and was invited to join a discussion in women-only settings within Muslim homes, I learned that Muslim attitudes toward women’s appearance and sexuality are not rooted in repression, but in a strong sense of public versus private, of what is due to God and what is due to one’s husband. It is not that Islam suppresses sexuality, but that it embodies a strongly developed sense of its appropriate channelling – toward marriage, the bonds that sustain family life, and the attachment that secures a home.

(Hat tip: Nancy@LGF our #1 contributor)