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Posts Tagged ‘NASA’

What Do You Call Scientific Theory Based On Faked Data?

by Flyovercountry ( 286 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Fascism, Progressives at July 2nd, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Busted, you call it busted. Any statement past that is simply asinine. But, don’t worry my fellow inhabitants of the worker’s paradise formerly reserved for the free and brave, I’m sure that the whole climate change grievance theater will continue on, as if nothing has changed. We’ll still be bombarded with shouts of, “we have to self inflict economic hardship and damage now in order to save the Earth,” or, “anyone who denies that climate change isn’t real is just like someone who used to believe that the Earth was flat.” Let’s not forget my personal favorite, “anyone who denies climate science should be imprisoned for their heresy.”

That picture above? Oh, that’s just what happens when you try to reconcile the actual temperature data with the new and improved faked temperature data the NOAA and NASA peddled to American Citizens in order to make it appear as though the Earth’s mean temperatures were indeed rising. O.K., we’ll let that last bit sink in for just one moment.

Right after the year 2000, NASA and NOAA dramatically altered US climate history, making the past much colder and the present much warmer. The animation below shows how NASA cooled 1934 and warmed 1998, to make 1998 the hottest year in US history instead of 1934. This alteration turned a long term cooling trend since 1930 into a warming trend.

So, let’s take a rather brief walk down Chicken Little’s memory lane. The whole theory has morphed into this catch 22 style game, where computer models have predicted global catastrophe due to rising temperatures. Since Scientists have ruled out all natural causes for the rapidly increasing temperatures, man’s burning of fossil fuels, dumping Carbon Dioxide, and Methane now I guess, must be what’s to blame. This means that all economic development created by free market economics must be bad, while Socialism on the other hand, has been nothing short of a miraculous boon for Gaya.

So now, what we’ve seen is that the rising temperatures used to convince us all that this thing is real, turns out to have been falsely reported as such. When the temperatures in the past and present failed to live up to the predictions, the data was simply changed to show that the Earth was cooler in the past, and is getting warmer in the present. So, in order to prove that only man kind could possibly be responsible for the current warming trend, a warming trend was faked, and any other possibility for the warming trend was declared to be impossible, like say, its having been faked.

Don’t worry though, I’m sure we’ll get a flurry of dire predictions and warnings, as if this latest bombshell hadn’t been dropped on top of our heads, instead of the sky.

Well, maybe I’m not an engineer, nor a peer reviewed author of any scientific theory worthy of note, but I do know that needing to fake data in order to bolster a theory’s validity is considered deceptive, even in the world of academia. First we had the leaked email dump from East Anglia and Penn State, in which, “Climatologists,” were caught sending each other notes describing how they could continue perpetrating a fraud upon the entire world, and that was ignored. Now we have the faking of actual data used to convince us that this problem is very real, and an imminent threat. At some point, accountability must be introduced, even in the world of academia.

How silly of me, falling temperatures proves this theory too. Time for damage control now, see you in a few days, after all of the pieces designed to make us all forget that we saw the man behind the curtain. In the mean time, let’s get to work on that next Chicken Little scenario which will necessitate the self infliction of economic damage.

What were those possibilities again?

A) We need to prepare Earth for a possible invasion of Space Aliens.

B) All of the Honey Bees are suddenly dying off and no more plant will ever be pollinated, ever again.

C) The Ozone is disappearing.

D) Global Cooling, which we would’ve seen had we not faked the data to show a warming trend.

E) Hydraulic Fracturing causes Earth Quakes.

F) Nuclear Power Plants are causing fish to be born with three eyes, which will cause a planetary wide catastrophic loss of appetite, and subsequently world wide famine.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Remember When NASA Concerned Itself Primarily With Space Exploration?

by Flyovercountry ( 139 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, government, Progressives, Science, Space Exploration at March 24th, 2014 - 7:00 am

So I found this one originally when I traveled to Investor’s Business Daily. All I could think in the immediate aftermath was this. Exactly how far into the crapper does the current Administration wish to sink the once proud agency? The answer must be pretty God Damned far, since institutionalized madness seems to be the rule there, and not the exception.

We should have known that something was up when Barack Obama decided to buck the trend of every single President who had a NASA in his Administration prior, and not appoint his Vice President to head the agency. Not that Joe Biden would have been good at the job mind you, but it shows that the Bamster had something else in mind. Something else is indeed what it has turned into.

You can not make this stuff up, it’s truly too bizarre. From the IBD article linked to above:

As odd as this report is, it seems less strange when we consider that just four years ago President Obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden, in Bolden’s words, that “perhaps (his) foremost” priority should be “to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.”

Recently, NASA has done little beyond publishing papers that tow the leftist line. It’s gotten so bad at the former space agency that last week, a group of NASA rocket scientists who were not the politically connected bureaucrats chosen to manage the decline, banded together and told us all that this global warming nonsense was indeed a hoax, and that we shouldn’t take anything said by the Science Director, James Hansen, seriously, should he venture into the field of science. You may think that it really couldn’t go down from there, and you’d be wrong.

This my friends, is what the IBD article pointed me to. Putting aside for just one moment that this recreation of the Communist Manifesto penned by Karl Marx combined with the C.W. Mills Power Elite Theory, and sprinkled with some Thomas Hobbs on the side has not one thing at all to do with space or the exploration of space, one might possess just the slightest amount of curiosity as to the validity of the underlying study that has predicted the end of human existence on our planet within just a few years. Who is the author, Safa Motesharrei, and what exactly are his qualifications to make such an horrific prediction, and then have that prediction taken so seriously by supposedly educated men?

Safa Motesharrei, as it turns out is an electrical engineer, with a masters of some kind in mathematics, and a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland. He wrote this thesis while working for SESYNC, a lefty activist organization predisposed to stop all fracing, the Keystone XL Pipeline, GMO Farming, and every other lunatic left environmental position which has plagued free societies for the past six decades. My bet, they had a lot to do with incandescent light bulbs being declared verboten. I’m not certain here, and I’m only spit balling, but I’d be willing to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the conclusion for the apocalypse prediction might have been drawn prior to any actual research having taken place.

I’m certain that Mr. Motesharrei is a fine engineer and mathematician, but he is decidedly not an economist, or an historian. NASA, by putting their name and reputation behind this crap has managed to lower their stature to the level somewhere decidedly south of cocktail party joke. I wouldn’t blame the Russians one bit if they refused to continue giving our suddenly hitch hiking astronauts rides to the International Space Station. Based on baloney like this, it’s obvious that they’ll not be doing any actual science up there anyhow.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Where is the International Space Station right now?

by 1389AD ( 38 Comments › )
Filed under Space Exploration at March 5th, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Current location and view: What the astronauts see right now


When the ISS is over a populated area, click “Snapshot” for a satellite view/map of that area. According to the FAQ, this is not a real-time view; it’s Google Maps. Click here to view the ISS live-streaming webcam.

As an aside…

The Hesperado asks why Google Maps shows so little detail of cities in the Muslim world. Good question.

Dr. Chris Kraft on the decline of NASA

by Phantom Ace ( 231 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Republican Party at September 4th, 2013 - 4:05 pm

NASA was once the pride of the US. We were the leaders in space exploration and reached the moon 44 years ago. Sadly, America has turned its back on space exploration. Starting with Bill Clinton who gutted NASA for the peace dividend, Bush who was only interested in Islamic nation building and culminating in Obama’s turning NASA into some feel good outreach to Islam, both parties have turned their back on Space exploration.

Dr. Chris Kraft was one of the NASA original flight director laments the state of the once great Space program. He laments the lack of leadership and vision of the once great space agency.

The Houston Chronicle recently spent some time with NASA legend Dr. Chris Kraft, and the man who oversaw NASA’s first steps into space didn’t have many complimentary things to say about the things NASA has done lately—or the things it has on the drawing board.

Kraft, who will be 90 next February, is directly responsible for the initial shape and structure of NASA’s flight controller hierarchy, and he sat at the flight director’s console for all of Project Mercury. In 1982, he formally retired from his position as director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, but he has never been shy to speak his mind about manned space flight. Among the topics drawing fire in the Chronicle interview are NASA’s asteroid landing plans, the upcoming Space Launch System heavy-lift rocket, and the eventual goal of landing on Mars.

he Space Launch System, or SLS, is currently one of NASA’s main priorities. It’s been derisively referred to as the “Senate Launch System” in a lot of places, because it’s being designed and built in a very distributed manner, with work being spread across many different contractors in many different states. “The problem with the SLS is that it’s so big—that makes it very expensive,” Kraft explained. “When they actually start to develop it, the budget is going to go haywire. They’re going to have all kinds of technical and development issues crop up, which will drive the development costs up… So what you’ve got is a beast of a rocket that would give you all of this capability, which you can’t build because you don’t have the money to build it in the first place, and you can’t operate it if you had it.”

Kraft is derisive of new heavy lift capability, stating that instead of focusing on the ability to lift cargo 120 tons at a time—one of SLS’ primary goals—NASA should use existing launch vehicles with lower payload capacities and lower operational costs, like Atlas, Delta, and the European Ariane. “We’ve got those smarts, we’ve learned that, we have that institutional knowledge, and yet we’re ignoring it,” he laments. “It’s a tragedy. It really is.”

This is a national disgrace and I blame both parties for what has occurred. The Democrats are only interested in expanding the welfare state to create more serfs. The Republicans have been hijacked by Nation Builders who want unlimited war or reactionaries that hate any new ideas or innovations. Our scrapping of NASA will go down as the biggest blunder since China scrapped its one mighty fleet in the 1430’s.