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Posts Tagged ‘Pigford’

May 1, 2013: Everybody Blog About Pigford Day

by 1389AD ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Business, Democratic Party, Headlines at May 1st, 2013 - 5:34 pm

Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford story, part 1

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

Andrew Breitbart discusses the Pigford story, its complications, and upcoming developments that will turn it into a blockbuster story of fraud and conspiracy.

Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford story, part 2

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

Breitbart on Pigford at CPAC

Uploaded on Feb 10, 2011 by j1234542

At CPAC 2011, Andrew Breitbart talks to Justin Elliott of Salon.com about Pigford and Egypt.

Eddie Slaughter explains how the Pigford settlements perpetuate fraud on the US taxpayer

Uploaded on Feb 10, 2011 by pjtvtexas

Farmer Eddie Slaughter spoke at CPAC in Washington DC on Feb 10, and explained how as a black farmer, the USDA discriminated against him and other farmers, and how the Pigford settlement that was originally supposed to restore his lost land has ended up perpetuating his persecution while defraud the US taxpayers to the tune of more than $1 billion so far.

CPAC 2011: Andrew Breitbart Talks Pigford In The Bloggers Lounge

Uploaded on Feb 13, 2011 by NDblogvideo

Andrew Breitbart visited the bloggers lounge after his 9:00a.m. CPAC speech, Saturday, Feb 12, 2011. He had meant to touch on the Pigford fraud a lot more in his speech, but instead, had gone off on another tangent. He made up for it in the bloggers lounge, spending about a half an hour just talking about the fraudulent Pigford settlement.

Breitbart.com wants you to get involved:

By Lee Stranahan

In the spirit of citizen journalism overriding mainstream media filters, Wednesday, May 1 will be “Everybody Blog About #Pigford” Day. All journalists, bloggers, and inspired writers are invited to contribute their thoughts about the Pigford scandal–one of Andrew Breitbart’s most important and passionate journalistic causes.

Whether through an official platform, or social media, you can make your voice heard–and now is the time to do it. After years of media denial, the Pigford story was featured on the front page of the New York Times last Friday. But many mainstream media outlets, and politicians of both parties, still refuse to acknowledge it.

Now you can help make a difference and make sure they can’t ignore it by joining other bloggers, writers and artists in making sure the story gets out there.

Whatever you may think of the Times, Sharon LaFraniere’s story is a huge breakthrough because it vindicates all the work of Andrew and the Breitbart News team, confirming the major conclusions we reached and adding new details.

The New York Times sets the agenda for much of the mainstream media, and it’s already had an effect, but we need your help to keep the momentum going.

Here’s What You Can Do

May 1st is a crucial date because corrupt farmers’ settlements for women and Hispanic farmers are STILL open –the claims form is at FarmerClaims.gov–but the deadline for these schemes is May 1st.

Right now: start to get educated on Pigford. There’s a ton of material on Breitbart.com and other places. Google and you’ll see.

If you have a blog, pick any topic related to the farmers’ settlements and write about it. It doesn’t need to be a long post, and pictures or video are great.

If you don’t have a blog, it’s a great time to start at a free service like Blogger, WordPress.com or Tumblr but you can also use social media like Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to use the #Pigford hashtag.

This is a big topic. A huge amount of new research can be done. Here are a few ideas:

■ Very little has been written about the Native American farmers’ settlement, called Keepseagle.
■ If you speak Spanish, write about how the Spanish language press has been covering the USDA settlement known as Garcia for Hispanic/Latino farmers.
■ Do you know someone who may have actually received a $50,000 check fraudulently who will talk about it?
■ Are you a farmer or know about agriculture and have some specialized knowledge to contribute?
■ Do you have a local angle on the story?
■ It’s also a great time for action–contact your Representative or Senator. Send encouragement to Pigford- exposing politicians like Rep. Steve King (R-IA) or Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Consider contacting members of Congress on the Agriculture committees (House and Senate) and the Judiciary committees (House and Senate).
■ Some of the people most damaged by this were the legitimate black farmers who suffered discrimination in the 1980s; reach out and tell their story.

Again, a quick search here on Breitbart News will also give you a world of information to get started.

Your contribution matters, big or small. Add your voice and help create a flood of information that the world can’t ignore.

Let’s make May 1st a memorable May Day for everyone who hates fraud, waste and corruption in government.

Pigford Heats Up!

by Flyovercountry ( 161 Comments › )
Filed under Crime at February 17th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

Well, the stove has gone from merely being turned on to a full out simmer now. We have a law suit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Andrew Breitbart, which I bet will last up until the discovery process and Sherrod’s deposition. The first two videos are Michelle Bachman (R) Minnesota, and Steve King (R) Iowa. They discuss various aspects of the case. The third video is Eddie Slaughter, a farmer from Georgia who got royally screwed in the whole deal. What’s new in this so far from him? Listen to his explanation. He received compensation for his wrong in Pigford I. Then he was served with a lien through the Social Security Administration to repay his settlement. He received funds through Pigford II, but then he was hit with another lien and watched as money was dispersed to about 94,000 people who never farmed at all. A huge percentage of those non farmers were from Chicago’s inner city, where there are no farms. Who is from Chicago again? It’s probably not important. Any way, these three videos come from Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com.

Steven King implicates Vilsac and Holder in this round. They stop short of calling the President an outright crook, but we heard implication of the President in an earlier video already. It is beginning to look very suspiciously like the Sherrod firing was to distance a lot of crooked people from the Pigford stench, and that Sherrod was a patsy set for the fall and buck stoppage. Strange that her lawsuit is leveled against Breitbart alone and does not include the people who actually fired her. The lawsuit is designed to shut Breitbart up, and is the tool of thugs from Chicago who are used to playing this kind of game. It will never see a court, nor so much as a plaintiff’s deposition. For your viewing pleasure, and historical perspective, Keith Olberman’s take on the Sherrod firing as documented by Glenn Beck.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.