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Posts Tagged ‘Ronald Reagan’

Ronald Reagan: the Statesman Who Knew How to Make Choices

by Mojambo ( 167 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Republican Party at August 2nd, 2011 - 8:30 am

Now that the Left  has co-opted Ronald Reagan (after Reagan is safely in his grave), it is time to look back at how our 40th president, handled budget negotiations.  Reagan was practical, knew when to hold firm and when to back  off a bit. Reagan was definitely (unlike the candidates who followed him) a conservative but he concentrated on economics and defense and getting things actually done. In politics as  as in life, sometimes you have to make choices which does not always get you everything that you want.

by Rich Lowry

Ronald Reagan, God rest his soul, has been dead for seven years. This is long enough for liberals to feel safe making him their pet Republican.

In their telling, Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times, passed tax increases, negotiated with the Soviets, and then pretty much called it a day, adjourning to share a friendly after-hours drink with his bosom buddy, Democratic House Speaker Tip O’Neill. These heterodoxies would get him ostracized in today’s Republican party, proving that the GOP has been hijacked by dangerous extremists.

Needless to say, that’s what they called Reagan and his supporters back when the Gipper was alive and governing. Beyond their obvious opportunism, though, the newly minted Reagan nostalgics of the Left have a point: Reagan didn’t get everything he wanted, and he had to compromise. This isn’t a telling polemical point so much as a banality, a truism about any leader in a robust democratic society.

Reagan inevitably had to make choices. Confronting a Democratic House, he could cut taxes and fund a defense build-up, or try to balance the budget. He had the right priorities; the economic growth he fostered and victory in the Cold War made the budget surpluses of the 1990s possible.

As for raising taxes, Reagan acceded to a big tax increase in 1982 only after a historic, much larger cut in 1981. He gave a little back after finding a shift in the political climate on Capitol Hill too difficult to resist. (He later regretted surrendering, since the budget cuts promised in exchange for the tax hike never materialized.) With the Soviets, he negotiated only when he knew he had a position of strength. These moves were the zigs and the zags of Reagan pursuing his highest goals of fundamentally lower taxes, a freer economy, and the defeat of the Soviet Union.


Both sides, then, tend to misunderstand the well-springs of Reagan’s achievement. Having grand goals is easy, if you don’t care much about reaching them. Cutting deals is easy, if you don’t care much about where they take you. Knowing how to accommodate reality, when to give way and when to stand firm, while never deviating from your ultimate purposes, is the stuff of statesmanship.

When such statesmanship is in the service of transformative and noble ends, it deserves honor for all time. It is what defines a Reagan or a Lincoln. The Great Emancipator’s later career was partly devoted to the perilous work of slowly pushing the envelope of public opinion toward the abolition of slavery. The abolitionists hated his compromises and caution. He, in turn, hated their self-righteous purity. But both the abolitionist agitation and the shrewd political leadership were indispensable to changes unimaginable on the cusp of the Civil War. Lincoln called radicals in his party “the unhandiest devils in the world to deal with — but after all their faces are set Zionward.”

The tea partiers in Congress will have to make their own bows to statesmanship. If David Gergen is ever on CNN praising them for their supposed responsibility, they might as well not have come to Washington in the first place. They should never become house-broken. On the other hand, they can’t let tactics become destructive to their ends, or oppose anything that doesn’t meet a test of absolute purity.


Read the rest: Reagan the statesman

Youth vote swinging to the GOP

by Phantom Ace ( 122 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2009, Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Progressives, Republican Party at July 28th, 2011 - 8:30 am

In 2008, young voters voted overwhelming for Barack Hussein Obama. There was talk of a permanent Progressive majority and that the GOP was called the Grey Old Party. Well times have changed!

For the first time since the Reagan era, the GOP now leads among young voters. What has caused this change? For starters it’s Obama’s terrible economic policies. His State Capitalist model has failed, as many of us knew it would. Another factor is the GOP’s new found emphasis on economic and fiscal matters. Young voters want a better economic future and a chance to make money. They see that there’s a chance they will never have the lifestyle of their parents. This has made them sour on Progressive economics.

Millennials voted 66 to 32 percent for Barack Obama in 2008 and identified as Democrats rather than Republicans by a 60 to 32 percent margin.

But white Millennials have been moving away from the Democrats. The Democratic edge in party identification among white Millennials dropped from 7 points in 2008 to 3 points in 2009 to a 1-point Republican edge in 2010 and an 11-point Republican lead in 2011.

It’s not hard to come up with plausible reasons for these changes. Obama campaigned as the champion of “hope and change” in 2008 and assured crowds of young people that “We are the change we are seeking.”

But the change they have seen is anything but hopeful. Youth unemployment rates have been at historic highs. Young people have seen their college degrees produce little in the way of job offers.

In the wake of the 2008 election, I argued that there was a tension between the way Millennials lived their lives — creating their own iPod playlists, designing their own Facebook pages — and the one-size-fits-all, industrial-era welfare-state policies of the Obama Democrats.

Instead of allowing Millennials space in which they can choose their own futures, the Obama Democrats’ policies have produced a low-growth economy in which their alternatives are limited and they are forced to make do with what they can scrounge.

Read the Rest: Under Obama, Millennials move into the GOP column

Ronald Reagan won over young voters in the 80’s with an optimistic message of economic growth and a bright future. The post-Reagan GOP forgot this and spent their time talking about how bad American society had become, a bleak future and giving moral lectures. Now that the GOP has found it’s economic focus, it’s attracting young people back. This was a concept Reagan grasped back in the 1980’s.

Whether its the 1980’s or the 2010’s, young voters want an optimistic vision of the future. They want to hear about a better tomorrow and opportunities to advance in life. In a turn of events it’s the Democrats who are now negative about America, like the GOP was in the 90’s and 2000’s. Obama’s demagoguery is turning off many younger voters who can’t stand negativity. He comes across as a crank who’s miserable.

Hopefully Republicans can cement this hold by continuing to address economic concerns and pursue an agenda of economic opportunity.

Tonight at 8pm eastern time, Urban Infidel will have Robert Spencer as her guest on The Urban Infidel Show! Come join us!

Included In The List Of Politicians Claiming The Mantle Of Reagan Is……. Barack Obama?

by Flyovercountry ( 77 Comments › )
Filed under Cult of Obama, Elections 2012, Politics, Progressives, Uncategorized at July 22nd, 2011 - 11:30 am

One of the most sickening memes to be pimped to us from the, (and yes, I’m borrowing a catchy phrase from doriangrey,) treasonous fifth column media is that Barack Obama is Reaganesque in the performance of his duties as President. Those of you with an adult memory will remember Ronald Reagan as the man who simplified the tax code by eliminating huge sections of it. He lowered marginal tax rates to their lowest levels in any era, (the top marginal rate was 28%.) He flattened out the pyramid, and he eliminated a vast array of shelters and credits in order to insure that the so called rich were not able to escape their fair share. At the same time, he projected American strength by beefing up the military and vastly increasing its budget, not just from a conventional standpoint, but also by going full bore into the SDI missile defensive shields. This system, which is a thorn in the sides of the Socialists since its inception is the world’s only true defensive weapons system, as it is designed not to harm anybody, but simply to shoot down incoming missiles aimed at us. Just to make another quick point, how anyone calling themselves an advocate for peace would be able to oppose this system is beyond astounding. Ronald Reagan had inherited a far worse economy from Jimmy Carter, and by deregulation, lowering tax rates, and defunding large swaths of the federal bureaucracy, he was able to show vast improvements in the economy by this point in his Presidency. Barack Obama is increasing government regulation, adding new taxes at an astounding rate, and indeed creating new government bureaucracies by executive fiat. He is in effect the anti-Reagan. Indeed, it takes an incredible amount of dishonesty to draw this comparison in a serious manner. So, naturally when we need that level of dishonesty, I give you MSNBC.

Fortunately, during that same show, Chris Matthews made the mistake of having someone with an adult memory, Michael Steele, on as a guest. The result was one that I probably would have had, outright laughter. My favorite part? Well that would be Matthews and his other guest, Joan Walsh, are actually feigning hurt feelings at the concept of being laughed at for making this comparison.

The bottom line is this, if you do not wish to be laughed at, do not say stupid things. Equating Barack Obama to Ronald Reagan qualifies under this rule.  I understand the why, President Obama’s performance of the job he successfully campaigned for in 2008 has not been stellar, to say the least.  Even his most ardent supporters are beginning to show frustration with his performance to date.  The only thing left for them is to try to equate him with someone who was actually good at the job.  That is why it is somewhat amusing to me to witness the same people who viciously maligned Reagan, called him stupid, derided his policies, now attempting to co-opt his legacy for their man.

Special note:  The post I put up two days ago was not advocating for tax increases as a means to closing the budget deficit.  In fact, I argued the opposite.  For whatever reason, some folks assumed that I had taken the opposite view, and was for the so called balanced approach.  As someone who has an understanding of the Laffer Curve, I can assure you that I fully understand that Tax Rate Cuts lead to increased revenues.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Obama Boom: Obama’s Morning again in America Strategy

by Phantom Ace ( 56 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Misery Index, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, unemployment at June 29th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Progressives who despised Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s now suddenly admire him. In fact, they compare their political messiah Barack Hussein Obama to Reagan. Like Reagan, they claim Obama was elected in a realignment election. They compare the Bush years to the Carter years. Progressives say like Regan, Obama inherited a weak economy and demoralized nation. The 2010 mid term elections are compared to the 1982 elections. The Left even goes so far as to compare the killing of Bin Laden to Reagan’s invasion of Granada.

Where Obamabots really go off the rails is in comparing the economic recoveries. They said like Reagan, Obama policies are setting off a boom. They confidently predict that by November 2012, the public will reward Obama with a landslide! It seems this belief in prominent in the White House itself. In fact taking a  page from Reagan 1984’s campaign, the Obama Regime plans to run on a  morning in America theme.

Is it morning in America? Or is now a time for blood, sweat, toil and tears? As the United States warms up for the presidential elections, the choice between those two narratives will be the most important decision each party makes and may determine who wins in 2012.

Both are ways of talking about the economy — the issue that polls show overwhelmingly preoccupies U.S. voters. The morning-in-America storyline is that the financial crisis is over, the economy is healing and the country’s innate powers of renewal, reinvention and innovation are already asserting themselves. The blood, sweat, toil and tears view is that the U.S. economy is still sick and that it will take a significant, arduous and collective effort to nurse it back to health.

For now, the White House is committed to morning in America.


Robert Wolf, chairman of UBS Americas, and one of Mr. Obama’s earliest supporters on Wall Street, agreed, and accused the news media of painting an overly bleak picture of the economy: “Since I sat here a year ago, we have two million jobs that have been created,” he said. “Exports have gone up by 10 percent and technology is booming, agriculture is booming. But when you look at the TV you hear what we are not doing well. I believe we have built a foundation and are on the right path.”

Read the rest: America’s economy: glass half full?

So it’s the fault of TV shows that Americans don’t feel the Obama Boom? If the economy was undergoing a Reagan style recovery, people would be feeling it. Normally, it would be suicide for any President to run on a morning again in America theme in this anemic economy. Obama has the luxury of a complaint press that keeps making excuses for the under performing economy. Any little good news is trumpeted as a sign that the boom has begun.

Here is a chart showing the reality of the Reagan recover vs. the Obama Boom.

Barack Hussein Obama is not Ronald Reagan. This anemic recovery is not the Reagan recovery of the early 80’s. If the Obama Regime runs on “morning again in America“, reality will hit them come November 2012.

Update: Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg is warning the Obama Regime not to push the Obama Boom theme.

But behind the scenes, there is a fierce debate in Democratic circles about just how much Obama should also be focused on explaining the recent past. As it now stands, the President’s stump speech features a backward-looking message at its core. Obama trumpets “more than 2 million jobs in the private sector” that have been created in the last 15 months. At a recent speech in Ohio he dismissed May’s bad jobs numbers as “bumps on the road to recovery.” In Greenberg’s estimation, this is an error on par with President Obama’s midterm election pitch, which described the nation as a car that had just gotten out of a ditch that Republicans drove into in the first place. The metaphor didn’t work, Greenberg explained in a recent memo, because “people thought they were still in the ditch.”

Those close to Obama say Greenberg is drawing the wrong conclusions. “Nobody is hanging a mission accomplished sign on the economy,” shoots back David Axelrod, the President’s top message adviser who is now working on the reelection campaign.

I’m glad the Obama campaign is dismissing Greenberg’s warning. It will make it that much easier for our side to attack Obama. The Obama Boom is a myth and most Americans know it.