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Posts Tagged ‘stalking’

On Stealth & Stalking

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 32 Comments › )
Filed under College Football, Crime, OOT, Open thread, Politics, Sports at November 27th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

This post is not so much about Stealth as it is about stalking (and not Charles Johnson’s definition).

One of the amazing things about the internest (and social media in particular) is how so many people and things are interrelated – the whole 6 degrees of separation business. Lately I’ve found significantly fewer degrees.

While catching up on a bizarre twisted saga via Twitter (that Stacy McCain and others have been covering extensively) I found a reference to a group of internet warriors called “Rustle League.” They are apparently affiliated with the more well-known cybergroup Anonymous.

I’m not a fan of Anonymous (especially not the Barrett Brown Crypto-Anarchist faction that wants to mess with international affairs and destroy global economics) but occasionally the group does some good.

I came upon a recent story today about a 15 year old girl, bullied online and in real life, had given up hope and threatened to off herself on Twitter. Trolls showed up, but eventually Rustle League and Anonymous got word about it, too. They apparently prevented a distraught girl from killing herself by stalking her stalking trolls and kicking ass.

Other news outlets reported it, and they referenced The Daily Dot. Full story with Twittercaps here.

Oh yeah, about those degrees of separation.
1. I saw a Tweet from a guy I spoke with on the phone a few days ago.
2. It referenced a podcast that named Rustle League.
3. A Google search for RL led me to the Daily Dot story written by an online friend. Politically we hate each other, but we get along otherwise.

H/T to raincoaster (POUTINE!) on The Overnight Open Thread.

Trolling vs. Stalking – A First Hand Account

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Bigotry, Hate Speech, Religion, Technology at September 30th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

There is a vast difference between mockery and stalking. Trolls are usually just obnoxious people on the internest who can be ignored or blocked, whether it’s on a blog, FaceBook, Twitter, or just about anywhere that there’s an open forum. There are people out there who get off by getting others upset, and most are harmless jerks who may be dispatched with a simple click of the mouse.

Then there are some deranged individuals who are willing to take it a step further. The following story will creep you right out.

In my blog of 12th August entitled ‘Walking, Not Running’ I talked about my time on Twitter and my basic reasons for leaving. I stand over a lot of what I said. The atmosphere there has changed and there have been negative stories in the media about trolling, etc, for months now. The brand has been damaged and Twitter needs to act fairly swiftly to repair it. At the time of writing that blog, for reasons that will become obvious, I was very sketchy about my own personal experience.


It started in July 2009. I’d been on Twitter for over 2 years at that point having joined in May 2007, and I’d never had a problem. My account was followed by a fairly innocuous looking one which I followed back and within 10 minutes I had received a Direct Message (DM) calling me a ‘Dirty f*cking Jewish scumbag‘. I blocked the account and reported it as spam. The following week it happened again in an identical manner. A new follower, I followed back, received a string of abusive DM’s, blocked and reported for spam. Two or three times a week. Sometimes two or three times a day. An almost daily cycle of blocking and reporting and intense verbal abuse. So I made my account private and the problem went away for a short while. There were no problems on Twitter but my Facebook account was hacked, my blog was spammed and my email address was flooded with foulmouthed and disgusting comments & images. Images of corpses and concentration camps and dismembered bodies.

Again, it eased off for a couple of weeks. I relaxed. Thought they’d finally tired of failing to get a reaction from me.

Boy, was I wrong.

Read the full story. The resolution did not involve violence, incarceration or lawsuits, and was handled exceptionally well, especially given the circumstances. Many, including myself, would not have handled it the same way.

h/t RSM via twitter

Who is stalking the stalker?

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 106 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Diary of Daedalus, Evolution, Humor, Open thread, Satire, Weather at March 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Pretty sure that’s one of The Boiler Room Crew‘s webminers in the white lab coat surreptitiously stealing somebody’s strawberries and screen shots.

Or maybe it’s just one more example of a liberal polar bear drowning in the freezing water due to Global Bullshit while a typical fat cat conservative polar seal lion refuses to help him keep his head above water.

Anyway you look at it, it’s nature in action on The Overnight Open Thread.