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Posts Tagged ‘tech tips’

Always Use A Secure Proxy If You Must Visit MoveOn.org

by 1389AD ( 49 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Open thread, Polls, Unions at March 11th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

The hard-left MoveOn.org site, funded by the infamous George Soros, will stealthily collect and misuse your IP address. In this instance, the site is falsely using your IP address to inflate a signature count on behalf of their efforts to shill for the public employee unions. What else MoveOn.org may be doing, or planning to do, with your IP address and your computer, is anybody’s guess.

If you want to visit MoveOn.org in order to keep tabs on what our enemies are up to, be sure to go through a secure proxy service, as Velvethammer did here:

MoveOn.org Systematically & Fraudulently Skewing Anti-Walker ‘Call to Action’ Support Results [Screenshot]

(h/t: AvidEditor)

Thanks to AMORC11 of ‘Another Day at the Foundry’ there is solid proof that MoveOn.org is capturing IP’s, an underhanded dirty trick to fraudulently gather signatures of support for their “50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream”.

MoveOn.org viewed without a secure proxy

Here is a screenshot I took after having accessed the same page going in through http://anonymouse.org. As you can see, since my IP address was hidden I was not forced into signing their letter without my consent.


MoveOn.org viewed using a secure proxy

The text of the letter “50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream” MoveOn.org is tricking people into signing.

In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response and vital human services. The right to organize is on the chopping block. The American Dream is slipping out of reach for more and more Americans, and we have to fight back.

Can you add your endorsement to the call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at 12 Noon to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin? We must demand an end to the attacks on workers’ rights and public services across the country. Demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.
You can add your name and endorse the call for emergency rallies by following this link:



As we have learned in light of the union protest in Wisconsin, public employee and their unions have the power to bring government to its knees. And their comrades at MoveOn.org are perfectly willing to stoop to any level to come to their aid. Whatever it takes, the ends [will] always justify their means.

MoveOn.org is as anti-American as it gets. So it should come as no shock that they and Obama are thick as thieves

Read the rest.

BlogRolling Shutdown November 1, 2010

by 1389AD ( 16 Comments › )
Filed under Links, Open thread, Technology at October 17th, 2010 - 11:00 am

BlogRolling logo

Are you acquainted with any bloggers who still use BlogRolling to host their link lists?

If so, please pass this information along to them.

BlogRolling Will Cease Operation November 1st, 2010

From their site:

BlogRolling will be shutting down November 1st, 2010.

If you are not using BlogRolling code on your site anymore, you don’t need to do anything.

If you are using BlogRolling code on your site, you’ll want to follow these simple steps before the end of this month.

Get Your Links

If you want a list of the links in your BlogRoll, you have two options

1. Sign in to your BlogRolling account to cut and paste links out of your control panel.

2.Go to a page on your site that contains your blogroll and click on each link in your blogroll and copy down or bookmark the links you end up on.

Sorry, there is no “export” option in BlogRolling.

Clean Your Code

1. Remove the blogrolling JavaScript code from your site.

2. Not sure where the code is? “View Source” on your pages and search for “blogrolling” in the code.

Thanks for your support and patronage these many years! Happy blogging!

Note: 1389AD has already migrated 1389 Blog‘s blogrolls from BlogRolling.com to the built-in WordPress widgets. That involved manually copying and pasting roughly a thousand links. To my knowledge, at this time there is no available WordPress script plugin that would substitute for BlogRolling. It would be convenient to have an automatic mechanism to let other people display copies of one’s own blogrolls, but that feature apparently does not exist at this time.