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Posts Tagged ‘The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’

ISIS releases moms’ guidebook to raising ‘jihadi babies’

by 1389AD ( 65 Comments › )
Filed under Iraq, Jihad, Syria at January 1st, 2015 - 9:00 pm

RT has the story…

The Islamic State has released a guidebook for young mothers with “helpful tips” on how to raise a Mujahid Child, outlining techniques they believe will develop the body and jihadi spirit of the new generation of extremist fighters.

Entitled Sister’s Role in Jihad, the latest propaganda move by the extremist organization tries to convince their loyal followers that the “most important” role women can play in Jihad is to raise their kids “not only in spirit”, but also to develop their physical ability and training.

The key to success, IS argues lies in introducing these values in them while they are babies. “Don’t wait until they are seven to start, for it may be too late by then!,” the handbook that recently surfaced online states.

It encourages the jihadi mothers to tell bedtime stories about extremist fighters, while completely banning TV, which the guide says results in “mental and physical loss.” The only thing it allows, is the use of multimedia that will strengthen their “jihadi spirit.”

In order to get children “interested in jihad” and encourage them to “become like Mujahideen” the handbook suggests “getting military books (preferably with pictures) and other similar books, CDs, videos, and by visiting web sites along with your children, and utilizing other internet resources.”

In addition, the handbook advises mothers to make “a makeshift enemy” or a punching bag for building the child’s strength and to “control and direct their anger.”

In terms of physical training, IS encourages mothers to introduce their young ones to “target-shooting”,through toy guns and toy military sets. The Islamic State argues that darts, for instance, develops a good hand-eye coordination. Adding military games, the guidebook says, should increase the toddler’s interest in military matters and will allow practice time of mothers in front of their kids using their toys.

IS also believes that complete child soldiers should also be able to perform martial arts, be capable swimmers, drivers and horse-back riders with refined archery skills. Ability to navigate oneself in an unfamiliar environment is also expected, with camping encouraged.

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ISIS pancakes are waaaaay too salty…

RT: Pancakes for jihadists: ISIS shares new online cooking tips

ISIS is presenting the campaign as an institute for women, designed to “prepare sisters for the battlefields for jihad” and to support Islamic State fighters, Vocativ cited the group’s mission statement as saying.

The latest update from Al-Zawra published a step-by-step method of preparing jihadist-style pancakes. The precise instructions are accompanied by pictures.

The ingredients include: one egg, four tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of oil, 4 teaspoons of salt, one cup of milk, and one cup of flour.

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Addendum, for non-jihadi pancakes:

Why use so much sugar in the batter when you’re going to pour honey or maple syrup on the finished pancakes? The sugar could be omitted entirely. A better recipe would use only a pinch of salt to one cup of flour. For fluffier and more flavorful pancakes, use cultured buttermilk with a small pinch of baking soda in place of ordinary milk. Whip the batter with a whisk, pour it onto a hot oiled pan or griddle, flip it over, and you’re good to go.

The lies behind bombing ISIS

by Phantom Ace ( 101 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, Fascism, Hezballah, Iran, Iraq, Islamists, Progressives, Republican Party, Syria at October 1st, 2014 - 2:00 pm

The Progressive and Decepti-Con (alleged conservatives) media are all cheering the fallen god-king’s illegal bombing of ISIS in Syria. Obama has not asked for authorization of force and ISIS was not a threat to the US. The Jihadist/Saddam Baathist hybrid organization was only a threat to one nation Iran. Up until the Syrian revolution and the rise of ISIS, Iran through its puppet in Iraq which was installed by the US, Assad’s Syria and Hezbollah occupied Lebanon formed was called the Shiite crescent. ISIS shattered this crescent and has the Ayatollahs in Tehran quaking in their boots. In battles ranging from the Lebanese border, to eastern Syria and the gate of Baghdad, ISIS has defeated Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the Syrian army, Hezbollah and the Shia Iraqi army. No Iranian allied force can stand up to ISIS in battle, but their fortune may change.

In what has to be the stupidest military act since we bombed Serbia, the United States is now bombing the one military force standing in the way of Iranian Shiite hegemony of the Middle East. Even worse, we have coordinated with Iran these bombings to help their proxies on the ground in Iraq and Syria.

The U.S. told Iran of its plans to strike ISIS militants inside Syria in order to reassure them that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would not be targetted, a senior Iranian official has claimed.

The communication, confirmed in part by a senior U.S. State Department official, appears to signal a cooling in hostilities between the U.S. and Iran for the first time since a 1979 hostage crisis prompted Washington to sever ties with Tehran.

Iran is said to have voiced concerns for the safety of Assad, who remains the Shia Islam-dominated nation’s closest regional ally and the recipient of Iranian military support during a Syrian Civil War.


The Iranian official said Iran was informed separately in advance of the airstrikes launched by Washington and Arab allies against Islamic State positions in Syria for the first time.

That’s right, the US is giving Iran a heads up on our bombings of ISIS. Our attacks have been ineffective since the Iraqi Bathist element of  ISIS have experience fighting the US since at least the gulf war. We are just hitting empty building and grain silos, but we are doing this to help Iran.
If this is bad enough, it turns out what many Lebanese Maronites have claimed through the years is true, the US backs Hezbollah. The US tipped off Hezbollah over ISIS plots to bomb their positions in Lebanon.

BEIRUT, Lebanon — They are sworn enemies who insist they will never work together, but in practice, Hezbollah and the United States are already working — separately — on a common goal: to stop the extremist Islamic State from moving into Lebanon, where Hezbollah is the most powerful military and political player and currently shares with Washington an interest in stability.

Weeks after Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group and political party, helped repel an Islamic State attack on the town of Arsal on the Syrian border, new American weapons are flowing to help the Lebanese Army — which coordinates with Hezbollah — to secure the frontier. American intelligence shared with the army, according to Lebanese experts on Hezbollah, has helped the organization stop suicide attacks on its domain in southern Beirut.

If you think this was bad, well it gets worse. The Obama Regime, Progressive media and the Decepti-Con media all claimed that there was some terror group called Khorosan ready to strike at America. This was a total lie and the presence of some al-Qaeda operatives with Nusra Front, was an excuse to bomb another enemy of Iran. Even better, the group does not exist!

Hence, Obama gives us the Khorosan Group.The who?

There is a reason that no one had heard of such a group until a nanosecond ago, when the “Khorosan Group” suddenly went from anonymity to the “imminent threat” that became the rationale for an emergency air war there was supposedly no time to ask Congress to authorize.

You haven’t heard of the Khorosan Group because there isn’t one. It is a name the administration came up with, calculating that Khorosan — the Iranian–​Afghan border region — had sufficient connection to jihadist lore that no one would call the president on it.

The “Khorosan Group” is al-Qaeda. It is simply a faction within the global terror network’s Syrian franchise, “Jabhat al-Nusra.” Its leader, Mushin al-Fadhli (believed to have been killed in this week’s U.S.-led air strikes), was an intimate of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the emir of al-Qaeda who dispatched him to the jihad in Syria. Except that if you listen to administration officials long enough, you come away thinking that Zawahiri is not really al-Qaeda, either. Instead, he’s something the administration is at pains to call “core al-Qaeda.”

Once again, the evil 2 party plutocracy has committed the blood and treasure of America to commit a stretgic mistake. All this is being done to distract Americans, while the 2 parasite parties keep feeding the Militray Industrial complex. The only people we should be assisting against ISIS are the Kurds and Assyrian Christians. It is in our interest for ISIS and Iran to keep fighting. But, the 2 headed demon that runs America is being a sucker for the Ayatollahs in Iran.

One if the greatest Republican Presidents, warned about what we are seeing today.
Other than Rand Paul who is one of the last true Republicans that Ike would recognize as one of his own, is there anyone else calling BS on this fake war on ISIS to help Iran and the Military Industrial Complex? Make no mistake, both Democrat and Republican parties hate constitutional America and seek to establish a Fascist Totalitarian police state. They just disagree on what kind Fascist police state America will have and who will benefit from it. Notice neither party ever presents ideas that will benefit all Americans? All they do is come up with plans that benefit their favorite groups and then they pit Americans against each other. Our founding fathers never envisioned what is going on today.
You are being lied to and deceived about what is really going on.

Want To Know What Causes Islamophobia? Islam Causes Islamophobia!

by Flyovercountry ( 142 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Fascism, Islam, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance at September 5th, 2014 - 10:00 am

As a public service announcement, and because I haven’t done it in a year, I’d just like to remind everyone that when you see this bumper sticker on an automobile,

Get your camera out and contemplate asking the vehicle’s driver for an autograph. You’re in the presence of museum grade stupidity.

Now, on to my point.

Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.

While the Muslims who make up ISIS establish their Islamic Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, further promising to fly their flag one day on the top of the White House Flag Pole, we have debates about whether or not we should be doing something as egregiously bigoted as linking Islam to the acts of terror performed by Muslims establishing an Islamic Caliphate. As Yazidi Christians are slaughtered whole sale, heads placed on pikes for that extra special home decor touch that no Islamic home is complete without, our national leaders promise to prosecute the guilty to the fullest extent of the same law that meant so much to them in the first place, that they felt emboldened to the point of openly placing heads on pikes. I do not think words can describe the depth of naivete it takes to treat our ongoing war with Islamic Supremacists as though it were an ongoing law enforcement effort. They are not impressed with the horde of prosecuting attorneys and FBI criminologists that have teemed their shores and taken up the task of gathering evidence for acts that they’ve openly bragged about on youtube videos.

As I’ve said repeatedly, six of the seven groups above are perfectly capable, and indeed compassionately willing to, “COEXIST,” with one another. The first group on that iconic display of weapons grade idiocy however is not. In fact, they have a religious belief, practiced with a fevered pedantic bloodlust, that they are bound by a duty to their deity to convert, enslave, or kill the other 6 groups called out on that graphic. The logical gymnastics used to morally equate the picketers standing too close to Abortion Clinics with the savagery of those blowing up school buses filled with seven year old children would be worthy of song, were it not so infuriating. Clearly, we need another Obama speech delivered from Cairo or the Brandenburg Gate in order to combat this evil. Perhaps, if we’re lucky, he’ll be sure to tell us all how much angrier than we are he is, and how he’ll get to the bottom of how such evil has been allowed to flourish, against his express edicts to the contrary, in those places where he’s personally created a power vacuum.

Many of my fellow conservatives have been having a field day in calling out our President for being completely disengaged. I say, be careful what you wish for, it just may come true. Personally, I like my Obama disengaged. I want him playing golf, and personally hope he gets in at least 18 holes each and every one of his days left in office. He’ll do less damage that way. I’d love for example, for the Pentagon to be allowed to establish rules of engagement for our military without the input from the Obama Administration, too busy partying it up like rock stars to get involved with such matters of limited import. I’d love to see an economy be given a chance to flex its own recuperative muscles, unfettered by a President too busy playing Basketball with NBA stars to put his pen and cell phone to work, creating more regulation via executive order.

When he’s not vacationing, Barack Obama says things like this in his speeches.

The world must not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohamed. The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohamed.

Somehow, I haven’t noticed any of the classic signs of that Muslim fist unclenching yet. I see no evidence that the Jihadis around the globe took those well spoken words proclaiming kumbayah my lord as their signal to lay down their well honed intention to kill the rest of us. In fact, things seem to have gotten worse. It’s almost as if they saw how completely inept and weak our Chief Executive was, and decided to accelerate their holy war designed to drench the world in infidel blood. But that couldn’t be, we’re armed to the teeth with COEXIST bumper stickers and clever hash tag campaigns.

I learned two things yesterday that I never, in one Million years would have been able to guess. One, Barack Obama is angrier than I am at the brutal beheading of an American Journalist being posted to youtube by this latest group of misunderstood social workers practicing that variety of Jihad that isn’t an inner struggle to conquer the evil that lives within all of us. Two, he’s going to get to the bottom of it all. Hence the exhaustive investigation to confirm that which we’ve been told via endless youtube videos from those peace loving guys in no way connected to Islam, who do their brutal deeds while shouting Allahu Akhbar.

I saw a video the other day of Bernie Sanders holding a town hall meeting in his home state. A woman in the audience screamed out that Hamas was a social service organization. I’d be willing to bet One Million Dollars that she has a COEXIST bumper sticker on her car.

Cross Posted from Musings of Mad Conservative.

The Islamic State is bleeding Hezbollah

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Headlines, Hezballah, Islam, Islamists, Syria at August 19th, 2014 - 8:31 am

Hezbollah has lowered its fighting age to 16. They are running low on the amount of Lebanese Shia men 18 and that can join their ranks. The Islamic State’s guerrilla war in the Qalamoun Mountains is bleeding Hezbollah.

Lebanon’s militant Shiite Hezbollah organization has begun sending fighters as young as 16 to the battlefields of Syria, an indication that the Shiite army is being stretched between fighting Sunni jihadis in Syria and a desire to keep a cutting edge in reserve for a possible future showdown with Israel.

Until now, Hezbollah had required fighters to be at least 18 years of age. The lowering of the age restriction could indicate that the Iran-backed party is feeling hard pressed as its cadres fight from Aleppo in north Syria to Deraa Province in the south, as well as dispatching advisers and trainers to the new battlegrounds of Iraq.


Hezbollah had spearheaded a campaign between last November and early April to drive rebels from Qalamoun. But the renewed fighting sucked Hezbollah back into the area, and fighting has spilled across the border into Lebanon, where Hezbollah is battling a few thousand determined Syrian and Lebanese Sunni fighters drawn from an array of factions, including IS and Jabhat al-Nusra, Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate.

Hezbollah’s adversaries have put up a stiff fight in the mountains east of the Shiite villages of Nahle and Younine, the Sunni town of Arsal, a bedrock of support for the Syrian rebels, and the Christian village of Ras Baalbek.


Hezbollah generally does not disclose details of its fighting in Syria, but some of the mourners at the funeral provided an account of the battle, offering a rare insight into the intense fighting experienced by the cadres.

The 40-strong Haret Hreik unit was deployed onto a hill east of Nahle after another Hezbollah squad had seized it from Syrian militants. However, the Syrian militants used the rugged terrain to approach the Hezbollah men and launch a counterattack at close range. The Haret Hreik unit belatedly realized that they were ill-prepared. They had deployed with insufficient ammunition and the batteries on their walkie-talkies died so they could not call for back-up. And they didn’t have a single pair of binoculars to look for snipers.

The fighting raged for five hours against a Sunni force estimated at 250 fighters. One of the Hezbollah men, a grizzled veteran of Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war, said it was the most intense combat he had ever experienced.

“They were only 10 meters from us, yelling ‘we are coming to kill you, O Rafideen’,” said the Hezbollah veteran, using a slur for Shiites popular with Sunni jihadis. He requested anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Hezbollah has an into a more ruthless enemy.