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Posts Tagged ‘UN’

More “Success” for the Obama Outreach Program

by Iron Fist ( 225 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Politics, United Nations at November 7th, 2010 - 8:00 pm

As we all konw, one of the principle components of Obama “new tone” foreign policy has been outreach to various of America’s, well you wouldn’t want to call them enemies, would you? That sounds so hostile. “Strategic Competitors” makes it sound more like the Olympics. Isn’t that nice?

So how’s that working out for him? Well, if our joining the U.N. Human Rights Council is any indicator, things are going about as well as Obama “outreach” to the American voter last election:

U.N. Gives Obama a New ‘Shellacking’ — Over Human Rights!
By Anne Bayefsky

Published November 05, 2010
| FoxNews.com

The Obama administration got a new “shellacking” this morning, this one entirely voluntary. In the name of improving America’s image abroad, it sent three top officials from the State Department to Geneva’s U.N. Human Rights Council to be questioned about America’s human rights record by the likes of Cuba, Iran, and North Korea.

This was the first so-called “universal periodic review” of human rights in the U.S. by the Council, which the Obama administration decided to join in 2009.

The move represents a striking departure from prior American foreign policy, which has been to ratify selected human rights treaties after due consideration and submit American policy-makers to recommendations based on well-conceived standards accepted by the United States.

But in the three-hour inquisition which took place this morning, Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor responded with “thanks to very many of the delegations for thoughtful comments and suggestions” shortly after Cuba said the U.S. blockade of Cuba was a “crime of genocide,” Iran “condemned and expressed its deep concern over the situation of human rights” in the United States, and North Korea said it was “concerned by systematic widespread violations committed by the United States at home and abroad.”

Good work, Obama! Cuba, Iran, and North Korea are getting to make their views on America known in a venue that generates a lot of respect in the Third World and among the credentialed elite, if not among the Rubes of Flyover Counrty. How was he expecting it to turn out? Like I always say, I think Obama is a smart man. I think he is getting basically what he expects and wants from things like this. You didn’t have to be a foreign policy expert educated at Harvard to see how this was going to go.

What this basically boiled down to was an oppertunity for our foreign enemies to grandstand for and connect with our domestic enemies. The complaints of places likke Libya, Cuba, and Iran don’t sound too different from those of the Democrat Party. For example, Libya complained about U.S. “racism, racial discrimination and intolerance.” That sounds little different forom the NAACP on any given day of the Bush Administration. If they’d thrown in a gratituous slap at the “Tea Baggers”, they could have passed as a press release from said organization during the last campaign.

Cuba was also ethnic, complaining about offenses to “migrants and mentally ill persons” and saying that we needed to do more to “ensure the right to food and health.” “Human Rights” not civil rights are one of the last refuges of the scoudrel. As if we have people starving or denied health care. I guess I should note that ObamaCare wasn’t far Left enough for Cuba, just as it failed in that regard for much of Obama’s base.

The best, though, is the Islamic Republic of Iran that complained that America needed to “effectively to combat violence against women.” This is a campaign ad for Obama’s current efforts in this regard from that notorious respector of women’s right to wear a chador, and to be stoned to death for adultery. Lovely.

It goes on, of course. In total, fifty-six nations registered their grievances against the Great Satan. This was nothing but a propoganda operation against America, pure and simple, for the consumption of the Third World and the Credentialed Elites here at home. No doubt they are feeling thay got their money’s worth when they supported Obama. Would that the rest of us, whether we supported him or not, could say that we were getting the same from him as the Leader of the Free World.

Egyptians Gas “Palestinians”; World Yawns

by WrathofG-d ( 139 Comments › )
Filed under Egypt, Guest Post, Palestinians at December 11th, 2009 - 11:38 am

Blogmocracy In Action!

Guest Post by  “Snork”

Yes, you read that right.

The following is the latest nontroversy from Haaretz -the most left-leaning of Israel’s English-language media outlets:

Egypt building iron wall on Gaza border to stop smuggling, which starts out with the opening paragraphs:

Egypt has begun the construction of a massive iron wall along its border with the Gaza Strip, in a bid to shut down smuggling tunnels into the territory.   The wall will be nine to 10 kilometers long, and will go 20 to 30 meters into the ground, Egyptian sources said.   It will be impossible to cut or melt.

The new plan is the latest move by Egypt to step up its counter-smuggling efforts.   Although some progress had been made, the smuggling market in Gaza still flourishes.

Ahhhh the humanity, the “ethnic cleansing”, the “apartheid”, the “land grab”….THE SILENCE!  On a different note, I have a couple of engineering comments:   “impossible to cut or melt?”; my butt!   Haven’t they ever heard of oxy-acetylene?   Also, if you assume that it is made of 1/4” thick plate (it’s probably thicker), 25 meters by 10 km works out to about 50,000 cubic feet, or 12,250 tons of steel. That’s a big job.  The steel alone is close to $10,000,000.  I wonder who’s paying for it?

Anyway, on to the third paragraph:

Egyptian forces demolish tunnels or fill them with gas almost every week, often with people still inside them, and Palestinian casualties in the tunnels have been steadily rising.

You don’t say?  I expect the human rights apparatus to snap to attention and start comparing this to the Nazi gas chambers.  Anyone?…Bueller???…Hello?….Where did everybody go?

It goes without saying that if this were the Israelis doing this, there would be massive protests from the highest UN officials, to the lowest so-called “peace” or “human rights” activist.  This silence, and hypocrisy is enough to make one question whether the human rights groups are really earnest.

It would be churlish to think that Amnesty International and HRW had an agenda that was anything but 100% altruistic. Maybe they just don’t know this is going on. Can somebody tell them? I’m sure they’d like to know, so they can bring this to the world’s attention. Can somebody also let the UN know? I guess they don’t read Haaretz for some reason.

I guess these nice people are too busy with all these human rights issues in Jerusalem, and don’t have time to read the papers. Surely, they have nothing but the best interests of these poor Palestinians in their hearts, or they wouldn’t be kicking up such a fuss in Jerusalem. So I’m sure they’d be astonished and appalled to learn what’s happening on the Gaza/Egypt border. Will someone please let them know?

This is why the UN needs a standing army.  To move in and stomp out this kind of human rights abuse.

Castro Praises Obama’s UN Speech

by Phantom Ace ( 142 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Progressives, Tranzis at September 23rd, 2009 - 1:27 pm

When America’s enemies start praising Obama, this should send up red flags. Totalitarian Progressive icon, Fidel Castro, is praising Obama for his blaming of America for the lack of action regarding “Climate Change”.  In fact, Obama’s speech was typical Progressive anti-Americanism.  If another world leader had made the speech Obama did, the American delegation would have walked out.

Castro loves that we have a self hating American as President, this is his dream!

HAVANA — Barack Obama’s call for action on climate change and his admission that rich nations have a particular responsibility to lead has received strong praise from an unusual source — U.S. nemesis Fidel Castro.

The former Cuban leader on Wednesday called the American president’s speech at the United Nations “brave” and said no other American head of state would have had the courage to make similar remarks.

In a speech at the United Nations on Tuesday, Obama acknowledged that the United States had been slow to act on climate change, but said Washington was now prepared to be a full partner as the world confronts the threat.

He said developed nations that have caused much of the climate change the planet has suffered have a “responsibility to lead,” but added that rapidly growing nations must do their part as well.

That admission of America’s past errors “was without a doubt a brave gesture,” Castro wrote in comments published by Cuban state-media Wednesday.

Read the rest.

This is disturbing and should get all Americans angry.  Clearly Obama views himself above America, and is a pure Tranzi.  He constantly attacks his own nation and sucks up to our enemies.

To me this is not a shocker. I have written before on the links between Castro and Obama. They are both members of the Transnationalist Totalitarian Progressive Movement and are cut from the same cloth.

(Hat Tip: Iron Fist)

Hiz’ballah Preparing Chemical Weapons For Use Against Israel?

by WrathofG-d ( 132 Comments › )
Filed under Hezballah, Iran, Islamists, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Religion, Syria, Terrorism, United Nations, World at September 3rd, 2009 - 9:20 am

If true, this is horrible news. Once again, as a result of the World’s appeasement and naivety, Jews might be gassed to death.

http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2007/10/25/hezbollah%20parade.jpgA Kuwaiti report Thursday said that a mysterious explosion in a Hizbullah weapons warehouse six weeks ago involved chemical weapons, adding to the mounting evidence that the terrorist organization is preparing for chemical warfare against Israel.

Eight Hizbullah terrorists were killed in the blast, and the Kuwaiti al-Siyasanewspaper now reports that three others inside the warehouse died from the chemicals that were stored there. The report was based on information from European security sources.

Al-Siyasi previously reported that Hizbullah has been smuggling chemical weapons into southern Lebanon, along with thousands of gas masks.  The weapons and equipment reportedly were provided from Iran and smuggled via Syria. The chemical weapons include mustard and nerve gas that were produced in North Korea and are destined for Katyusha rockets aimed at Israel.

President Shimon Peres recently stated that Hizbullah has rearmed to the point where it has 80,000 missiles, nearly three times the number in its stockpile before the Second Lebanon War three years ago. Lebanon has dismissed his estimate as exaggerated.  Middle East Newsline this week quoted military sources as saying that Hizbullah is expanding its presence along the border, although the ceasefire resolution that ended the Second Lebanon War requires United Nations Interim Forces (UNIFIL) to make sure Hizbullah remains unarmed.

IDF officers and security officials said that Hizbullah terrorists, posing as civilians, have been renting houses to store weapons and for use in another war against Israel.

{The Rest of The Article}