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Posts Tagged ‘United Nations’

Israel, The U.N., The Palestinian Authority, And Durban III

by Flyovercountry ( 51 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Politics at September 21st, 2011 - 11:30 am

Another one of those land mark events is occurring at the U.N. which should tell us what President Obama’s actual views are towards the Jewish People and the State of Israel are. President Obama has, as in every other aspect of his political life to date, paid much lip service to being a supporter of Israel, while his actions and deeds have been decidedly the opposite. I have been shouted down by many of my fellow Jews for pointing this out, and flatly ignored when I pointed out that the real Jew hatred in this country comes from the political left. Whether you agree with me or not, one thing is absolutely certain. That is that Barack Obama’s policies have led us to where we are today. Whether due to his hatred for the Jewish People, or his banal incompetence combined with his unjustified arrogance resulting in a poorly executed foreign policy agenda have led us to this point is of little importance to me. The fact is, his statements about the pre 1967 borders and his backing of the Muslim Brotherhood’s takeover of several nations in the region have led to an event which could lead to the annihilation of Israel. The Obama Administration has stated publicly that they will be vetoing this initiative, but I would expect that veto to be coupled with another sickening apology to Muslim Overlords who are pressing this issue. Barack Obama’s sickening habit of moral equivalency which somehow puts a member of Hamas blowing himself up in proximity of a kindergarten school bus in the same category of the Israelis building a fence along their border designed to keep explosives off of their streets and out of their schools is every bit as evil as the act of blowing up those kids, (who’s only sin by the way is being born Jewish.) The Durban III Conference is starting this week, and it has already been eschewed by many brave nations. Going on at the same time will be something called Durban Watch. The U.N. had a fine and noble purpose. Bringing the world’s nations together to iron out differences diplomatically before violence became the only means necessary seems like a good idea. The only problem with it is the practicality. One, a lasting peace, in the entirety of world history has never been attained diplomatically. Two, it allows for an inherent moral equivalency. It starts with the premise that there is no such thing as a good or evil nation. That every behavior is just as morally acceptable as any other. In fact, every leftist philosophical argument starts with this premise. Clearly, people blowing themselves up in pizza parlors with the idea in mind of killing as many innocent children as possible is not good. Such evil must be defeated outright and not negotiated with. We as Americans used to understand this. At least today I am hoping that 51 percent of us strategically placed about the country understand this. Any Jewish person who votes for Obama is clearly insane.

Enjoy the video narrated by Bill Whittle for a much needed history lesson on the subject of Palestine and Israel.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

UPDATE: A hearty hat tip to buzzsawmonkey for the Update which follows.

Kudos to Bill Whittle for his video. It does, however, contain several serious errors:

1) Arab violence against Zionist Jews in the Land of Israel dates back to the 1880s, when the first pre-Herzl efforts by Jews to establish the groundwork for a future state began. Since that time, there has not been one single year when Arabs did not seek to murder Jews living in the land.

2) The video wrongly refers to the Arabs in the Land of Israel and the territories as “Palestinians”; that is a misnomer. Prior to Israeli independence, Arabs in Mandate Palestine were referred to as “Arabs”; “Palestinian” was the term used to refer to Jews. The Arabs did not adopt the term “Palestinian” until the formation of the “Palestine Liberation Organization” (PLO) in 1964; at that time, Gaza was ruled by Egypt and the West Bank and Jerusalem by Jordan. The “PLO” was formed, not to create an independent “Palestinian” Arab state, but to destroy the state of Israel; the name “Palestine” was adopted to differentiate the Arabs from Israelis.

3) Jerusalem is given short shrift in the video; while the video mentions Arab riots in the ’20s which went into “West” Jerusalem, what the video does not address is that the city of Jerusalem, as far back as population records exist under the Ottomans (back when “East” Jerusalem, i.e., the “Old City,” was the only Jerusalem there was), was a majority-Jewish city. Jordan occupied the Old City during the 1948 war: the UN, which had declared that Jerusalem should be “an international city, with free access to all holy places,” did nothing to prevent this, and stood by while Jewish property was expropriated, Jewish cemeteries and places of worship desecrated, and the Jews who resided in the Old City were killed or expelled. The media today speak of “traditionally Arab East Jerusalem”—but the only time for the last several hundred years that “East” Jerusalem was “traditionally Arab” was during the 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation.

4) The video does not mention that following the independence of Israel, some 800,000 Jews were expelled from the Arab lands where they had lived for centuries—often with little more than the clothes on their backs. These refugees found a home in Israel. The Arab nations, however, refused—and continue to refuse—to accept and absorb the linguistically, culturally, and religiously identical “Palestinian” refugees, in order to keep alive a “problem” to delegitimize Israel. In short, the fledgling nation of Israel solved a “refugee problem” in a few years that the Arab nations have not merely refused to solve, but exacerbated, for more than half a century. Furthermore, other refugee populations were created in 1948; millions of Hindus were expelled from what became Pakistan, and millions of Muslims left newly-independent India for Pakistan; these people, unlike the “Palestinians,” have gotten on with their lives.

5) None of the nations surrounding Israel are more than 30 years older than Israel. Israel is often regarded as the “new kid on the block”—but Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria were all created out of the debris of the Ottoman Empire following WWI—as, for that matter, was modern Turkey. Jordan, as the video notes, was created later by the British from the lion’s share of Mandate Palestine. In the Middle East, a few decades are as the blink of an eye; to regard Israel as some sort of upstart creation, when the surrounding nations are very little older than Israel, is absurd.

—reposted from Correspondence Committee, and from PJM

Daniel Greenfield: The End of Palestine

by Eliana ( 137 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Fatah, Hamas, Islam, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestinians, Republican Party, Terrorism, United Nations at September 19th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Daniel Greenfield has a wonderful article about the current situation with Mahmoud Abbas and the UN on his Sultan Knish blog.

It’s a long article that recounts the history of the Arab-Israel conflict since 1964 with sparkling clarity. It should be a permanent reference on this blog.

The section that describes where we are right now with this situation is insightful, breathtaking and well worth reading:

It might be 2011, but it might as well be 1996 or 2003 or any year in between. Except that the PLO’s power is about done. The negotiations don’t matter. Abbas will do his best to see that they fail, because it’s the only way he can survive his own people. And he needs to have the blame for the failure fall on Israel, because it’s the only way he can hang on to US and European support. As usual, nothing Israel can do will work, and whatever it does, it will get the blame. The media will go on chattering about settlements, as if that were the endgame here.

Statehood is a fiction that will move more money into the pockets of the Fatah elite, but it’s also a double-edged sword. Fatah’s only defense against a Hamas takeover is that it can extract territory through negotiations– something Hamas cannot do because it refuses to negotiate for anything but temporary truces. A unilateral statehood declaration, if taken seriously, would also mean the end of negotiations. That’s something Abbas can’t afford because then his usefulness to Hamas is at an end.

Abbas needs Israel to keep from being overrun by Hamas, but he needs Hamas to keep his image as the moderate alternative to those crazy guys in Gaza. The balancing act has drawn billions in foreign aid, but infuriated everyone. Now Abbas is playing an even more dangerous game, going for broke to shake down Israel and the world into giving him some breathing room. It’s a desperate move, but it may also work in the short term. In the long term though, the whole shebang is still doomed.

The Palestinian Authority is not a government, it’s a terrorist organization in suits and ties. It has shown that it is not self-supporting and not capable of running anything besides a rocket launcher. It existed only as long as it was useful to someone.

The PLO began life because it was useful to the Syrians and Egyptians. When they no longer wanted it, it was still useful to the USSR. When the USSR no longer wanted it, it became useful to America. But now it’s running out of sponsors.

The United States has been funding the Palestinian Authority since 1992 and it has gotten nothing for it, and while the foreign policy establishment insists on blaming Israel for that, there’s only so long that game can go as well. The Bush Administration dumped Arafat and Abbas knows that sooner or later his turn will come. With no more options, no ability to reach a final status agreement and Western patrons whose foreign aid budgets will start tightening in the face of the bankruptcy, he is playing his only remaining card.

Either way the Palestinian myth is on the verge of flickering out. Hamas may talk about Palestinian rights, but it has even less interest in them than the PLO did. Hamas was spawned by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Its goal is an Islamic state in Egypt and Gaza, and then all of Israel. It has replaced the Pan-Arabism of a Shukairy with a Pan-Islamism, that it meant to lead to a Global Caliphate. The leaders of Hamas are no less corrupt than Arafat’s cronies were, but it will take longer for the average Israeli Arab to figure that out.

The Arab and Muslim world has made very effective use of Israeli Arabs [Arabs within the land of Israel as a whole. – Eli.] as terrorists and bullies. From the Lebanese Civil War, to the streets of Iran, where Palestinian Arab terrorists are being used as snipers and gunmen to suppress protests against Ahmadinejad, they have always been weapons. Ideology has served to frame a mythical Palestinian identity for them in terms that make them all into mercenaries, terrorists and martyrs. Where Israel took in Jewish refugees, the Arab world deliberately perpetuated an Arab refugee problem in order to turn them into weapons. Once they were the weapons of Arab Socialism. Now they are the weapons of Islam.

The End of Palestine

I believe he’s right about this. Mahmoud Abbas had hoped that Obama would deliver Israel to him and he said as much in an interview with Jackson Diehl in May 2009.

Yet on Wednesday afternoon, as he prepared for the White House meeting in a suite at the Ritz-Carlton in Pentagon City, Abbas insisted that his only role was to wait. He will wait for Hamas to capitulate to his demand that any Palestinian unity government recognize Israel and swear off violence. And he will wait for the Obama administration to force a recalcitrant Netanyahu to freeze Israeli settlement construction and publicly accept the two-state formula.

Until Israel meets his demands, the Palestinian president says, he will refuse to begin negotiations. He won’t even agree to help Obama’s envoy, George J. Mitchell, persuade Arab states to take small confidence-building measures. “We can’t talk to the Arabs until Israel agrees to freeze settlements and recognize the two-state solution,” he insisted in an interview. “Until then we can’t talk to anyone.”

At that time (May 2009), Mahmoud Abbas fully expected Obama to run Netanyahu out of office:

Abbas and his team fully expect that Netanyahu will never agree to the full settlement freeze — if he did, his center-right coalition would almost certainly collapse. So they plan to sit back and watch while U.S. pressure slowly squeezes the Israeli prime minister from office. “It will take a couple of years,” one official breezily predicted. Abbas rejects the notion that he should make any comparable concession — such as recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, which would imply renunciation of any large-scale resettlement of refugees.

Instead, he says, he will remain passive. “I will wait for Hamas to accept international commitments. I will wait for Israel to freeze settlements,” he said. “Until then, in the West Bank we have a good reality . . . the people are living a normal life.” In the Obama administration, so far, it’s easy being Palestinian.

Abbas’s Waiting Game on Peace With Israel

Obama backed the wrong side in this fight and he’s going through the humiliation of being told by the Arab world that he wished to court so badly that he will be finished in Saudi Arabia and other places if he gives his veto to “Palestinian” statehood.

If Obama doesn’t give his veto (which will be necessary unless he can talk nine members of the Security Council to help him out in defeating the UN bid so that the veto won’t be necessary) – Obama will be excluded from the Middle East peace process that he campaigned in 2008 that he would address seriously on day one of his presidency.

If Obama is kicked out of the peace process by Abbas in favor of the international community and the ICC, he will be humiliated in an election year while he is facing even worse problems domestically.

Obama created this mess and I think/hope that this truly is the “End of Palestine” and the end of Obama’s presidency by January 2013.

Something else is that Abbas may be listening to Republican presidential candidates who don’t even pretend to think that the “Palestinians” have a valid cause. The candidates say the opposite, in fact.

Abbas may be worrying that Obama won’t win next year and “Palestine” will end that way. So this is his last shot for a number of reasons.

Let’s hope so.

The UN in September 2011

by Eliana ( 63 Comments › )
Filed under Fatah, Hamas, Israel, Open thread, Palestinians at August 31st, 2011 - 11:30 am

Navy Seal Foundation Charity… Gun Raffle Tickets!

Great prize! Great cause!

What will the “Palestinians” do?

They’ve gone back and forth a million times among all the players on their side (“Yes, we will declare statehood”, “No, we won’t”, “We haven’t decided”, “Yes, we have”, “No, we haven’t”, “We want to negotiate with Israel”, “No, we don’t”, “Yes, we do”, “Israel is the one who’s really refusing to speak to us”, etc.)

Recently, a legal expert told the “Palestinian Authority” that they would be sacrificing the so-called “right of return” (i.e., flooding Israel with millions of Arabs) if they declare statehood. Hanan Ashrawi came forward and said that this isn’t true.

Today, Jordan is also telling the “Palestinian Authority” not to declare statehood because the so-called “right of return” (flooding the state with millions of Arabs) would be ruined. Jordan has some of these refugees themselves and they don’t want to be stuck with them. The rest of the countries that have “Palestinian” refugees don’t want to be stuck with theirs either.

While all this is going on, of course, Israel is under attack in the (“Palestinian”) hope that they will lose enough people to make a bigger stink at the UN (but not enough of a stink to ruin the so-called “right of return” because they want to flood into Israel in the millions no matter how woefully they cry that Israel is mean to them).

What the “Palestinians” want most of all is the “one state solution” because they believe that they would be moving into the Knesset and forcing Benjamin Netanyahu to scoot over in the Prime Minister chair.

So one of the real possibilities in all this is that they will dissolve the “Palestinian Authority” and hand the keys to Israel. In this way, they would force Israel to take care of millions of Arabs in Judea and Samaria. They believe they would get the “one state solution” that they’ve wanted all along (the one that would become an Arab state as soon as humanly possible).

There’s a new document out from the “Palestinians” that ponders some of these questions and Carl in Jerusalem is pondering their pondering (as many of us are doing now as we look at these strange people who believe that declaring a state means sending ones population into the state next door).

Please take a look at Carl’s post to his take on all this:

‘Palestinians’ threaten ‘one-state solution’

Hat Tip: Carl in Jerusalem

Navy Seal Foundation Charity… Gun Raffle Tickets!

Great prize! Great cause!

Not One Penny More Should We Fork Over To The United Nations.

by Flyovercountry ( 182 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Dhimmitude, Islam, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Politics, Progressives, Religion, Terrorism, United Nations at August 18th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Quite simply, the United Nations does not exist without the United States, and it is long past time to allow this vile, evil, pox on the world to exist. Every idealistic dream of creating that peaceful Utopian dreamworld of the liberal turns into a Dystopian nightmare. The United Nations stands as the single greatest reminder of the failure of any ideas of the political left to achieve any of their objectives through social engineering.

Let’s recap a partial record of the United Nations. The aid to the Congolese turned into the U.N. establishing the world’s largest brothel and human trafficking operation. The sanctions against the Iraqis became a huge money laundering operation which involved the relatives of the Secretary General who retired with over a Billion Dollars in Swiss bank accounts. UNICEF, which sees American Children panhandling every Halloween, us used entirely to fund Palestinian Terrorism and for weapons purchases. The U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon actually help Hezbollah in the rearmament effort for a continual war being waged on Israel’s Northern Border. Genocides were cheerily ignored in the Sudan, in Serbia, in Lebanon, in Tibet, in Indonesia, and in Rhodesia. Honor Killings are a matter of the normal course of life in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Tunisia, and everywhere else the place is run by Muslims.

With all of that, plus a whole lot more that I am certain I missed, what is the United Nations up to now? Watch the video to find out.

As you consider the video, also consider a few other facts. The United States of America pays 25% of this evils budget every year. When a military force is sent, if that force has any teeth, it is mostly the United States which supplies it. Any aid actually rendered is supplied almost entirely by the U.S. We, as Americans do not need the U.N. to do the good things that we do. The U.N. does need the U.S. to project the evil that they do project. There is one political party in particular who wishes to outsource our national sovereignty to the U.N. for approval. That political party is the Democrat party. It is time to shut this evil down, and kick what is left over out of the United States.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.