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Progressives place burden on the youth

by Phantom Ace ( 149 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, Economy, Election 2008, Healthcare, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at November 23rd, 2009 - 7:09 am

Obama won the youth vote by a 2-1 margin in 2008. The Progressives always appeal to the youth with slogans like Hope and Change. In reality, the policies of the Left are actually anti-youth. The Progressive controlled Congress is increasing the debt and the Obamacare bill will put the taxpayers on the hook for Trillions in unfunded liabilities. This will effect future generations and younger Americans. However, the Progressive Propaganda machine, via the entertainment industry, has brainwashed the youth into supporting Progressives.

WASHINGTON — One of our long-running political stories is the economic assault on the young by the old. We have become a society that invests in its past and disfavors the future. This makes no sense for the nation, but as politics, it makes complete sense. The elderly and near elderly are better organized, focus obsessively on their government benefits, and seem deserving. Grandmas and Grandpas command sympathy.

Everyone knows that the resulting “entitlements” dominate government spending and squeeze education, research, defense and almost everything else. In fiscal 2008 — the last “normal” year before the economic crisis — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (programs wholly or primarily dedicated to the elderly) totaled $1.3 trillion, 43 percent of federal spending and more than twice military spending. Because workers, not retirees, are the primary taxpayers, this spending involves huge transfers to the old.

Read the rest.

The Progressives are using the naivete of youth to enact their agenda. Like all totalitarian movements, they promise a better future and change from the “old” ways. This just propaganda because the Leftists have no plans to improve the lives of the young or old. It’s all about control and they are manipulating young voters to ruin the lives of all Americans.

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