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Posts Tagged ‘Youth Vote’

64.7% of Non-Registered Eligible Voters Support a 3rd Party

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 82 Comments › )
Filed under Elections, Elections 2012, Food and Drink, Humor, OOT, Open thread, Politics, Polls, Satire at October 18th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

[Courtesy Strutts News Services]
According to a recent survey conducted by StruttsPolls™ a large majority of 22 year-old white male non-registered eligible voters would support a 3rd party because they couldn’t remember the first two.

64.7% of the non-registered voters polled in Rudy’s backyard last weekend said that they’d register to vote if the Party Party was established. The remaining 35.3% wavered between the Toga Party and the Hot Chicks Naked In Jacuzzis With Beer Party.

None of the current candidates for the presidensity address the young and inebriated non-voting contingent. That’s a potentially huge voting bloc – and all they want is a keg on every patio, a couple of bimbos to make nachos and dismiss their advances, and The Overnight Open Thread.

Conservatives abandon Youth vote to Obama

by Phantom Ace ( 116 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Progressives, Republican Party at March 14th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

The campaign of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 ran on a brilliant appeal to youth voters. They used music and other forms of popular culture to mobilize young voters to vote. Too many Conservatism have dismissed this as a fad or not permanent. This is a dangerous idea because abandoning young voters could lead to a hardening of their apolitical views. The irony of of course is that this wasn’t always the case. In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan won the youth vote and this help cement a large segment of the population into the Republican Party for the next 20 years. Then in the 1990’2 the Republicans decided that family values and culture wars were the way to go, abandoning their economic conservatism. The result was that by the 2000’s. young voters were solidly in the Democratic camp. Obama is now trying to cement these voters to the Democratic party.

Early last month, President Obama addressed 1,000 people at Penn State about his ideas for reviving the country’s economy. A couple of weeks later, he delivered a similar address to about 100 small-business owners at Cleveland State University.

But it was what Obama did offstage and away from the news cameras at the schools, before groups of about a dozen at a time, that was perhaps more important to his campaign for reelection.


“We are so interested in figuring out how to get your ideas, your input, your energy,” Obama told a group of student leaders from Cleveland State and nearby schools. He shook each participant’s hand and posed for a group photo

Read the rest: White House seeks to re-connect to young voters

Unemployment among young people is at historic levels. There should be no way Obama should even appeal to these voters, yet he is trying. The only reason the he even has an opportunity to win them again is because the GOP doesn’t fight for the youth vote. Conservatives have a tendency to mock young people, insult the music they like or criticize how they dress. This condensing attitude is why Progressive propaganda calling the right hateful works. Obama on the other hand uses youth culture to appeal to them. It workls becasue he doesn’t criticize the young and

The Republicans since Papa Bush and even to this day, have engaged in this culture war and family values nonsense that really turns young people off. The youth don’t want to be lectures, they want to hear how policies can improve their opportunities.  The Tea Party was a good opening to win back the youth, but the Culture warriors hijacked it (people like Angle, O’Donnell and Buck) and turned off many Libertarian leaning youth. It’s almost as if Conservatives hate the young. This makes the youth receptive to lies about the Right. Running lame candidates like George HW Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush and John McCain has cemented the idea the Republican party as a bunch of old grumps.

Obama’s policies are anti-youth. It is burdening future generations with debt and has accelerating America’s decades old economic stagnation. This should be the opening Conservatives shoulduse to win young voters over. We should address young voters economic concerns and give them hope for a better tomorrow. Insulting what music they listen to will not win them and could harden their views. Ronald Reagan made being a Conservative cool among the young in the 1980’s, we can do it again. Conservatism should adpat to the times, not fight against it. Reagan proved ity can be done.

Progressives place burden on the youth

by Phantom Ace ( 149 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, Economy, Election 2008, Healthcare, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at November 23rd, 2009 - 7:09 am

Obama won the youth vote by a 2-1 margin in 2008. The Progressives always appeal to the youth with slogans like Hope and Change. In reality, the policies of the Left are actually anti-youth. The Progressive controlled Congress is increasing the debt and the Obamacare bill will put the taxpayers on the hook for Trillions in unfunded liabilities. This will effect future generations and younger Americans. However, the Progressive Propaganda machine, via the entertainment industry, has brainwashed the youth into supporting Progressives.

WASHINGTON — One of our long-running political stories is the economic assault on the young by the old. We have become a society that invests in its past and disfavors the future. This makes no sense for the nation, but as politics, it makes complete sense. The elderly and near elderly are better organized, focus obsessively on their government benefits, and seem deserving. Grandmas and Grandpas command sympathy.

Everyone knows that the resulting “entitlements” dominate government spending and squeeze education, research, defense and almost everything else. In fiscal 2008 — the last “normal” year before the economic crisis — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (programs wholly or primarily dedicated to the elderly) totaled $1.3 trillion, 43 percent of federal spending and more than twice military spending. Because workers, not retirees, are the primary taxpayers, this spending involves huge transfers to the old.

Read the rest.

The Progressives are using the naivete of youth to enact their agenda. Like all totalitarian movements, they promise a better future and change from the “old” ways. This just propaganda because the Leftists have no plans to improve the lives of the young or old. It’s all about control and they are manipulating young voters to ruin the lives of all Americans.