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Posts Tagged ‘Elections 2012’

Another Perfect Day

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 133 Comments › )
Filed under Art, Elections, Elections 2012, Fascism, government, OOT, Open thread, Politics, Progressives, Regulation, Socialism, taxation, Unions at June 5th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

Sacramento has been out of control for years. Not too long ago, the State of California, were it a separate country, could have boasted having the 8th largest economy world wide. Not so any more.

Goodnight Gray. Goodnight Ahnold. Goodnight Moonbeam.

California is not completely lost… yet. Watch what happens in the regional and local elections – there’s been some redistricting. The results will tell you if California has a ghost of a chance of recovering from gross fiscal mismanagement and fascist socialism.

And we don’t get paid for posting here, let’s talk about the gross fiscal mismanagement of The Overnight Open Thread.

64.7% of Non-Registered Eligible Voters Support a 3rd Party

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 82 Comments › )
Filed under Elections, Elections 2012, Food and Drink, Humor, OOT, Open thread, Politics, Polls, Satire at October 18th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

[Courtesy Strutts News Services]
According to a recent survey conducted by StruttsPolls™ a large majority of 22 year-old white male non-registered eligible voters would support a 3rd party because they couldn’t remember the first two.

64.7% of the non-registered voters polled in Rudy’s backyard last weekend said that they’d register to vote if the Party Party was established. The remaining 35.3% wavered between the Toga Party and the Hot Chicks Naked In Jacuzzis With Beer Party.

None of the current candidates for the presidensity address the young and inebriated non-voting contingent. That’s a potentially huge voting bloc – and all they want is a keg on every patio, a couple of bimbos to make nachos and dismiss their advances, and The Overnight Open Thread.

Moar Publk Werx Prjx Plz

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 124 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Economy, government, Humor, OOT, Open thread, Politics at September 8th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Yeah, I listened to Obama’s campaign speech earlier. For those of us in the private sector, we’re screwed if he’s able to pass his latest government spending boondoggle that’s not a boondoggle according to dear leader.

Look on the bright side – the middle class (that he neglected to define) will have a $1,500 tax break to keep them out of foreclosure. Yep. $125/month should do it.  It’ll almost cover the wine and beer budget, unless you and your spouse  earn over $40K or so.

Last night was “GOP Debate Trash Talk Night.” Tonight is “Take Out The Trash Night” on The Overnight Open Thread.

Liberal Speak Election Dictionary

by Flyovercountry ( 121 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Politics at April 12th, 2011 - 7:00 pm

Every time the Democrats lose an election, they whine about how the electorate really wanted their ideals and values, but that somehow there was a problem with the messaging. Each time, I think to myself, if you weren’t so busy trying to obfuscate your positions and hide your true intentions, then messaging would no longer be a problem for you. I have never before seen a group of individuals where spin and outright fabrications were so huge a part of daily communication. I am forced to wonder if they talk to their own families this way. The unfortunate part of all of this is that sometimes the voting public is actually fooled into believing some of the rubbish. As a public service, I will break down the message of the left into easy to understand concepts. Think of it as a key to understanding the political rhetoric of the next two years.

Protecting the middle class – This means providing a basket of benefits from the Federal Budget which will be paid for by all of your descendants for centuries to follow.

Increasing taxes for the rich – This means punishing small business owners for the risk taking necessary to build and expand their operations so that the private sector may create wealth and jobs. It is also used as a red herring to pay for the benefits mentioned above, which is laughable since if every Penney of income were stripped from those fitting the definition of the rich it would pay for the Federal Budget for no more than a few weeks.

Tax Credits to promote the Green Economy – This means providing a kickback to political supporters who helped get a leftist elected. It is also a form of crony capitalism, in that it allows the Executive Branch to defacto pick which large corporations will be successful free from the anxiety that stems from those pesky competitors.

Energy independence – This means creating enough regulation in the energy sector of the economy so as to produce artificially high prices to make it cost prohibitive for the average American to drive motor vehicles, heat their homes or to use air conditioning. Basically, it means returning our national standard of living to those standards enjoyed by humans in the Seventh Century A.D.

Reducing the deficit – You may be thinking that this means some sort of fiscal constraint, and you’d be wrong. What this means from the Socialist crowd is to increase the marginal tax rates in a bizarre, (and already proven not to work in the slightest,) attempt to mitigate an out of control deficit spending pattern increase in IRS collected revenue.

Restore our Standing in the world community – This means appeasing our enemies and simultaneously insulting our staunchest allies. It includes also the practice of projecting weakness throughout the globe and committing our military personnel to do the bidding of thuggish third world dictators, wrapped up in some sort of perverse international test. (this may seem to be an ambiguous definition, and you are correct, it is. The leftist use of our military is ambiguous and our objectives are flexible if not held to any sane standard.)

Humanitarian Aid – This is related to the previous definition. It means turning our military and national defense into a social services organization and the largest chapter of meals on wheels on the Planet.

Social Justice – this is redistribution of wealth from those in society who have produced something and given to favored political groups, people with a preferred victim status.

Political Justice – This is defined as silencing those who disagree with the government and using those organizations which agree with the government as a money laundering operation to perpetuate political contributions for all future campaigns.

Get out the vote – This is defined as busing people from states where their votes will not be needed to communities in other neighboring states to have them same day register and vote in more crucial elections.  An example would be 10,000 or so people from Illinois voting last week in the Wisconsin Judicial Election in Dane County. 

I hope you have found this partial list helpful.  Monty Python provides a lesson in why the Social Justice exercise is doomed to failure.