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Obama taking advantage of the oil spill

by Phantom Ace ( 69 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2010, Progressives, Republican Party at May 28th, 2010 - 11:30 am

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a doubt a disaster. The regime of Barack Hussein Obama was late in getting involved and just blamed BP for the mess. Although BP is to blame, it is the Federal Government’s duty to assist in the cleanup since these waters are under Federal Jurisdiction. This is incompetent and if it was a Republican President, they would be attacked without mercy. However, this is Obama and the press is doing no such thing. Instead, Mr. Hussein is using the Oil spill to his advantage to push his Neo-Feudal agenda.

Since the spill is undeniably a crisis and the Obama administration’s ethic is never to let one go to waste, Obama says the BP disaster means Congress should pass his energy bill and “answer this challenge, once and for all.” As with much of Obama’s agenda, this is a convenient non sequitur posing as an urgent response.

A cap-and-trade bill could have passed years ago and we’d still be drilling offshore. The Outer Continental Shelf had 4,000 oil and gas facilities as of 2002. Obama proposed even more offshore drilling just a few weeks before the BP spill, an acknowledgment that drilling will be necessary even if he gets his way on an energy bill.

Cap-and-trade will increase the cost of petroleum, but not enough to end its usefulness. As Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute points out, we use 70 percent of our petroleum for transportation, simply because nothing else is as efficient in powering our cars and trucks. In Europe, gas costs $7 a gallon; people still put it in their cars.

Read it all: Drowning in the spill

This would a perfect time for the Republicans to use Alinsky style tactics against Obama. Even some Progressives like James Carville, Chris Matthews and Peggy Noonan are criticizing Obama. The problem is whether the GOP has the fortitude to take advantage of this? Or will Barack Hussein Obama and the Progressive once again get a pass and maybe even gain from this?

Let’s have a Blogmocracy discussion about this.

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