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Posts Tagged ‘Totalitarian Progressivism’

Obama taking advantage of the oil spill

by Phantom Ace ( 69 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2010, Progressives, Republican Party at May 28th, 2010 - 11:30 am

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a doubt a disaster. The regime of Barack Hussein Obama was late in getting involved and just blamed BP for the mess. Although BP is to blame, it is the Federal Government’s duty to assist in the cleanup since these waters are under Federal Jurisdiction. This is incompetent and if it was a Republican President, they would be attacked without mercy. However, this is Obama and the press is doing no such thing. Instead, Mr. Hussein is using the Oil spill to his advantage to push his Neo-Feudal agenda.

Since the spill is undeniably a crisis and the Obama administration’s ethic is never to let one go to waste, Obama says the BP disaster means Congress should pass his energy bill and “answer this challenge, once and for all.” As with much of Obama’s agenda, this is a convenient non sequitur posing as an urgent response.

A cap-and-trade bill could have passed years ago and we’d still be drilling offshore. The Outer Continental Shelf had 4,000 oil and gas facilities as of 2002. Obama proposed even more offshore drilling just a few weeks before the BP spill, an acknowledgment that drilling will be necessary even if he gets his way on an energy bill.

Cap-and-trade will increase the cost of petroleum, but not enough to end its usefulness. As Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute points out, we use 70 percent of our petroleum for transportation, simply because nothing else is as efficient in powering our cars and trucks. In Europe, gas costs $7 a gallon; people still put it in their cars.

Read it all: Drowning in the spill

This would a perfect time for the Republicans to use Alinsky style tactics against Obama. Even some Progressives like James Carville, Chris Matthews and Peggy Noonan are criticizing Obama. The problem is whether the GOP has the fortitude to take advantage of this? Or will Barack Hussein Obama and the Progressive once again get a pass and maybe even gain from this?

Let’s have a Blogmocracy discussion about this.

Obama needs a Valium before he meets with Republicans

by Phantom Ace ( 76 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at May 26th, 2010 - 8:30 am

Barack Hussein Obama acts like the 3rd World dictators he so loves. He smears his opponents, uses demagogue language and ignores the press. He couldn’t care less about public opinion and seeks to impose his vision of a Totalitarian Progressive America. As evidenced by the Health Care summit, he can’t stand to be questioned and gets angry when he’s cornered. He is an immature man who lives in a bubble. In his meeting yesterday with Republican Senators, Obama showed his thin skin and hypocrisy.

WASHINGTON (AP) – If President Barack Obama thought having a private lunch with Republican senators would ease partisan tensions in Congress, he grabbed the wrong recipe.

The president walked into a remarkably contentious 80-minute session Tuesday in which GOP senators accused him of duplicity, audacity and unbending partisanship. Lawmakers said the testy exchange left legislative logjams intact, and one GOP leader said nothing is likely to change before the November elections.

Obama’s sharpest accuser was Bob Corker of Tennessee, a first-term senator who feels the administration undermined his efforts to craft a bipartisan financial regulation bill.

“I told him I thought there was a degree of audacity in him even showing up today after what happened with financial regulation,” Corker told reporters. “I just wanted him to tell me how, when he wakes up in the morning, comes over to a luncheon like ours today, how does he reconcile that duplicity?”

Read the rest: Obama gets an earful in clash with GOP senators

Here is the money quote from that meeting:

“He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans,” Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., told reporters. “He’s pretty thin-skinned.”

This is the man leading our nation. A spoiled little boy. Like all Progressive leaders he believes himself to be a divine like figure who can’t be questioned. Not even a Valium will help with his attitude.

Progressives policies lead to Serfdom

by Phantom Ace ( 145 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at May 24th, 2010 - 1:30 pm

I have often argued that the ultimate goal of the Tranzi Totalitarian Progressives is to establish a Neo-Feudal system. This is the reason they hype climate change. It’s so regular people give up their standards of living while the global elites continue to have big houses, good cars, private jets and yachts. Their global economic policies also are a step in this process. Progressives seek to marry big business with government and prevent competition through high taxes and regulations. This creates economic elites who live great, while the majority of people are dependent on the government for survival. Just like Serfs who were dependent on their feudal lords. This is the vision of Progressivism.

According to Friedrich von Hayek, the development of welfare socialism after World War II undermined freedom and would lead western democracies inexorably to some form of state-run serfdom. 

Hayek had the sign and the destination right but was entirely wrong about the mechanism.  Unregulated finance, the ideology of unfettered free markets, and state capture by corporate interests are what ended up undermining democracy both in North America and in Europe.  All industrialized countries are at risk, but it’s the eurozone – with its vulnerable structures – that points most clearly to our potentially unpleasant collective futures.

As a result of the continuing euro crisis, European Central Bank (ECB) now finds itself buying up the debt of all the weaker eurozone governments, making it the – perhaps unwittingly – feudal boss of Europe.  In the coming years, it will be the ECB and the European Union who dictate policy.  The policy elite who run these structures – along with their allies in the private sector – are the new overlords.

We can argue about who exactly are the peasants, the vassals, and the lords under this model – and what services exactly will end up being exchanged.  But there is no question we are seeing a sea change in the post-war system of property, power, and prosperity across Western Europe, just as Hayek feared.  An overwhelming debt burden will bring down even the proudest people.

Read the rest: The Road To Economic Serfdom

Progressives have brainwashed billions of people around the world for the last 150 years with the concept of Social Justice. In reality, this is just a means to get people dependent on government and accept their inferior status. The elites will live well while the rest of us struggle to get by.

French style socialism is nothing to admire and emulate

by Mojambo ( 102 Comments › )
Filed under France, Progressives, Tranzis at May 22nd, 2010 - 4:30 pm

The French were always out “industrialized”‘ by the Americans, the  British,  and the Germans because the work ethic in those three counties was far superior to the one in France. As Obama tries to turn America into a larger version of Norway, we should face up to the  realities of the economic and social realities of the joie de vivre type of lifestyle. Eventually you will have a nation of high unemployment, massive debt and a population which lacks ambition.Cafe society is fun for a week or two on vacation but  does not lead to building an economically  competitive nation.

by Jeffrey Folks

The American left embraces a romantic myth of the superiority of French socialism, to impress upon mushy minds that the corporatist state envisioned by Obama would be a good thing.
At one point in the 1995 remake of the classic film Sabrina, the title character (played by a very French-looking Julia Ormond) lectures Linus Larrabee (Harrison Ford) on the virtues of French work habits. “They work as hard as we do,” she says. “They just know when to quit.” The film goes on to dramatize these points as Linus is transformed from a miserably neurotic, soulless American businessman into a pleasure-seeking, Moroccan food-loving lapsed capitalist and Wall Street dropout. By the end of the film, Linus has become a “complete” human being: an American male in the prime of his work-life who has traded American capitalism and work itself for the more relaxed attitudes of French society. He can now devote his most productive years to counting the bridges of Paris, lounging in cafés, and doodling in his journal.
The American left has always cherished a similar myth: the myth of the superiority of European socialism. John Kerry and Barack Obama, and their many supporters, have spent decades attempting to reshape America in the image of France. Now, with the passage of Obamacare and increased federal control of the financial, automotive, and energy sectors of the economy, they are close to succeeding. With the passage of just a few more pieces of legislation — cap-and-trade and the nationalization of 401(k) accounts among them — the transformation of America into a European-style welfare state will be all but complete.


If the French wish to live under the thumb of a corporatist state dominated by federal bureaucracies and powerful national unions, that is their business. The result of French corporatism will be continued high unemployment, rising national debt, and declining purchasing power. Most Americans, however, do not want French-style corporatism, and it should not be imposed on them by the small cadre of political elitists temporarily in charge in Washington.