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20 days of leftist threats and thuggery in Wisconsin

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 186 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Barack Obama, Communism, Crime, Democratic Party, Education, Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Fascism, government, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Progressives, Socialism, Tea Parties, Unions at March 19th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

Remember a couple months back, right after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabriele Giffords, when the libs got their bloomers in a wad over the Tea Parties and Sarah Palin’s website “targeting” libs that we needed to defeat, and their almost non-stop pontificating about how it was this kind of tone that led to the violence committed against Giffords and the other victims?

As we all now know, the shooter had no connection whatsoever to the Tea Party and/or the GOP, and was, in fact, (yet another) leftwing whackjob.

But now, when their union thugs not only start using signs targeting politicians they disagree with (see example above), but actually physically threatening the lives of those whom they disagree with, and even their family members, their wives and children, we hear nothing from any of their “leaders” condemning this way over-the-top violent rhetoric.

The dimocrat politicians, along with most of the dimocrat voters, and the members of MSF’inM were so quick to blame the Tea Parties for the shootings of Giffords and the others, before their was one shred of evidence that the shooter was a Tea Party supporter, and even before the bodies of the victims were cold.

Now? We hear nothing from any of them

Breitbart has an excellent timeline of the incidents of lefty union thugs attempting to intimidate and threaten, including using bodily harm, and even death threats, against the Republican Governor and Senators for fulfilling the promise they made to the citizens of Wisconsin last fall.

20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility?

Below, you’ll find a compilation of 20 days worth of the death threats, vandalism, and intimidation practiced by pro-union thugs opposed to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. Wisconsin is my home state. I lived there until I was 27 years-old in 1993 and most of my family, including my parents still live there. For that reason and because the issue of education and teachers unions has been a passion of mine for going on two decades, I’ve been following this story very, very closely. My original intent was to compile all of this earlier in the week, but after reading Lee Stranahan’s superb editorial I decided to wait and see if that might have some effect on the national and local Wisconsin media in moving them towards giving the ongoing violence, intimidation, vandalism, and overall thuggery occurring at the hands of union activists and their supporters, the coverage it needs and deserves.
Click here to check it out

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