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Winds of Jihad: Bankrupt Greece Builds a Mosque For Illegal Mohammedans
(also see: Christians Under Attack)
…What economic crisis? Greek government spending $15 million to build mosque in Athens
“Building To Be Reconstructed Into Mosque For Muslim Community In Athens,” by Penny Koutourinis for the Greek Reporter, July 23 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
The Greek government will finance the reconstruction of building structures into mosques for the Muslim community in Athens. Estimated to cost less than 15 million, the existing plans for the mosque will serve 500 faithful Muslims.The building of the former Naval Base in Botanikos has been chosen and once it is renovated and converted, it will operate as an Islamic mosque in Athens. According to the amendment tabled in parliament it will be incorporated in a bill being debated by the Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change which governs energy issues…
Can this be true or have they just lost their minds? They don’t have money to pay their bills but they can find 15 million dollars to build a mosque?
INCREDIBLE!!!! INCREDIBLY STUPID!!!! As Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” I guess 400 years of subjugation by the Turks wasn’t enough. Now it appears that they are letting the wolf into the hen house.
Winds of Jihad: Anti-dhimmitude in Greece: Shari’a Abolished for Greek Muslims
According to an article of the Greek newspaper “Eleftherotypia”, under the scope of reforms in the Greek Family Law, the Shariah will be abolished for Greek Muslims.
This Muslim law establishes among others the right of polygamy and gives only to men the right to divorce their wives which constitutes a problem for the women in Thraki, Northern Greece. Even in Turkey, this law was abolished in 1926.
In addition, this law does not comply with the Greek constitution which establishes the equality of Greeks regarding the application of the laws and the equality of men and women. The National Committee on the Human Rights considers that the Shariah does not protect minorities but abuses the rights and values of all the Greek Muslims.
It is also announced that the family and hereditary relations of all Greek citizens will be regulated by Greek Laws. Thus, the Mufti will only be religious leader of Greek Muslims and will no longer have judicial authorities. (wow! just wow! from the Greek Reporter)