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New Charity Idea: Big Person Pants For Democrats.

by Flyovercountry ( 59 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Politics at September 9th, 2011 - 11:30 am

So the latest head scratching theme from the left of center camp is that the Republicans are not showing the President proper respect by not offering a response to his campaign speech thinly veiled as an address to a joint session of congress this evening. Litterally, my mind is racing with a plethora of possible responses to this, but the overwhelming theme is is pretty constant, and that is grow up already. If you are going to feign insult, at least feign insult for something actually insulting.

A question to get things started. When did official opposition party responses become more than an annoying tradition? I can remember the first off party response, it was LLoyd Bentsen answering Goerge Bush’s first State Of The Union Address. It was not meant as a sign of respect. It came across as a Democrat temper tantrum being thrown in response to losing 3 straight Presidential elections. Somehow, our republic managed to survive for over 200 years sans an opposition party response to any address of congress.

Next question, why is this address even being given in front of congress anyhow? Addresses to joint sessions of congress have in the past been limited to State of the Union Addresses and matters of vital national security import only. In Obma’s 34 months in office, he is already the record holder for non SOTU addresses to congress. What makes this even more silly, is that tonight’s speech will have exactly zero deviation from what he has been reading off of his teleprompter since he began running for the Presidency back in 2007. We, all of us, have heard this speech before, and just like every Disney and Don Bluth kids movie sold on video cassette from years ago, I bet we, all of us are able to repeat it word for word today. I believe the term I am searching for here is, Narratum Verbatum.

Third Question, is the badly produced Kabuki Theater worthy of respect? The office of the Presidency deserves respect, but respect is also a two way street. Whatever respect the office deserves should also be paid by the person who holds that office. That is a major source of the lack of respect President Obama is receiving. He does what ever he can to diminish his office, our nation’s standing in the world, and even himself as a leader. Campaigning for reelection is one thing, using a ginned up address to a joint session to deliver the same exact stump speech which has been delivered ad nauseam for 4 years now is something else. Bear in mind that this, “jobs,” program has been promised since January of 2009, and he felt it so important recently that he put it off until after his vacation. Many of us on the right keep waiting and hoping that the man who is the least qualified person in any room that he enters will at some point rise to meet the occasion. Before you say, that’s foolish, bear in mind that even the President who came straight from Tammany Hall, Democrat Chester A. Arthur, by all accounts treated his office with the respect it deserves. Barack Obama’s regime has engaged in activities which include arming the Mexican Drug Cartels, closing down American manufacturers who disagree with him politically, inciting groups of American citizens to engage in violent activities against other groups of American citizens, and using his office as our chief executive to promote the most demagogic class warfare in my memory.

Fourth question, do you democrats really have a problem with your man having his forum with out any type of counter argument? For gosh sakes, any debater in the world would love to have the opportunity to present their case without rebuttal. Your man asked for the forum, and this is his moment in the spotlight. his chief complaint for the first 2 years of his Presidency was that the GOP refused to become complicit in his lunacy and bevy of bad ideas. What would he possibly have to gain from having the same responses to the same speech as we have seen for the last 34 months. In a slight twist however, the GOP congress critters have taken to inviting independent entrepreneurs who have been ravaged by Obama’s policies to the address tonight, including the CEO of Gibson Guitars. This is the tribute that Barack Obama so richly deserves.

What this comes down to, is a panic driven temper tantrum with the realization that they are losing their tenuous grip on power being played out by the left. They campaigned as center right pragmatists in 2006 and 2008 in order to capture both houses of congress and the Presidency. When they in fact governed as Socialists and Marxists once in power, people got angry. No, the Republicans are not perfect, but at least they do not try to obfuscate their positions. When you elect a Republican, you pretty much get the warts you knew were there in the first place. I have no problem with the Democrats governing as Marxists, I do have problem with them promising not to be Marxists and then governing as such. Based on the 2010 election, and what is coming up for them in 2012, it appears as though most other Americans have a problem with this as well.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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