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Tim Pawlenty endorses Mitt Romney

by Phantom Ace ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at September 12th, 2011 - 9:37 am

Birds of a feather stick together. This comes as no shocker to me. Liberal Republican Tim Pawlenty endorses his fellow Liberal Mitt Romney. They are both elitist Big Government Rockefeller Republicans.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty endorsed Mitt Romney for president Monday, praising his onetime rival for his “leadership ability” and the “depth and scope of [his] private-sector experience.”

“I believe he’s going to be our party’s nominee,” Pawlenty said on “Fox and Friends,” predicting Romney would be a “transformational and great president.”

Pawlenty thinks Romney would be a great President? He was an economic vampire at Bain Capital and a Mediocre Gvernor. Romney must be defeated.

(Hat Tip: Iron Fist)

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