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Whacked-out far-left Libs: Obama not leftist enough, vow to challenge him in primaries

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 61 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Liberal Fascism, Politics, Progressives, Socialism at September 20th, 2011 - 11:30 am

This is a shocker (not)! We now have the most leftist, liberal, anti-American, and worst President ever, but he’s not leftist, liberal, or anti-American enough for some of the lunatic fringe from the far-left of the dimocrat party.

They want someone even further to the left.

Too bad Stalin, Pol Pot, or Mao isn’t still around. One of them might be satisfactory to these leftist imbeciles.

Those being considered will most likely include the usual list of washed-up, has-been, brain-dead ignoramuses, like Dennis “we need a Department of Peace” Kucinich, and I’m sure the other far-left kooks will also be considered.

Liberals vow to challenge Obama in Democratic primaries

President Obama’s smooth path to the Democratic nomination may have gotten rockier Monday, after a group of liberal leaders, including former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, announced plans to challenge the incumbent in primaries next year.

The group said the goal is to offer up a handful of candidates from various fields and areas where the president either has failed to stake out a “progressive” position or where he has “drifted toward the corporatist right.”

“Without debates by challengers inside the Democratic Party’s presidential primaries, the liberal/majoritarian agenda will be muted and ignored,” Mr. Nader said in a news release. “The one-man Democratic primaries will be dull, repetitive, and draining of both voter enthusiasm and real bright lines between the two parties that excite voters.”

In search of candidates, Mr. Nader and the others sent out a letter, endorsed by 45 “distinguished leaders,”to elected officials, civic leaders, academics and members of the progressive community who specialize among other things in labor, poverty, military and foreign policy. The list, they said, also includes progressive Democrats who have held national and state office and have fought for progressive reforms.

“We need to put strong Democratic pressure on President Obama in the name of poor and working people” said Cornel West, author and professor at Princeton University who has been highly critical of Mr. Obama’s tenure since helping him get elected in 2008. “His administration has tilted too much toward Wall Street, we need policies that empower Main Street.” Click here to read the rest of the insanity if you’re bored.

BTW, I’d love to see the letter and the list of just exactly who these dolts consider their 45 “distinguished leaders” worthy of receiving this tripe.

Update: And here is the letter (hattip Bumr50)

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