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Biden @ $10K a couple dinner: “(Republicans) don’t have a sense of the average folks out there”

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 125 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, government, Inflation, Misery Index, Politics, Progressives, taxation, unemployment at March 14th, 2012 - 7:00 pm

Ever notice that every time this idiot opens his piehole he says something stupid?

While at a $10,000 (minimum) a couple dinner where they were served grass-fed New York strip steaks and mashed potatoes with white truffles (truffles cost about $1,800 a pound), which was held at John flukin’ Kerry’s Georgetown mansion the late republican Senator John Heinz’s Georgetown mansion that Kerry now occupies with Heinz’s widow Ter-rayyyyza, the imbecile occupying the office of the Vice President told the wealthy dumocrats that Republicans are out of touch with “average folks” and that “they (Republicans) don’t know what it’s like to be middle class”.

“These guys don’t have a sense of the average folks out there,” Biden said according to the pool report, “They don’t know what it means to be middle class.”

BTW, a poll just was released that found that 80% of Americans are worse off now than they were 4 years ago when the Obama regime first occupied D.C.

Joe Biden- The gift that keeps on giving.

And did you know John F’in Kerry served in Viet Nam?

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