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Clinton To Keynote For The Bamster: Celebrate Now, Or Wait For The Sabotage?

by Flyovercountry ( 79 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Politics at August 1st, 2012 - 11:30 am

I wasn’t certain of which cartoon to go with for this thread. Does the one depicting a patronizing Bill Clinton lavishing left handed compliments on the man child President make the better statement?

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Or, would the one highlighting the vastly diminished stature of our man child President when compared to the adults in the room, the other 43 members of the world’s most exclusive fraternity, make the better choice?

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

As a Romney supporter, the news that Billy Jeff would be leaving the Clinton Presidential Library and Massage Parlor long enough to deliver a key note address on behalf of Barack Obama brought me real joy. You may be wondering, what would bring Bill Clinton to a DNC convention that his wife, our current Secretary of State, will not be attending. Bear in mind that this comes after Clinton was reported to have pushed his wife to challenge for the nomination this year, after he gave real praise to Obama’s opponent on more than one occasion, and then followed up with a few crumbs of left handed praise once called out by the Zero’s mouthpieces. There have also been numerous reports of Clinton making it known that he believes that America would be much better off, should Romney defeat Obama in November.

There’s also this to consider, Bringing in Clinton, just after Team Zero was forced to go on all of the Sunday talk shows proclaiming the 42nd President to be senile, is a sign of real desperation. Everyone knows that all election teams hire their own internal pollsters. They take the pulse of the electorate, and for their own internal usage, they are shooting for as accurate a read as possible. What we will never know, is what information those internal polls actually produce. We can guess, there are leaks, conjecture, but we will never be on the receiving end of the actual product delivered to the people paying the bills. My conjecture is that Obama’s internal numbers have told him that he is in real trouble, (the signs of which we have seen aplenty without the vaunted polls,) and needs to take some drastic action now.

Let’s cast our memories back 4 years ago, shall we. After the conventions, McCain had a 5 point lead when two events happened within a week. One was the Lehman Brothers collapse, causing money market funds across the nation to, “break the buck.” The other event was that Bill Clinton officially joined the Obama campaign. Bill joining the Bamster on the stump probably did more to get Obama elected than any other event that transpired during those last few months of the campaign. It was no secret then that the two were not chummy, nor even really cordial towards one another. Their love has not grown over these last four years. In fact, Don Clintonleone has not missed an opportunity beat up on his successor, and then making up for it with the most shameless transparent left handed praise known to have ever been extended.

What exactly is Bill’s motivation here. He does not like Obama, not one little bit. Frankly, with two egos that size, I’m amazed that the both of them are able to fit into one state at the same time. Bill relishes the role of being the only Democrat since FDR to have been reelected for a second term. Something he gets to keep saying after November should the current President receive the voter’s rebuke he so richly deserves. He still has designs on calling 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home again, which would be much more possible in 2016 were Hillary to be running to oust Mitt Romney rather than following the Bozo Administration after eight years of Hopety Change Malaise.

One thing that this will do however, it will get people to watch these otherwise boring speeches on the telly, rather than watching the cable drama alternatives for those three days instead. Bill Clinton is like that misbehaved child who everyone had their eyes focused upon during religious services just to see what happened next. I really can not wait to hear Clinton praising Obama in some superficial manner and then delivering the phaser death ray in that left handed manner the very next moment. I’m sure his speech during the convention will be all it should from the Obama team’s standpoint during the convention. It’s the time afterwards that you’ll have to watch out for.

What’s more, Obama and his team doubtless know all of this, which makes this move smack even more of desperation. Either the party has struck some sort of wild deal with Clinton, which is not out of the realm of possibility, or they have no other plays left, and are throwing a Hail Mary Pass with 99 days left. Clinton’s feint praise will not be enough to sway an election this time around. First of all, he doesn’t mean it, and that will doubtless slip through, not because Clinton isn’t capable of pulling off the lie, he is. It will slip through primarily because Clinton will wish it to. Secondly, since Obama now has a record with which he can be identified, Bill Clinton no longer has an empty template with which to paint the picture of a Messiah upon. Bill Clinton was a moderately popular guy, winning a plurality election twice, but he was also very careful to move to the center when the nation rebuked his leftist tendencies. Not so for Barack Obama. When the nation filed its restraining order in 2010, he doubled down on shifting even further to the left, talked about his problems with our old friend messaging again, and dared the Republicans to run this campaign on a message of repealing Obamacare and Dodd Frank. Now that they’re going to take him up on that offer, it looks as though Bill Clinton has been called in to lend a hand. This should be fun for the whole family.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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