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Rand Paul: “Any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States”

by Phantom Ace ( 5 Comments › )
Filed under Islamists, Israel, Republican Party, Special Report, The Political Right at January 25th, 2013 - 10:05 am

Ron Paul was an apologist for the Islamic cause. He blamed blow back and support of Israel for the reasons why the Islamic world hates the United States. His son Rand Paul takes a totally different view.

When it comes to the Islamic threat, Rand Paul is one of the few in Washington who gets it. He wants to cut off aid to Islamic nations because they use that money to spread their filth. The US is arming the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and arming Hizb’Allah in Lebanon. Rand Paul also is tired of US aid being used to make Israel an American vassal state. Instead Rand Paul says the US should make it clear that an attack on Israel is an attack on America.

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul took what very well could be considered his most pro-Israel stance yet, saying in an interview that an attack on Israel should be treated as an attack on the United States.

Asked whether the United States would stand with Israel and provide it foreign aid if the Jewish state were attacked by its enemies, Paul went a step further.

“Well absolutely we stand with Israel,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News, “but what I think we should do is announce to the world – and I think it is pretty well known — that any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States.”


But the younger Paul is trying to demonstrate that he is pro-Israel, even if he opposes foreign aid to the Jewish state. He reiterated in his interview with Breitbart News his opposition to foreign aid, but again noted that he favors cutting aid off first to anti-American countries before ultimately cutting it off to American allies like Israel.

Rand Paul is correct in his stance. The US is giving aid and is arming both sides in the Israeli-Islamic conflict. Without question Rand Paul is the most anti-Jihad politician in Washington. This means the Democrats and the Republican establishment at the behest of their Islamic masters will seek to destroy Rand Paul. Conservatives and Libertarians should rally to Rand Paul’s defense.

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