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Listen Closely My Fellow Snowflakes, And Rejoice!

by Flyovercountry ( 122 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Marxism, Progressives at November 14th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Heading into the Obama Regime, (and yes you leftists our there who may be reading this, I mean for the word regime to be taken in the same tone as any government headed by a tin pot dictator,) we, meaning all of us on the political right, knew or should have known that there were two distinct Lefty wet dreams which would be used to inflict total bureaucratic hell on Earth, for anyone who appreciated freedom and a constrained federal government. One of them was Cap and Trade, which is just the tip of the environmentalist iceberg in which, “Global Warming,” would be the Hammer and Sickle used to bludgeon us into economic impoverishment. The other wet dream that the Leftists had of course was Universal Health Care. This is the law that gives the feds permission to peak into every single nook and cranny of your life and unilaterally decide for you what freedoms you will be allowed to keep, and which ones could be stripped away. The gun grab would eventually be made successfully through Obamacare, or its descendant, what ever form that nightmare would eventually take.

In case I soft peddled yesterday’s post, I wish to nail it home today. Our opportunity here is huge. While we on the right are having our well deserved, and by the way completely necessary civil war, the nightmare inflicted upon us by the political left, (which they were able to accomplish because they win elections and we do not,) is imploding, and it is doing so in spectacular fashion. Many of us on the right predicted this implosion, not because of some psychic ability possessed, but because of our understanding of the laws of economics, which by the way happen to be spot freaking on. While we bicker and argue over who is a conservative and who is not, and whether tactics should trump principled stands or the other way around, the left is seeing the utter failure of their signature accomplishment, and receiving the unbridled disdain of those upon whom they’ve inflicted it. They will one day fix the technology, that is inevitable. They will never be able to fix the law itself, as this was always the endgame.

The arguments going forward from their crowd are about to get silly. “We can’t get the toothpaste back into the tube.” “It’s the republicans fault for allowing us to do this completely on our own.” “The insurance companies are to blame because they never told us how their industry worked.” “Anyone who makes some sort of profit is greedy.” We just need to tweak the law a little, so that the damage it inflicts can be spread out over a longer period of time.” One thing is certain however, and that is that when people want a commodity or service, they will find a way to get it, and when that market exists, others will provide it. Now that the Democrats have effectively made future health care and enjoyable living illegal, (it’s just a matter of time before Kathleen Sebelius figures out how to write the rules to accomplish this,) a black market for both will certainly appear.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, that wonderful economic model being followed so perfectly by Barack Obama today, we learned two things. One, they had a thriving black market for just about everything. Two, the collapse was caused by their complete lack of economic capability, and had almost nothing to do with any military endeavor or effort within the world of intelligence gathering operations. Reagan won the Cold War in Iceland during the first days of his Presidency, not by striking some sort of genius strategic blow, but by refusing to shackle our own economic progress for the benefit of the Soviets. They wanted us to stop with the SDI, not because they were afraid of what it might do to them, but because of what it would prevent them from doing to us. Economically, they could not keep up, and they lacked the resources to accomplish the simple task of feeding their own. Their economic model, after 80 years, forced mass starvation upon their entire population. It would have been much sooner had we not been shipping them most of their grain from the mid 60’s onward.

Looking at that model, and realizing that this is the path that the Bamster is following, no matter how much the press proclaims him to be a, “centrist,” this end to their wet dream is the only possible outcome. People will follow soaring platitudinous rhetoric only until they face the consequences of that soaring platitudinous rhetoric. As Chuck Knoll once responded to a reporter who asked him what kind of motivational speeches he gave before games, “I don’t give any speeches, they are a waste of time. As soon as a guy gets knocked on his ass, the speech is forgotten.” What Obamacare now represents, in more than purely symbolic terms, is America and about 150 Million of her citizens getting knocked on their collective,
(pun intended,) asses.

Charles Krauthammer has a unique take on all of this, and I partially agree with what he has to say, and I partially disagree. While I do share his optimism with the fact that what we are witnessing here, whether it’s the Dems or the GOP who gain control in the future, is the end of liberalism. That sad little theory of economics and governance has done the only thing that it has ever really been capable of accomplishing, and that is suicide. Whether the body is dead or not yet is immaterial. It will be, and what finally killed it was allowing it to have its own way. By the way, that’s what also killed the Soviet Version, 32 years ago.

What I disagree with is Krauthammer’s assertion that we not proceed with our current fight amongst ourselves, which I have been looking forward to for the better part of 8 years now. By the way, for all of you who will doubtless accuse Dr. Krauthammer of being a Rino, bear in mind that he states plainly that he agrees with the substance of what Ted Cruz and Mike Lee attempted, just not the tactics that they used. Maybe I’m just spit balling here, but perhaps we should allow him to stay in our tent after all. Chasing the Dr. K’s out is the only sure fire way to insure we never win those all too important elections in the future.


Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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