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Finding Out What’s In It: Part Oh-My-God

by Flyovercountry ( 142 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Health Care, Marxism, Progressives at November 27th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

Remembering back to that ancient date of December of 2009, when Nancy Pelosi declared that Obamacare, or as it should be termed at least in the alternate, Zerocare, was the Democrats Christmas Gift to the nation, I distinctly remember almost every media outlet in the country running stories about how those of us who opposed this crap sandwich were officially not as well informed as those who supported it. They published official sounding studies conducted by the dregs of academia to prove to all that we knew nothing about what we were saying, both in terms of the destructive economics and the social costs of this terrible piece of legislation. Well once again, if you have liberal friends and family with whom you will be sharing a Thanksgiving meal, you can look forward to the Obama Administration interdicting themselves into the middle of your quality time together via a talking points memo. Have no fear however, because with this helpful talking points memo put together by Ace of Spades HQ, you can answer with the fact that we turned out to be correct, about everything.

If you don’t like following links, the memo follows below:

1. Hey remember when you said that Obamacare was going to work great, and then, when people asked you how it actually worked, you sort of implied they were stupid for not knowing, and yet you never provided any evidence that you had any idea of how it was supposed to work yourself? Yeah, you were wrong to do that.

2. Remember when you called me crazy for saying Obama wanted to “spread the wealth around,” based on not a scrap of evidence except for Obama himself saying he wanted to spread the wealth around? Yeah, there’s a NYT article that says that Obamacare is fundamentally a redistributive program — which means it “spreads the wealth around.” Yeah you were wrong on that, too.

3. Remember when you said that it was only “REPUBLICAN LIES!!111!!” that Obama’s “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” promise was itself a lie? I hate to keep coming back to this point, but you were way wrong on that one too.

4. Remember the “if you like your doctor” pledge? Yeah I feel like a broken record here, but you were wrong.

5. Remember when you gleefully, giddily declared the end of the Republican Party and a new era of Proud Progressive dominance? Yeah, the current political Big Story is whether or not Obamacare will wind up discrediting progressivism for just an election cycle or two, or as much as a generation. It looks like you were wrong about that.

6. Remember when you were so confident, arrogant, snotty, sneering, and dismissive about legitimate and informed concerns about Obamacare? You were wrong. And you weren’t just wrong on the facts, but you were wrong on a human level. You very nearly screamed your ignorant opinions and shouted down dissent. You sneered at people as ignorant who actually knew more than you did, and you indulged in entirely-unwarranted moral preening about your alleged concern for the poor. Despite the fact that you never do anything to actually aid the poor. Apparently shouting at relatives is your idea of “charity.”

Yeah you were wrong. You are wrong.

I know you won’t apologize, but at least keep your stupid mouth shut this year and let us all digest in peace.

As it turns out, something in this law is far more egregious than a $635 Million website that fails to implement a simple virtual shopping cart. It is far more egregious than the insanely disastrous economics being inflicted upon our nation having caused us to now enjoy the lowest labor force participation rate since the Black Death ravaged Europe. It is far more egregious than the fact that Doctors and Hospitals, no longer feeling all warm and fuzzy about officially being accused of performing unwarranted surgery or purposefully keeping people sick for no other reason than to satisfy their own grotesque greed, inexplicably folding up shop and taking their toys home to a more appreciative audience. It is far more egregious than insurance companies which have become legally obligated to hemorrhage money with each new client acquired, suddenly realizing that they would be better off no longer taking on new clients, or even keeping the ones that they had in most cases.

Remember when we warned that one of the effects of the law would be a significant loss of our Constitutional Protections, and the political left called us crazy? Well, You’re going to love this news report highlighting the loss of the Fourth Amendment, made possible of course by your favorite Law and mine.

Be certain to follow that link, as the video of the story is even scarier than any description that I could make. Below is the money quote from the NBC report:

Some drivers along a busy Fort Worth street on Friday were stopped at a police roadblock and directed into a parking lot, where they were asked by federal contractors for samples of their breath, saliva and even blood.

It was part of a government research study aimed at determining the number of drunken or drug-impaired drivers.

You see, since your driving habits, or more specifically, the possibility that you may be affecting your own health and the health of others while you drive now falls under the auspices of the public interest, more specifically the health care that all of society is now financially on the hook for, The Fourth Amendment has now been trumped, because Democrats passed this law, which we should never attempt to repeal. If this outrage is allowed to stand, this game becomes easy to play. Guns of course can be proven to be harmful to somebody’s health, I’m sure. You might have too much sugar or butter in your kitchen. Are you exercising enough? Literally, there is no aspect of human existence that will be exempt from the scrutiny of a ruling elite. More to the point, I’m certain that the ruling elites knew in advance that there would be a reaction to this. The calculus is to get us all used to surrendering our rights slowly, and over time, just eventually accepting the inevitable loss of our freedoms, for our own good of course.

A lawyer friend of mine read the article linked to above, and sent an email like the one below to every employer of every member of the PIRE board. We’re waiting with baited breath for the replies, but some how I suspect that everyone involved is on board with this. Academia has become ground zero for the ruling class elites who feel it their business to inflict themselves into my business. Be sure to hold your breath along with me for that well thought out response. (For those of you who live in Kentucky, the good news is that your state tax dollars actually were used to pay for this unconstitutional road block in Texas. I’m pretty sure that I saw some California institutions of higher learning on that list as well. These are great days we’re living my friends.)

to pres, swwyat2, bioethics

Dear President Capilouto: (cc’d Dean Stephen Wyatt, DMD, MPH; and the Bioethics department)

I was disturbed to read about the police-assisted roadblock and research project described in this news report:

I pulled up the website of the research organization behind it, PIRE, and found your Richard Clayton, Ph.D.. Good Samaritan Foundation Chair in Health Promotion and Health Education, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY. He is on the board of PIRE.

Will UK vouch for this type of ethics as related to a research project??

I look forward the University’s answer.

I thank you for your time.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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