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How, “Never Again,” Is Much Better Than, “#StopFiringRockets,”

by Flyovercountry ( 185 Comments › )
Filed under Gaza, IDF, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Palestinians, Progressives at July 25th, 2014 - 11:00 am

This is one of those instances where I’ll hear someone, or a couple of people, state a Universal truth in such a manner that it makes even better sense to me, and helps me to clarify my perspective. I’ve written before about the sheer idiocy of the, “proportional response,” a term invented by our friends who reside on the left side of the political aisle. This is the concept that says, regardless of the fact that side A initiated the hostilities with an unprovoked act of violence, the response to that attack can only be as heavy, as violent, or as destructive as an arbitrarily agreed upon level, determined by completely biased world observers. So, when Hamas fires 8000 rockets into Israeli residential neighborhoods, the UNHRC has determined that they are allowed to arrest somebody, provided that this somebody, is not an Hamas Leader. Never mind that this is a prescription for eventual suicide by the Israelis, a measure guaranteed to foment their demise, them’s the breaks. On to our video.

There seems to be some confusion in the world over the term, “never again.” Even as a child growing up in the 70’s, one of the few people of Jewish faith to live in West Virginia, I can remember that mantra being recited not only by those of us in the Jewish Community, but by almost all of our Christian neighbors as well. The phrase referred to the Holocaust, an event in history in which a maniacal demagogue attempted and came much too close for comfort in actually succeeding, to completely eradicate from the planet every person of Jewish descent, along with all others he deemed undesirable. 6 Million Jews, and 5 Million assorted others were systematically and efficiently killed by a ruling Socialist government, with no more thought than bureaucratic drones blindly following orders. Almost all of the 11 Million people who perished, did so peaceably, doing what the authorities had told them to do, right up until the bitter end. I have no idea what could possibly have been going through their minds as they followed the program laid out for them, but on some level, there must have been a faith that their fellow man would suddenly rediscover their humanity.

My Brother’s Father in Law is a survivor. The last time he saw his mother, she got into the other line, the one headed for the showers. At his mother’s instructions, he had stood on his toes at the age of 12, so that he would appear tall enough to work. He lost siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grand parents, all so that he could listen to a growing population of morons claim that the whole thing never happened. What’s most ironic about the whole, “it never happened,” mantra of course, is that it is mostly being spread by people who are attempting to do the very same thing today. In case you did not know, or in case you didn’t pay attention to the video, Hamas is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same fine group that includes a still vibrant Al Qaeda. It also counts CAIR, MSA, ISNA, and several dozen other supposedly moderate groups here in America as members. The Muslim Brotherhood was initially funded by Adolph Hitler, and as a group, has endorsed the genocide of all Jews on the planet since their inception. That has not changed.

The term, “never again,” simply means that we Jews will not go peaceably next time. If you want to kill all of the Jews, you’ll need to take us on fighting next time. And by the way, there always seems to be a next time. I realize that many in the world at large are somewhat confused by this concept, that Jews are not simply willing to be killed en toto. There are many in the world who view any act of self defense on the part of Israelis specifically or Jews generally, as an abridgement of the rules of politically correct moral equivalence. That is simply hard cheese that such people will have to swallow. They can not, nor should they be, helped. This belief that any people any where should just sit back and accept any attack leveled upon them, and answer it with restraint is nothing short of a sickness of the soul. This sickness threatens the very humanity that leftists claim unites us all and is the natural scientifically designated end of our evolutionary path. It is the people leveling those initial acts of aggression that deserve disdain, and quite frankly, deserve what ever response happens to be sent their way. I personally would shed zero tears should all who live in Gaza suddenly find themselves referred to in the past tense.

The term, “never again,” does not refer to the world sitting around a drum circle singing kumbayah. It does not mean that people are really nice now, nicer and more evolved than they were in the 1930’s and 40’s. So nice in fact, they’d never dream of doing the exact thing that they are doing in Israel today, which is attempting a genocide.

By the way, Israel left Gaza about a decade ago, so now what happens in Gaza, how its economy performs, how its people are fed, how their health care system works, all of it is Gaza’s and Hamas’ own doing. Yet the only thing Gaza and Hamas seem to feel worthy of their effort and resources is firing attacks against it neighbor, a neighbor by the way that boasts the highest per capita GDP in the region. A per capita GDP that dwarfs its closes competitor, and would love nothing more than a viable economic trading partner who would rather see goods and services crossing the border in place of rockets and troops. Hamas however is not interested in such trite details as the well being of her own people. The Muslim God has a blood lust, and to fully awaken this beast, they must finish the final solution their hero started 80 years ago.

Some of you out there may be saying to yourselves, “whew, I’m not Jewish, so I have nothing to worry about.” Unfortunately for you, we’re just where this blood lust starts, you’re where it all ends. The Caliphate can’t happen, the Twelfth Imam can not appear until all of the world’s Jews are dead. The role of the Twelfth Imam of course will be to rid the world of what ever remains that isn’t Muslim, and that doesn’t sound like much fun either.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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