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Posts Tagged ‘2012 GOP Presidential Debate’

Post Debate OOT

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 218 Comments › )
Filed under Art, OOT, Open thread, Politics at September 7th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Might as well continue the trash talk on The Overnight Open Thread.

Mitt Romney’s hypocrtical attack on Perry over Immigration

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Business, Elections 2012, Headlines, immigration, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at September 3rd, 2011 - 1:45 am

Mit Romney had the audacity to attack Rick Perry as “soft on immigration.” this is hypocritical because the Governor of Texas has no say in Immigration law. Texas is 40% Hispanic and the GOP got 40% of that in the last election, hence their sweep in that state. Rick Perry is against illegal immigration, but he does it from a law standpoint, not a look at those evil Mexicans point of view. Desperate, Mitt Romney begins a qusi-Nativist attack on Perry because he doesn’t demonize Hispanics.  The problem is, Mitt Romney supported amnesty!

This is too hysterical because Mitt Romney’;s father, George Romney was born in a Mormon colony in Mexico! I wonder if his dad was a legal Mexican resident or was that colony paying off the Federales?

Mitt Romney hired illegals to work in his mansion. He’s no one to throw stones on this issue. Mitt, stop with your phony act. You’re a Progressive Rockefeller Republican and are fooling no one.

CNN Presidential Debate Recap and the Obama Magic is gone

by Phantom Ace ( 79 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Republican Party, unemployment at June 14th, 2011 - 11:30 am

CNN hosted a debate for the 2012 Republican Presidential candidates last night. My observation was that they are building up Mitt Romney. Clearly the Progressive elites know that Barack Hussein Obama is a failure. They want a Republican whom they can use as a straw man against Obama. Plus if Romney wins, they know he’s not a Conservative and will not change much economically from Obama. There will be some foreign policy changes in regard to Israel, but not much else would change. He received soft ball questions all night. The key moment was when Romney downplayed the threat of Sharia law in the country, despite the fact it’s been used in some criminal cases. He also said he welcomes all faiths. Despite the fact that Islam is a totalitarian political ideology like Nazism and Communism. Imagine Reagan saying that Communism isn’t a threat and he welcomes all ideologies? Nope, because he had principles, unlike Mitt Romney.  Clearly CNN had a Pro-Romney agenda last night.

CNN went after Herman Cain and were giving him hard questions. He would answers and the host John King would twist his answer. Cain had to correct him a few times. Clearly they went after Herman Cain because he’s a proud black man who isn’t a mental slave to the left. CNN had an agenda against Herman Cain.

Ron Paul was Ron Paul. Although I agreed with many of the things he’s said, he’s still crazy!

Newt Gingrich got it right on Islam. He rightfully compared it to Communism and Nazism. During the Coldwar and WWII we didn’t coddle these two ideologies like we coddle Islam. He was right about the importance of a space program as well, but Newt is washed up and yesterday’s news like Charles Johnson.

Tim Pawlenty was boring and lame. He chickened out from going after Mitt Romney on Romneycare. This shows he would be a Bush-like Republican, scared to fight back. No thanks, we had that for 8 years. Turning the other cheek gave us Barack Hussein Obama.

Rick Santorum was sharp, but he’s damaged goods and his stance on preventing abortions for rape victims is sick.

Michele Bachmann was the surprise of the debate. She had a clear command of the issues and was quick on her feet. I was a skeptic of hers, but she was really impressive. If Bachmann keeps up the sharpness and knowledge of the issues, she will be very formidable. Clearly, she has a bright future in politics ahead of her. I would not be shocked if she runs for either the Minnesota Senate or Governorship.

Overall, it was an interesting debate, but CNN had a clear agenda to help Mitt Romney.

Update: Meanwhile Barack Hussein Obama was in Miami. He had a fundraiser in a 2,200 seat concert hall. Only 980 people showed up!

MIAMI, Fla. — A low-dollar fundraiser here Monday felt like a throwback to the 2008 campaign.

There was the same old soundtrack – including “City of Blinding Lights” by U2, the president’s 2008 anthem — the enthusiastic organizers and the abundant appeals for supporters to rally behind President Obama.

The one missing element? Overflowing crowds.

Granted, it was a fundraiser, not a free rally. But the empty seats were hard to miss.

The top level of the 2,200-seat concert hall at the Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts was entirely empty, as were the seats along the side of the second and third levels.

The magic is clearly gone and the fact the media is now reporting the low turnout for the Obama event indicates the cocoon is crumbling. 

Obama also might be realizing the game is up for him. He said his family would be OK with one term.

Asked about his family’s reaction to his wanting another term, Obama said: “Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, `You know, guys, I want to do something different,’ They’d be fine. They’re not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president.”

Do us a favor President Hussein and make your family happy. Don’t run for re-election please.

Fox News Republican Presidential Debate

by Phantom Ace ( 213 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Open thread, Politics, Republican Party at May 5th, 2011 - 9:00 pm

This is an open thread to discuss the GOP 2012 Presidential debate in South Carolina. Attending the first debate was Tim Pawlenty,  Rick Santorum,  Ron Paul,  Gary John and Herman Cain. The other major potential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Mitch Daniels, Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee  haven’t declared or have skipped this debate.

Discuss the debate or any other subject!

This is an Open thread. You can discuss any subject.

Update: Here’s the Live Stream.