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Posts Tagged ‘3rd World Liberation Ideology’

Obama Regime confident about re-election

by Phantom Ace ( 42 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tranzis at December 14th, 2011 - 11:30 am

Barack Obama and his advisers are super confident that they will win in 2012. As a Conservative it twists my stomach to admit they are right. The Obama Regime is the most formidable election machine ever assembled.  Unlike the GOP, which gets into culture wars, they embrace the popular culture and use it to their advantage. This makes people who may not like Obama’s policies like him personally. The Democrats also know how to play the demographics game and the GOP refuses to do this. The result is huge swatch of the electorate don’t hear the Conservative message and end up believing the Democrats and their lies.

Let’s look at the opinion polls. Two week ago Conservatives were crowing that Obama’s poll average was lower than Jimmy Carter at this point in his Presidency. His average approval for the week of 12/3 was 51.4% disapproval to 41% approve. Now it’s 48.2% disapprove to 45.2% approve. I have pointed out all year that Obama may dip down to the low 40’s but he always bounces back up. Clearly this is due to American voters liking him as a person.

The RNC recently told it’s surrogates and allies to not go after Obama the person. This is a huge mistake since the only way to defeat Obama is to tear him down as a human being the way Progressive did Bush. Then his policy failures will catch up with him and sink his Presidency. The fact that the GOP refuses to fight and the other factors I have mentioned previously is why the Obama Regime is very confident about 2012.

President Obama will win a second term because of his incumbency and his political track record, not in spite of those facts, his campaign team told reporters Tuesday.

While the president’s critics predict that a weak economy and voter disappointment in Obama — after 2008’s sky-high expectations — will prove his undoing, his campaign strategists arrived in Washington this week ready to explain why they see the election landscape so differently.

Although Newt Gingrich currently leads the Republican primary field in Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, according to recent polls, Mitt Romney attracted most of the campaign experts’ barbs and brickbats.

Using bullet points, calendars, maps and measures of nearly every campaign activity to date, message-shaper David Axelrod and campaign manager Jim Messina described how they believe Obama “will win” in 2012. Here are 10 of their arguments:

1) The Republican presidential candidates are “simply not in the mainstream on so many issues,” Obama’s campaign team asserted. On the economy, the GOP contenders share the “same vision, basically, which is that we pull up the drawbridge, cut everything, and hope for the best,” Axelrod said. “Whether it’s Newt or any of the other Republicans who are parroting the same position, they all embrace the same trickle-down theory that governed the policies of the last decade; that governed the same policies in the 1920s, that led to disaster,” he said.

Read the rest: Why Team Obama Is Bullish on Re-election in 2012

I can’t emphasize this enough. We are dealing not with a politician here. We are dealing with a cult leader. There is a quasi religious aspect to Barack Hussein Obama.  He has a hold on a large segement of the population. Even if they disagree with the policies of the Regime they want him to succeeed. The only way to change that is to attack Obama the person. Once that occurs he will lose his cool and his semi-divinity mask will be gone. Then he’s a normal polictian.

Personally I think the GOP needs a huge change. The Progressives running the party should be removed. They also should hire a PR firm to improve their image with the public. It’s too late in the Presidential cycle for this and that’s why I think Obama unfortunately will win. The Progressives have built  a virtually unbeatable machine the last ten years. The GOP in its current form can’t take on this machine successfully. The Republican Party has bad leadership, bad messaging and is not offering a forward looking message. Hence the Regime’s confidence in their re-election. I wish I disagreed with their confidence but I can’t be intellectually dishonest and think otherwise.

I hope I am proven wrong.

The Power Grab of Barack Hussein Obama

by Phantom Ace ( 92 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008, Elections 2012, Fascism, Free Speech, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Socialism at August 3rd, 2011 - 8:30 am

The Progressives accused Bush of abusing the powers of the Presidency. They were projecting onto him, their intentions. Barack Hussein Obama has governed like a 3rd World Style Progressive. He has a State Capitalist economic policies, engages in demagogic rhetoric and abuses of power. Obama has even admitted he wishes he can act with dictatorial like powers. In fact, he has engaged in power grabs.

Candidates never keep their promises once in office. But even by the unlovely standards of his political peers, President Obama has pulled a rather impressive switcheroo from the anti-Bush to Bush-plus. He ran on a platform to undo President George W. Bush’s legacy and restore government accountability, even signing the pledge from the Reason Foundation (where I work) to “fully and robustly” work toward “open, transparent, and accountable government principles.”


1. War-making powers. During the campaign, Obama famously declared that when it came to bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities: “The president does not have the power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

But not only did he not get prior congressional approval before bombing Libya, which poses no threat, he refused to get approval even 90 days after the fact as required by the War Powers Resolution Act. Why? Because he insists that unless troops are committed, we are not engaged in a war, only “kinetic military action.”


2. Civil liberties. During a 2005 speech, Obama rightly condemned the “false choice” between liberty and security posed by the Bush war on terror. So what does he do after getting elected? Not only does he not return the civil liberties that Bush took away, he confiscates more.


3. Legislating through bureaucrats. If this assault on civil liberties is chilling, so is the manner in which Obama and his congressional minions are colluding to hand over control of the economy to unelected bureaucrats.

Consider the Independent Payment Advisory Board that Obamacare created. Its 15-member board, appointed by the president, has virtual carte blanche to cut Medicare spending by mandating “evidence-based medicine” (code for rationing) or slashing physician payments. Its “recommendations” will have the force of law unless Congress passes—with a three-fifths supermajority in the Senate—alternative cuts of an equal amount. This, in essence, delegates away Congress’ legislative powers.


4. Killing the auto industry through regulatory fiat. At least the president worked with Congress before delivering the financial and health care industries to the clutches of bureaucrats. If only the auto industry had been so lucky. The administration’s newly proposed fuel economy standards are the regulatory equivalent of declaring war on carmakers, as I noted in my last column. However, as with Libya, the administration failed to involve Congress, in a clear departure from past precedent when Congress has set the standards and the EPA has implemented them. This time, the EPA is doing both.

Read it all: Obama’s Top Four Power Grabs

I don’t really agree that Bush took civil liberties, since I was able to criticize his policies without fear of retribution. The other 3 examples of Obama abusing his power are spot on. He is trying to emulate the 3rd World tyrants he grew up admiring.

White House staffers get raises while most Americans don’t

by Phantom Ace ( 82 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Progressives, unemployment at July 7th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Very few Americans were lucky enough to get raises last year. Despite this, the Obama regime displays a Neo-Feudal attitude. White House staffers got raises higher than the normal American worker. Keep in mind, the US government is 14 Trillion in debt and Obama is calling for sacrifices. Well he should start with his own staff.

The White House released its annual salary report last week, and as usual, it’s nice to work for Barack Obama: Most staffers who were there for more than a year got a salary bump. A bigger one than you did.

The last time we checked in on White House salaries, we found that an astonishing 75% of continuing staffers got raises from 2009 to 2010—a huge number given the fact that, according to compensation experts, most companies had skipped routine raises that year in reaction to the economic crisis that the White House was busy failing to solve. This time around—from 2010 to 2011—the ratio is a little less dramatic. Of the 270 White House staffers who have been there for more than a year, 146—or 54%—received raises. The average salary increase was 8%. If you look at only staffers who got raises, the average increase was twice that.

Read the rest: White House Staffers Got a Raise Last Year, And You Did Not

This is just a smack in the face to US taxpayers. At a time of wage freezes and government debt, White House workers shouldn’t be getting extravagant raises. This is Neo-Feudalism on pure display.

Obama uses Kids to Demagogue Republicans

by Phantom Ace ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Fascism, Headlines, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tranzis at June 29th, 2011 - 3:09 pm

Progressives throughout history love to use children to score political points. Whether it was Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro or Chavez, the Left loves to claim they’re for the Children. Taking a page out of his ideological soul-mates, Barack Hussein Obama at his press conference claimed Republicans are anti-Children. He said the debt ceiling debate is about corporate jets vs. children.

Kids versus corporate jets.

If President Obama’s news conference accomplished anything on Wednesday afternoon, it underscored, in striking tones, his strategy for winning the debt ceiling fight with Republicans: Make it a clash of classes.

  • Rich versus Poor.
  • Us versus Them.
  • Those who support children, food safety, medical research and, presumably, puppies and apple pie versus the rich fat cats who don’t.

In Obama’s world, Democrats are for kids and Republicans are for corporate jets. That is a sharp distinction that could help put the GOP on defensive, but it may not be enough to persuade Republicans to change their posture on the debt-ceiling talks.

Republicans have cast Obama as a tax-raiser and a Big-Government spender. This was his jujitsu move to turn their arguments against them. With a hint of disdain, Obama even dredged up the death of Osama bin Laden to score a political point.

“I’ve been doing Afghanistan, bin Laden and the Greek crisis,” Obama said, jabbing Congress for being out of session so much. “You stay here. Let’s get it done.”

This is 3rd World Liberation rhetoric. The GOP should say they are defending the Children by wanting to address the debt issues. Obama shouldn’t be allowed to get away with his demagoguery. He is on the side of people who fly private corporate jets.  Bring up his connections to George Soros and GE. The GOP needs to fight him and stop being nice.