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Posts Tagged ‘ADL’

Breaking: ADL against Ground Zero Mosque

by Phantom Ace ( 150 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Dhimmitude, Free Speech, Islam, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Jihad, Terrorism at July 30th, 2010 - 2:43 pm

The ADL which is  a Progressive front group that smears Conservatives as anti-Semites while ignoring the Left’s anti-Semitism, gets this one issue right. The saying that a broken clock is right twice a day holds true here. They have come out against the Ground zero 9/11 Mosque.

We categorically reject appeals to bigotry on the basis of religion, and condemn those whose opposition to this proposed Islamic Center is a manifestation of such bigotry.

 However, there are understandably strong passions and keen sensitivities surrounding the World Trade Center site.  We are ever mindful of the tragedy which befell our nation there, the pain we all still feel – and especially the anguish of the families and friends of those who were killed on September 11, 2001.  

The controversy which has emerged regarding the building of an Islamic Center at this location is counterproductive to the healing process.  Therefore, under these unique circumstances, we believe the City of New York would be better served if an alternative location could be found.

Read it all: Statement On Islamic Community Center Near Ground Zero

I disagree with the ADL’s assertion that standing up against Islamic Imperialism is bigotry. The Colonialists are the bigots with their Arab based Caste system. I do agree with the rest of their analysis that it’s an insult to the victims families of 9/11 to set up this abomination. I salute the ADL for being on the right side for once.

 (Hat Tip: Charles “Icarus” Johnson)

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Even on Thanksgiving Charles “Icarus” Johnson attacks Glenn Beck

by Phantom Ace ( 343 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Blogwars, Free Speech, LGF, Open thread, Progressives at November 26th, 2009 - 2:20 pm

Happy Thanksgiving Blogmocracy Netizens! I’m having a great time with my family and the fabulous turkey my Mom made. However, someone is not having a good day. The Maoist Totalitarian blogger, Charles “Icarus” Johnson, clearly is not having a good Thanksgiving. Rather than discuss what to be grateful for, he launches a vicious attack on Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck has done damage to the American Progressive Movement and the regime of Barack Hussein Obama. He exposed the radical 9/11 truther and Black National Socialist, Van Jones. He uncovered Anita Dunn as a supporter of Mao and has damaged ACORN. Charles “Icarus” Johnson, who is rabid supporter of the Obama regime, can’t stand the damage Beck is doing. He has launched non stop attacks and smears on Beck.

Charles’s latest attack is on Glenn Beck for defending himself from the ADL’s smear on. Beck calls out this organization as a Radical Progressive front group. Charles then goes on to attack Beck and call him an anti-Semite.


Glenn Beck Blames the ADL for Antisemitism

Weird | Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 10:53:57 am PST

Obviously, Beck didn’t like this very much. So he responded yesterday on his radio show by attacking the ADL, implying that they are responsible for antisemitism. Yes, really.

In their new report on the rise of extremism in the US, the Anti-Defamation League singled out Glenn Beck as “most important mainstream media figure who has repeatedly helped to stoke the fires of anti-government anger.”

Charles lies yet again. If you listen to the clip I linked to, Beck makes no such statement. He just calls out the ADL for being fake and going after someone who is a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. He has every right to defend himself against the smears of this Leftist Organization. “Icarus” just wants to attack Beck and even calls him anti-Semitic.

33 Charles 
Thu, Nov 26, 2009 11:35:55am reply quote 5 down up report
The quote is:

The ADL “has as much to do, I believe, with the plight of the Jewish people” as NOW “has with the plight of women.”

You can read this as saying that the ADL has nothing to do with the plight of the Jewish people — which is absurd and offensive.

Or you can read it as saying that the ADL is contributing to the plight of the Jewish people (by focusing on politics and thereby causing antisemitism) — which is even more absurd and offensive.

There’s no way to put a good spin on this.

Anti-Semitism is a real and sick form of racism. To accuse someone of it should not be done lightly. The fact that now Progressives like the ADL and Charles “Icarus” Johnson are accusing Glenn Beck is an insult to victims of this form of racism. Icarus’ meltdown has really taken a nasty turn. He is clearly a demagogue and I am calling him out on it.

Beck, don’t let these attacks stop you. Keep going after these Progressives and don’t worry about some washed up ukulele playing failed blogger.

American Support for Israel Remains Solid

by Kafir ( 195 Comments › )
Filed under Israel, Polls at October 26th, 2009 - 10:59 am

ADL Poll: American Support for Israel Remains Solid; Increase in Support for Action to Prevent Iran From Going Nuclear

The American people’s strong support for Israel remains constant and their
support for action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power has
substantially increased, according to a new nationwide survey released by the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today.

The survey’s findings demonstrate that Americans recognize Israel as a strong
and loyal U.S. ally, are skeptical about “peace dividends” that would be
realized by Israel stopping all settlement construction and believe that a
Palestinian state must not be established until the Palestinians demonstrate a
commitment to end violence and accept Israel’s legitimacy.

French FM warns: Israel will attack Iran

Kouchner hinted that Israel had been generous in the time it had provided the international community to solve the crisis diplomatically, but warned that eventually the threat will cross a red line and Israel will be compelled to act.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki responded to Kouchner’s warning on Monday by saying that Tehran views the “Zionist regime” as weak and incapable of launching any kind of substantial attack on it’s nuclear facilities.

Reminding the world that “Palestinians” weren’t the only ones that lost homes when the world finally recognized the state of Israel:
Project Documents Stories of Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

And an update to this thread:
Police: Temple Mount entry as normal

ADL condemns Geert Wilders and Charles supports them

by Phantom Ace ( 48 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, Dhimmitude, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, LGF, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Sharia (Islamic Law) at April 30th, 2009 - 5:56 pm

The Leftists pro-Jiahdist group: Anti Defamation League has condemned Geert Wilders. Geert has spoken the truth about Islam. Being Dhimmis, they attack the truth Geert is saying.

ADL Condemns Anti-Islam Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida

This by itself isn’t suprising. The ADL backed a Islamic school in NYC so they have been consistent in their support of Jihad. However they are now joined by new born Islamist sympathizer Charles Johnson in attacking Geert!

ADL Condemns Remarks by Geert Wilders

The Anti-Defamation League has issued a condemnation of Geert Wilders, currently on tour in South Florida ostensibly promoting “free expression”—except in the case of Muslims: DL Condemns Anti-Islam Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemns remarks made over the last few days at various appearances throughout South Florida by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.  In his speeches, he claimed that “Islam is not a religion” and “the right to religious freedom should not apply to this totalitarian ideology called Islam.”  Mr. Wilders also stated that the Koran is a book of hatred, and that Mohammed was both “a pedophile and a warlord.”

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director, issued the following statement:

The ADL strongly condemns Geert Wilders’ message of hate against Islam as inflammatory, divisive and antithetical to American democratic ideals.

This rhetoric is dangerous and incendiary, and wrongly focuses on Islam as a religion, as opposed to the very real threat of extremist, radical Islamists.

So Charles is now clearly siding with the Leftist-Islamic alliance against Geert Wilders. This example of the ADL supporting Islam and Charles siding with them is the reason why Islamists feel like they are winning. We attack our own rather than unite.

In retrospect it now seems like Bin Laden knew what he did when he attacked us on 9/11. It also explains the arrogance of the Iranians. They have allies within the West to help them. This is madness and suicidal, yet the public doesn’t care, all they care about is Health Care. These actions will be regretted years from now, hopefully it will not be too late.

Here are his comments to justify his attack on Geert:

9 Charles 4/30/09 2:33:15 pm reply quote

Wilders’ statements are about as un-American as it’s possible to be. I’m finished giving him the benefit of the doubt, and it’s beyond hypocritical of him to be touting “freedom of expression” at the same time as he advocates taking away the rights of Muslims. Disgusting.

Charles, Islam is un American. You are a sell out and I’m calling you out on it.