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Posts Tagged ‘alligators’

Caturday: Bold and Resourceful Kittehs

by 1389AD ( 155 Comments › )
Filed under Caturday, Open thread, UK at January 1st, 2011 - 6:00 pm

Pepper the cat proves he’s hot stuff in daring blaze heroics

Pepper the cat opening a window

By Hannah Finch hfinch@heraldexpress.co.uk

A HERO cat alerted neighbours to a kitchen fire when he escaped through a window and let out billowing smoke.

Three year-old Pepper — dubbed Smokey by firefighters — used a Houdini-style trick to escape after a microwave caught fire at the Stoke Gabriel property on Saturday afternoon.

Frightened by the exploding glass, he leapt from his bed and up to the window.

Then he used his usual party piece of nudging open the catch using his nose.

He ran to safety while the smoke billowed out behind him, alerting neighbours in Body Hayes Close.

Relieved owner Phil White said: “He got out and the smoke must have been pouring out of the window and that alerted the neighbours next door.”

Two crews from Paignton were called to the property at 4pm to reports of smoke in the area.

They used one hose reel jet, one main jet, positive pressure ventilation and a thermal image camera to ensure the fire was fully out.

Phil said: “There is some damage but nothing compared to what it could have been.”

Read the rest.

Cat Attacks Vicious Gators – Unbelievable

(h/t: Bunk X)

Bleary-eyed cat: HANGOVER - It's what you get the day after Caturday.

New Year's Day 2011 Smiley

Happy New Year from BuddyG of Blogmocracy!

Croc and a hard place

by 1389AD ( 56 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread at August 29th, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Sign next to a bunch of roadside alligators says 'HIKERS and BIKERS Move to the side of the road when a vehicle approaches'

Croc and a hard place

Location: Everglades National Park, Florida
Spotted by: Alan Barry

Your tax dollars at work, helping to feed the alligators. Do you taste like chicken? Only the ‘gators know for sure. Either way, this picture is food for an overnight open thread.