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Posts Tagged ‘American Pharaoh’

NPR pushes the Obama as a God-King Theme!

by Phantom Ace ( 149 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Progressives at June 27th, 2012 - 8:00 pm

The concept of the God-King is one that has been around since probably the times of the Annunaki (Ancient Aliens/Fallen Angels). The Kings who claimed decent from this non Earth beings passed themselves off as Gods. Ancient Egypt is a prime example. The Pharaohs were the epitome of the concept of a god-king. They had Priests that would proclaim their divinity and have people worship the Pharaohs. If a Pharaoh was removed, they were declared to be false gods.The Emperor Caligula declared himself a God as did various other Roman Emperor.Although this may seem as Ancient history, it has returned with a  vengeance.

Ever since his 2004 Democratic Convention speech, the media proclaimed Obama a political messiah.  In cover after cover, they would put Obama in a  halo or Aura. Even Thomas of Newsweek even called him god! He was heralded as a light worker and a semi divine being.  Now in 2012, despite 3 years of failed economic policies and his ineptitude being revealed, he is still viewed as a god-king Pharaoh by many Americans

At around 130 days until Election Day, National Public Radio thought it would be nice to give the President a little boost by going back to its 2008 practice of assigning to Obama the god-like powers of The One, The Light Bringer, The Obammessiah.

This time tax dollar supported NPR thought it would be nice to air the claim that the mere sound of Obama’s voice can part the clouds, stop that depressing ol’ rain, and bring out the sun. No, really.

On Tuesday, June 26, NPR correspondent Scott Horsley reported from a New Hampshire Obama rally and his report reads alternately like a campaign advertisement for President Obama, a Super PAC attack ad on Mitt Romney, and a cult-like deification of The One.


NPR’s Horsley: By the time the President finished speaking, the rain had stopped, and a little sunshine was peeking through the clouds. That gave David O’Donnell of Portsmouth one more reason to be impressed with Mr. Obama.

Rally Participant O’Donnell: See what his voice does? It clears up the weather, too. It clears up the economy, creates jobs, helps education, and straightens out the weather.

I can not emphasize this enough. We are not dealing with a  politician, we are dealing with a symbol. Obama’s poll numbers are still in the mid 40’s, when they should be in the 30’s. He has a cult like hold on too many Americans. Nothing seems to politically fatally hurt Obama. Obama the god-king myth needs to be shattered. The fact you have Americans who think his voice makes the rain stop is something that should send chills down the spines of Americans.

Here is my prediction about an (God forbid) Obama 2nd term. Obama with the assistance of Hollywood special effects perform some sign. He will pull a  Caligula that he is a Divine being who has come to rescue humanity.  Term limits will be repealed and office of Presidency will be changed to the office of the Divine leader. I wish I was joking, but I truly believe this. That’s why despite my disagreements with Romney and the Republican party , they are too Progressive-Left for my taste,  he needs to be removed. We are dealing with Cult here and it must be defeated for all our sakes.

(Hat Tip: Kafir)

Want Energy Independence Tomorrow? Oust Barack Obama And His Minions.

by Flyovercountry ( 174 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Business, Economy, Energy at May 17th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

While spending the last two months or so traveling around the country pretending that it was not campaigning, Barack Obama has spent considerable resources informing us that he is doing everything humanly possible for a President to expand America’s oil and natural gas production. I have seen television ads which proclaimed him to be the domestic oil and gas production king, even though one of his campaign promises was to do what ever he could to, “send subtle and gradual price signals through the energy markets in order to help Americans see that the green economy was the more prudent economic option.” Or, as he explained to NPR during one of his rare candid interviews in July of 2007, he felt that $4.00 a gallon gasoline was ultimately good for the country, but that those price levels for gasoline should not have been reached as suddenly as they were at that time. His view was that those price levels should have taken a course of 3 to 4 years to develop. Sound familiar? It should, as this is the reality of Barack Obama’s term as President. Now of course that his promise has been kept, he is blaming George W. Bush for his vision becoming reality, as Americans don’t seem to be too thrilled with that Green Fairy after all.

Gas prices not withstanding, some truth telling is in order. You will hear much in the next 5 months about ending our dependence on foreign oil. Both Democrats and Republicans really mean it. There are major differences however in how they would go about implementing it, and in the consequences that these two methods would bring about. When Democrats say that they wish to wean us off of foreign oil, they mean that they wish to have us stop using energy for other than the barest of living necessities all together. No more driving to work in cars, no more heating our houses beyond 54 degrees, no more air conditioning, no more traveling on family vacations, no more fun vehicles, no more lighting after dark, no more of anything that was not approved by a bureaucratic panel of politically connected appointees, and most of all, they wish to see no more robust economic growth and viability for our citizenry.

When Republicans say that they want to end our dependence on foreign oil, they mean that they want to stick two pipes into the ground and suck our reserves dryer than a Saturday Afternoon watching Monty Python television reruns. This is a solution by the way which would promote a vigorous growth for our manufacturing sector, something which I have heard every liberal economist whining about endlessly since the late 1960’s, Cheap affordable energy is perhaps the single most important ingredient for a vibrant manufacturing base. While we have just found out within the last two weeks that our own country has enough recoverable oil to make it possible that we never again write a check to any oil producing company outside of our own borders, production on federal lands has been nearly shut down completely. The dishonest Obama boast of being the undisputed king of domestic production neglects a fairly important fact, conveniently omitted I might add. That production has been in spite of Obama’s efforts and not because of them. It has all occurred on privately owned property mostly within the State of North Dakota.

The good news for Americans though is that we do not live in a vacuum. Barack Obama in one of the speeches delivered by his teleprompter, instructs us to look to Europe and their implementation of the Green Fairy Economy. Of course we should look at Europe in this matter. There is no reason I can think of that we would need to replicate their disastrous failure by following this path. We still have time to reverse our course and get rid of those moronic road blocks that are hell bent on destroying our economy and economic well being. Those road blocks are aptly identified as the Democrat Party and the EPA.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Newsweek pushes the Obama is a god-king theme!

by Phantom Ace ( 66 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Fascism, Media, Progressives at May 14th, 2012 - 11:30 am

Newsweek had a provocative cover claiming Obama was the first Gay President. Many of us suspect Obama bats for the other team and his marriage to Michelle Obama is just a political sham. However, its not Obama’s sexuality that is important, its once again the concept of Obama as the god-king is being pushed.

Newsweek’s placing of a halo above Obama is not a coincidence. Ever since he began to run for President, the Progressive media has poushed the Obama as divine saviour theme. The Left has pushed that narrative that Obama is here to redeem America’s sins. That’s why every chnage they get, the media shows Obama with a halop like background. He is a Pharaoh to to the left and this cover keeps pushing that theme.

This Newsweek cover shows the false idol worship the media has for Obama. They have proclaimed him a wise god-king that all Americans must worship. Well I am one American who refuses to worship a false God.

Obama campaign very confident about the election

by Phantom Ace ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Politics, Progressives, Special Report at May 7th, 2012 - 11:29 am

Looking at the economic data there’s no way Obama should win re-election. Yet, looking at he polls Obama is running even with Mitt Romney. Even more ominous, Obama has a big electoral college vote lead. Romney has to win practically every swing state, whereas Obama just needs to win a few and he reaches 270. Romney is also not an inspiring candidate. He is not offering a vision of a better tomorrow. These factors have made the Obama re-election campaign very confident they will defeat Romney in November.

In a series of interviews with campaign officials in Chicago, it is clear that the entire re-elect operation likes its odds of winning a second term. The informal slogan is essentially “Be confident, but take nothing for granted.” Presidential senior adviser David Plouffe, the 2008 campaign manager now overseeing the enterprise from his perch steps away from the Oval Office, Jim Messina, Plouffe’s 2012 titular successor in Chicago, and their deputies in both cities believe that, despite the dangers of high unemployment and gas prices, Mitt Romney faces four major barriers to winning the big prize.

First, in the view of the Obamans, Romney is still a weak candidate. His stump skills continue to be uneven at best, with speeches plagued by awkward jargon and passionless rhetoric. They believe his tenure as head of Bain Capital and his term as governor of Massachusetts conceal vulnerabilities yet to be unveiled. “No one’s ever looked at Romney’s record, and there’s a lot there,” said one senior campaign official. “He developed this set of values at Bain about what the economy is all about … Whatever it took to make money … He took that same philosophy to Massachusetts [as governor].” Obama’s team is sitting on a multimedia treasure trove of research about both phases of Romney’s career and expects to launch powerful missiles at key moments throughout the campaign, discombobulating the Republican each time.

Fourth and finally, presidential politics, in the end, is all about the Electoral College. The Obama campaign’s analysis, matching recent media number crunching, indicates that Romney has a paper-thin margin of error to get to the magical 270. The map is littered with states the Republicans must take from the 2008 Democratic column in order to win, and in many of them, such as Ohio and Virginia, they are behind.
Romney needs to offer an alternative narrative of a better tomorrow. Just being the anti-Obama is not good enought. Romney needs to destroy the god-king myth of Obama and turn him into the failed politician he is. He also needs to make it clear that other than hitting Iran’s nuke sites there will be no war/nation building. If he does these 3 tasks he should be able to defeat Obama. The Pharaoh is vulnerable, but Romney is not well liked and has his task cut out for him.
The Obama’s campaign confidence is also a great weakness. They are bordering on over confidence and hopefully this will be a fatal flaw.