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Posts Tagged ‘Arabs’

2011 Atlantic Hurricane Names

by Deplorable Macker ( 68 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Islam, Islamic hypocrisy, Open thread, Sharia (Islamic Law), Terrorism, Weather at September 26th, 2010 - 10:30 am

This, according to About.com:


I’ll bet you’re wondering why post on such an absurd subject. Well, we all know that originally, hurricanes were named solely after women. The feminists got pissed and subsequently, in 1979, male names were added into the mix. The ethnic background is pretty diverse.
Except for one group. Why don’t we see names such as:


Yes I’m being facetious. [/snicker]
And we certainly can’t leave out good ol’ MOHAMMED! ‘Mo’ for short. Please feel free to add to this list (keeping in tune with the theme), then we can send this in to the National Hurricane Center.


“East Jerusalem” and Progressive Antisemitism

by Delectable ( 292 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives at March 23rd, 2010 - 8:00 am

Please read this.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, who has previously been the keynote speaker at ISNA (the Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Trial Foundation), said that Obama is right to call for the building freeze in ‘East Jerusalem.’ This is nothing less than a war on the good from someone who has previously shown his willingness to collaborate with Israel’s (and the U.S.’s) enemies, ala J Street. Actually, Rabbi Yoffie was a featured speaker at J Street’s “Annual Gala.” (quite the coincidence, no?) He spoke alongside the open jihadist, Salam al-Marayati, as well as Iran’s lobbyist, Trita Parsi. And of course, J Street 100% agrees with Rabbi Yoffie that Israel should stop building (for Jews only, of course) in “East Jerusalem,” obviously with the ultimate intent on giving up that land (and thus cleansing 700,000 Jews from their homes) for a future ‘Palestinian state.’

But I digress.

Israel is simply building homes, and in response the jihadists of Fatah and Hamas are building rockets and indoctrinating their people to hate – and yet, according to these progressives, it is Israel that should be capitulating. This point has been rammed home yet again by Hillary Clinton, when she equated building homes in Israel’s holiest city (and capitol!) with hate indoctrination and terrorism in her AIPAC speech yesterday. (big shock here – J Street applauded Hillary’s speech)

Three points on this are often unacknowledged.

1. Ramat Shlomo – the housing units at issue (which caused the diplomatic ‘crisis’) – are in North Jerusalem, not East Jerusalem. Thus, this is saying that Jews have no right to build anywhere in Jerusalem. (and implicitly, anywhere in Israel?)

2. Technically, Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital are in “East Jerusalem.” Should those institutions be dismantled? Why not, according to progressive reasoning? There is a false myth that all of ‘East Jerusalem’ was Arab in 1949. Totally untrue, as evidenced by the existence of Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital! Moreover, the 1949 borders of Israel are literally the lines where the fighting stopped. That’s it. I would like ‘Rabbi’ Eric Yoffie and J Street to explain why and how those particular lines are sacrosanct.

3. Arabs are able to build anywhere they want in Jerusalem, and do. The Israeli ‘building inspectors’ have dedicated themselves to tearing down Jewish, not Arab, illegal building. Source.

I reject the implicitly racist/antisemitic notion that Jews are not allowed to build in their holiest city, but Arabs can live anywhere they want.

Netizen Freespeech Debate: Seriously, Tell Me He Is Wrong!

by WrathofG-d ( 159 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Free Speech, Islamists, Liberal Fascism, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion at November 23rd, 2009 - 9:46 am

Although I do not support everything Meir Kahane has ever said or done, I believe in free speech, fighting Terrorism, and the truth.    In addition, the more I learn about the progressive machine’s standard operating procedure for shutting down debate on issues they wish to completely control, the less I care what the politically correct ignorant smear mongers call me – when I know it is they who are wrong!  In the end, the truth is more important than their paper thin emotions.  When the truth is ignored, the silence can result in death.   I will no longer allow that to happen out of fear of being called names.  Avoiding the truth does not make it any less true.

It is my personal belief that Meir Kahane was exceptionally misunderstood by naive, small-minded, and politically motivated hucksters, who slandered him with disgusting epithets in order to serve their own power and agenda.  This is just like how these same forces excuse away the Islamic connection to Terrorism, and whitewash Socialism.  The most commonly held negative opinion of Meir Kahane is one based on misrepresentations of his message, misquotations, lies and ignorance.

But the aforementioned is solely my opinion, and I do not want you to simply take my word for it.  Thus, I greatly encourage you to read his books, and speeches then make up your own mind.

The best way to know anything about someone is to hear it from their own mouth, and then to make up your own mind.  The more I actually hear from Kahane himself, the more I realize one thing….he was right!

Meir Kahane in his own words on issues including violence, democracy, Arabs, Israel, the U.S., and more…

(The first 6 minutes or so is an intro about Kahane.  The direct interview with Rabbi Kahane begins thereafter.)

Meir Kahane was a man who could clearly see through the forces at work to blind us from the uncomfortable truths about Progressive myths.  He warned Israel (and by association the U.S.) of the horrors of Islamic terrorism and the unfortunate necessities in fighting it long before most of us were even thinking about Islam or terrorism at all.  Sure, he wasn’t politically correct, but now I see that to be to his credit!

Kahane was assassinated in a Manhattan hotel in 1990, after concluding a speech warning American Jews to emigrate to Israel before it was “too late.”

The assassination occurred shortly after 9 p.m., following a speech to an audience of mostly Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn; as a crowd of well-wishers gathered around Kahane following the speech in the second-floor lecture hall in midtown Manhattan’s Marriott East Side Hotel.   El Sayyid Nosair, an Egyptian-born American citizen, fatally shot Kahane in the neck.  Kahane ultimately was a victim of the same Islamic terrorism he warned others about!

Instead of just accepting the progressive slander of Meir Kahane that many of us have heard (or will hear if you bring Kahane up in conversation) which is often spread by those who know nothing about him at all but are only repeating what they have heard from others who are also ignorant, hear Kahane from Kahane’s own mouth….and then if you still can, tell me he was wrong!

~Open Thread: Friday Evening “Jerusalem & Temple Mount” Edition~

by WrathofG-d ( 348 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Islamists, Israel, Judaism, Middle East, Open thread, Palestinians, Religion, World at November 13th, 2009 - 3:28 pm

Shabbat starts very early these days, and I have way too much work before then to put together the regular Shabbat/Friday Evening post.

Instead, I present you with this informative and yet still spiritual article regarding The Temple Mount, and the Arab onslaught to erase the Jewish people’s historical connection to it.  This is definitely worth saving for future use as Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount are bound to become the topic in the future.

In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler wrote that people would assume that an outrageous lie must be true because no one would have the audacity to have made it up. Later, that propaganda technique evolved into: If a big lie is repeated enough times it will become widely accepted as truth.

This bit of Nazi propaganda is being used today by the Palestinians. Their Big Lie is preached from the pulpits of the mosques and in the classrooms of their madrasas — and more and more of the untutored masses are believing it.

What is the Palestinian Big Lie? Palestinian Authority Mufti Ikrama Sabri was quoted in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam (November 22, 1997) as saying that the Western Wall is part of the Al-Aksa Mosque and the Jews have no connection with it. The same newspaper (July 18, 1997) reported that Hamad Yusef, head of the Institution for the Rejuvenation of the Palestinian Heritage, referred to the “false historical claim of the Jews in the holy city, a claim which they were unable to prove in all of the (archaeological) excavations conducted by foreign groups for the past hundred years.”

In other words, the Jewish people have no historical connection with the Temple Mount, including the Western Wall, or with any part of old Jerusalem. No archaeological evidence has ever shown otherwise. So they claim.

{The Rest of The Article}

And for a little inspiration “A Taste of Heaven