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Posts Tagged ‘Terrorism’

Stairway to Aleppo? Yeah, Right.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 12 Comments › )
Filed under History, Iran, Iran, Islam, Islamists, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, Politics, Syria, World at July 14th, 2015 - 1:30 am

Stairway to Aleppo

Earliest date found for this image [via Tineye] is 1 April 2014 with this caption:

Left After Assad Bombing in Aleppo.

I have a bit of a problem with that structural impossibility, and so does physics. Then I found this:

Stairway to Aleppo 0
That image dates to 23 March 2014. A more recent post dated 19 June 2015 comes from TehranPress.com. Even Google Translate can’t crack that one, but it appears that someone’s laughing.

Stairway to Aleppo Original

This seems to be the unadulterated version, with an interesting caption:

Residents try to find their belongings among the rubble left of their homes after what activists said was an air attack from forces loyal to Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad in Bab Neirab, Aleppo, on July 27, 2013.

That caption and image came from The Atlantic via *ahem* Reuters… who have never *cough* posted manipulated propaganda photos before.
[Hint: Google Islamic Rage Boy, Green Helmet Man, Wailing Woman, Iraqi Missile Photoshop.]

Yet even the description (“what activists said”) sounds specious. When Assad was under attack by the Muslim Brotherhood, why would his forces bomb his own people, unless Syria was already infiltrated by radical islam?

Oh, wait…

[Top image found here entirely by accident, and the others didn’t come from Little Green Footballs either.]

ISIS & Al Qaeda Franchising

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 183 Comments › )
Filed under Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Jihad, Middle East, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Terrorism at April 9th, 2015 - 8:45 am
Members of the al Qaeda affiliated group al Shabab in Somalia in 2013.

Members of the al Qaeda affiliated group al Shabab in Somalia in 2013.

The face of terrorism is morphing. Here are excerpts from an interesting (yet not surprising) report by John Grady in USNI News:

Creating franchises among groups claiming affiliation with al Qaeda or the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is among the biggest change in international terrorism, two leading experts told the Atlantic Council on Thursday.

Bruce Hoffman, director of security programs at Georgetown University, said the United States missed that shift of terrorist groups willing to “hitch their fortunes to al Qaeda’s star” after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and the Pentagon. “We made exactly the same mistake” with groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria, al Shabab in Somalia and others in Egypt and Libya now claiming affiliation with ISIS.

With so many groups — possibly 17 — operating out of geographically diverse strongholds, Bruce Riedel, director of intelligence programs at the Bookings Institution, asked the Washington audience where does the United States place “its finite number of analysts, its finite number of drones” to keep tab on them.

For al Qaeda — who plan large dramatic attacks for its long-term benefit — and ISIS — who act for immediate gain and shock — terrorism appears to pay off as it did with the bombings of the American embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983. Those operations cost little, but succeeded in having the Marines leave Beirut a few months later. Similarly, the 2001 attacks cost about $500,000 and the United States spent $5 trillion in response, including fighting long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both said.

Hoffman said that while al Qaeda’s leader Ayman al Zawahiri has been quiet for months the group is clearly working to attract support in South Asia — from the Indian subcontinent to Burma to Indonesia.

He cited a recently spoiled al Qaeda plot to infiltrate the crew and officer cadre of a Pakistani guided missile frigate, seize it, steam into areas where coalition navies are conducting anti-piracy patrols and then fire on an America warship “preferably an aircraft carrier” an attack that “that would have provoked a naval war” between the two countries.


Among the questions facing a new American government [sic] when it takes office in 20 months will be whether ISIS will go underground in Iraq as al Qaeda did and what will conditions be like in Afghanistan and Pakistan when coalition forces leave.

[Complete story at USNI News.]

Minor critique of an otherwise interesting read – I hope that we don’t have “a new American government when it takes office in 20 months.” Instead I hope we elect leadership that recognizes and deals with real threats, and does so with action, rather than fighting global and domestic terrorism with inane rhetoric.

49 Favorites. 197 Retweets.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 163 Comments › )
Filed under Islam, Religion, Sharia (Islamic Law) at March 2nd, 2014 - 10:00 am

Isis tweetIsis tweet 3

Isis tweet 3.2   Isis tweet 3.1

Isis tweet 3.3   Isis tweet 3.4


Obama, DNC: Two hours of muzz prayers by extreme radical Imams okay, but Catholic Cardinals’ prayer and blessing rejected

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Bigotry, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Hate Speech, Islam, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives, Racism, Religion, Sharia (Islamic Law), Special Report, Terrorism at August 29th, 2012 - 11:12 pm

Can we now all agree, once and for all, that the dumocrats hate all religions, except the gutter religion called Is-slime?

I’m surprised that those two America-hating anti-Semitic slimeballs Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright aren’t giving the invocation.

Obama and the DNC will not allow Timothy Cardinal Dolan, considered the top Catholic official in the nation, as head of the Archdiocese of New York, and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops, to give the prayer and blessing to open the convention.

And if that’s not bad enough, after denying the Cardinal the opportunity to to give a blessing to the convention, Obama okay’d having two radical Imams, who have continually preached Islamic supremacy and separatism IN THE UNITED STATES at their mosques, to lead two hours of muzz prayers!

Let’s see…You think maybe the reason for Obama rejected the Cardinal’s blessing is due to the fact that this anti-American get-together of America-hating scumbags called the Dumocrat National Convention is being touted as “A celebration of abortion” with two abortion zealots from NARAL and Planned Parenthood giving speeches about the virtues of abortion on demand, at any time, and for any reason? I’d have to say undoubtedly.

DNC Proceeds With 2-Hour Islamic ‘Jumah’ Prayers After Rejecting Cardinal’s Blessing

The Democratic National Committee is raising a number of eyebrows after choosing to proceed with hosting Islamic “Jumah” prayers for two hours on the Friday of its convention, though it denied a Catholic cardinal’s request to say a prayer at the same event.

You can watch Watch the promotional video if you want (But why would you? BiB), via the Bureau of Muslim Affairs, which is partnering with the DNC for the event.

The first two minutes are rather dry, but around 2:04 a muezzin sings the call to prayer with an American flag background, and the video “picks up” considerably.

Up to 20,000 people are expected to attend the Friday prayers and Jibril Hough, a spokesman for the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), said the purpose of the event is to hold political parties accountable for the issues faced by Muslim-Americans.

In particular, the event will target the Patriot Act, the NYPD, the National Defense Authorization Act, and anti-Shariah sentiment.

And while Muslim-Americans undeniably face distinct challenges, those who are well-informed on the dangers of radical Islam are expressing their doubts about the event.

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and the Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, wrote:

The leaders of this event – Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj are not moderates. They are radicals. These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies.

A quick Google search by the DNC would have shown them that Hough and Wahhaj are leaders in the separatist American Islamist movement. While they may be able to get a few thousand Muslims to attend the event, they are NOT going to be mainstream Muslims. Most will likely come from Hough and Wahhaj’s radical networks that have long been entrenched in the Charlotte area. Make no mistake they are part of the Islamist movement.

Their jummah (group) prayer is…about empowering their Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood sympathetic groups into the very fabric of the political system so that Americans become anesthetized. We need American Muslims to speak up and marginalize these radicals. The DNC needs to understand and reject them because of their radical history and ideas.

The mosque of Jibril Hough, mentioned by Dr. Jasser, is owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial as one of the entities “who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.”

Siraj Wahhaj, the “Grand Imam” for Jumah at the DNC, is often considered a “moderate” because he was the first Muslim to give an invocation in the U.S. Congress, but as Robert Spencer notes, he has a number of troubling ties to dangerous radicals. In the early 1990′s the man reportedly sponsored talks by “the Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman in New York and New Jersey mosques, and told his followers that the United States will fall unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda.”

Wahhaj elaborated, according to bestselling author Brigitte Gabriel, to say: “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”

He continued: “Take my word. If 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”

When an imam like Siraj Wahhaj says “it his duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the US Constitution with the Quran…we need to speak up!” Dr. Jasser reiterated in response, adding that Americans “should be concerned” if this is who the DNC is “consorting with.”

Robert Spencer speculates that the Democrat National Committee is simply so “in thrall to multiculturalism” that “few, if any” are even aware of the radical connections.

“To raise any concerns about such a speaker would be ‘Islamophobic,’ violating every rule of the anti-American, anti-Western ethos that prevails among so many Democrats today,” Spencer writes.

He concluded: “There is about as much chance of that as there is of the Democrats ditching Obama and nominating David Horowitz as their candidate for President of the United States.”

Update: Looks like the pressure got to the libturds, so they’ve decided to let him give the closing prayer.

I would have told them to kiss my cross, if I were the Cardinal.