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Posts Tagged ‘Arts’

Obama Administration Enlisting “Arts Community” To Produce Propaganda?

by WrathofG-d ( 129 Comments › )
Filed under Art, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Media, Politics at September 9th, 2009 - 11:49 am

I guess mass spamming of unsolicited e-mails through AOL isn’t enough for this “computer savvy” Administration to satisfy their desire to turn everything into an arm of the Administration.  This time  it is the “art community” who was tapped to push the Administration’s agenda.

There is a old saying that “to a liberal/communist, everything is political.”  It seems that the Obama Administration is doing everything in their power to prove this saying true.

Another conference call has materialized, revealing a concerted effort by government to use the arts to address political issues.

Lee Rosenbaum, a blogger for Artsjournal.com, posted her experience with a meeting that occurred on August 27th and confessed that she also felt “uneasy” about the government’s arts effort.  The meeting invitation (viewable here) went out to all “member local, state, and regional arts agencies, community-based arts organizations, and national partners of Americans for Arts.”  Americans for Arts is a non-profit arts organization that has received substantial grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.

As with my conference call, the art group was invited to the meeting to work together to “tackle some of the nation’s toughest issues: education; health; energy and the environment; community renewal; and safety and security.” Also like my call, it included a private citizen moderating the phone call with key White House representatives participating. Kalpen Modi, Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, was to represent the White House and key representatives from the National Endowment for the Arts were also to participate.

Even more disturbing than learning that the White House and NEA are using the arts to address specific issues, is to learn what was discussed on this new conference call. Rosenbaum mentions that there was much talk of “leveraging federal dollars” to get artists and cultural organizations involved in social-service projects.

What appears to be emerging is a concerted and deliberate effort by the White House and the NEA to encourage the art community to create issue specific art. This new conference call shows the same modus operandi, including a “third party” individual moderating the call to apparently distance the NEA and the White House from initiating the meeting.

The National Endowment for the Arts has yet to comment regarding their involvement with this effort, except for one small, but damaging, comment by their Communications Director Yosi Sergant.

{The Article}

How long until Obama Administration comissioned propaganda turns up on our TVs, radios, etc?