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Posts Tagged ‘NEA’

Fran Tarkenton Envisions Alternate NFL

by Deplorable Macker ( 112 Comments › )
Filed under Education, Political Correctness, Unions at October 4th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

For quite a few years, I’ve joked that with all the recent rules changes, the NFL is fast becoming the “National Flagfootball League.” Then along comes former NFL Great QB Fran Tarkenton, who postulates the following:

Imagine the National Football League in an alternate reality. Each player’s salary is based on how long he’s been in the league. It’s about tenure, not talent. The same scale is used for every player, no matter whether he’s an All-Pro quarterback or the last man on the roster. For every year a player’s been in this NFL, he gets a bump in pay. The only difference between Tom Brady and the worst player in the league is a few years of step increases. And if a player makes it through his third season, he can never be cut from the roster until he chooses to retire, except in the most extreme cases of misconduct.
Let’s face the truth about this alternate reality: The on-field product would steadily decline. Why bother playing harder or better and risk getting hurt?
No matter how much money was poured into the league, it wouldn’t get better. In fact, in many ways the disincentive to play harder or to try to stand out would be even stronger with more money.
Of course, a few wild-eyed reformers might suggest the whole system was broken and needed revamping to reward better results, but the players union would refuse to budge and then demonize the reform advocates: “They hate football. They hate the players. They hate the fans.” The only thing that might get done would be building bigger, more expensive stadiums and installing more state-of-the-art technology. But that just wouldn’t help.

Sadly, this alternate setting isn’t alternate at all. It exists right here in our own universe…in the form of America’s broken education system, where the Public-Sector Unions protect teachers who underperform, or in some cases, a whole lot worse. They indoctrinate the hearts and minds of our children with the mantras of wealth redistribution, global warming,and moral relativism.
And I haven’t even reached the Public Universities. Tarkenton continues:

Over the past 20 years, we’ve been told that a big part of the problem is crumbling schools—that with new buildings and computers in every classroom, everything would improve. But even though spending on facilities and equipment has more than doubled since 1989 (again adjusted for inflation), we’re still not seeing results, and officials assume the answer is that we haven’t spent enough.
These same misguided beliefs are front and center in Президент Обама’s jobs plan, which includes billions for “public school modernization.” The popular definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. We’ve been spending billions of dollars on school modernization for decades, and I suspect we could keep on doing it until the end of the world, without much in the way of academic results. The only beneficiaries are the teachers unions.
Some reformers, including Bill Gates, are finally catching on that our federally centralized, union-created system provides no incentive for better performance. If anything, it penalizes those who work hard because they spend time, energy and their own money to help students, only to get the same check each month as the worst teacher in the district (or an even smaller one, if that teacher has been there longer). Is it any surprise, then, that so many good teachers burn out or become disenchanted?

Indeed. There have been times over the last few years where I have actually thought about going into teaching as a profession, thanks to kudos from some friends, but what snaps me back to Reality are the mandates from the Department of Education Indoctrination and the Teachers Unions. I would surely rub them the wrong way at every opportunity.
The best way to improve the education of our students is to return control of the school systems back to the Local and State authorities, and in so doing, abolish the Department of Education Indoctrination.

Hoyer: No balanced budget for 20 years

by Phantom Ace ( 101 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Republican Party at March 9th, 2011 - 11:30 am

You read the headline correctly! House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), has stated it will take twenty years to balance the budget. Clearly this shows how the Progressives don’t want to do the cuts needed to get our fiscal house in order. He doesn’t explain how we can run deficits for twenty years and keep accumulating debt without our credit rating being downgraded.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said on Tuesday that it may take as many as 20 years to balance the federal budget after years of deficit spending in Washington.

At Hoyer’s weekly press briefing on Capitol Hill, CNSNews.com noted that President Obama’s latest budget proposal does not balance at any time in the next 10 years and asked Hoyer, “Do you plan on introducing anything that balances within that 10-year timeframe, or is that possible?”

Hoyer said, “Now [that] we’re at $14 trillion in debt, I think the answer is – responsibly – we’re not going to get there [a balanced budget] in ten years, but we have to be on a very considered path to get there, certainly, within the next decade and a half or two decades,” Hoyer said Tuesday at his weekly press briefing.

Read the rest: Hoyer Says Federal Budget May Not Be Balanced for 20 Years

So it’s responsible to not balance the budget as quick as possible? No it’s irresponsible accepting massive deficit and accumulation of debt. This is a recipe for continuing anemic economic growth, job creation and wage increases we have had since 2001. Basically Hoyer is saying America is looking at two more lost decades of economic opportunity for Americans. This is irresponsible and criminal in my mind and the Republicans should go after him for this statement.

Barack Hussein Obama is of the same mentality as Steny Hoyer. After preaching fiscal responsibility in his 2008 campaign, he went to increase the federal debt and encourage the Federal Reserve to keep printing money. Now that the GOP controlled House is serious about bringing our fiscal situation under control, his true colors have been revealed. Rather than agree to cuts he is now advocating more spending.

“People started to realize what is needed is not either, or — not either more money or more reform, it’s both and. Both more money and more reform,” President Obama said at a technology school in Boston on Tuesday.

See the clip Here: Obama: “More Money” Is Needed For Education Reform

The US has spent billions on education over the last 30-40 years and nothing has improved. Clearly the issue isn’t more money, it’s the way subjects are taught. Most of the curriculum is designed by the Progressive NEA with the goal of indoctrination. They outcome they desire is teach people what to think, not how to think. What is needed is to break the back of the teachers unions, reform the curriculum and teach people skills they need in the real world. AN emphasis on critical thinking is needed. Borrowing more money from China or having the Feds print more money is not the answer.

In more Democratic/Progressive news here is something that should get out. The number three Democrat in the House, James Clyburn, D-S.C, will meet Louis Farrakhan. You read that correctly, the Minority Whip for the Democrats will meet with a known racist.

U.S. House Minority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., will join controversial Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan Friday at Pittsburgh’s August Wilson Center for African American Culture for a live broadcast discussion on “The Disappearing Black Community and How We Can Get It Back.”

According to event details, Farrakhan will deliver the forum’s keynote address, focusing on “what blacks need to do to rebuild their communities and regain the purpose of the civil rights struggles of previous generations.”

This is just sickening and shows what the modern Democratic Party is about. The Progressive media gives a racist like Farrakhan a pass just because he is Black and a Muslim. James Clyburn should be condemned for meeting with this vile man. If this was a Republican he would be rightfully hounded for this. As we know, Democrats are allowed to do anything they want. Even murder is OK for Democrats since the media will give them a pass.

NPR Sorry About WHAT? LOL…

by 1389AD ( 148 Comments › )
Filed under Breaking News, Free Speech, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Media, Political Correctness at October 23rd, 2010 - 1:30 pm

Scroll down for the NCAA Football Thread, Week 8 thread below!

Faces of NPR - click for image map
(h/t: nils)

Fox News tells all!

I’ll spare you the self-righteous, disingenuous drivel from behind the scenes at NPR (a/k/a “Commie Radio”) and cut to the chase:

RAW DATA: NPR Internal Memo on Juan Williams

(h/t: F)

We’re profoundly sorry that this happened during fundraising week. Juan’s comments were made Monday night and we did not feel it would be responsible to delay this action.

Large smiley rolling on the floor and laughing

Notice that NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller is not sorry that she used her position as head of a tax-supported organization to suppress legitimate political speech that took place elsewhere. Nor is she sorry for having punished Juan Williams for having told the truth.

She is merely sorry that NPR got caught with its pants down at an awkward moment, namely fundraising week. No doubt she is also sorry that the blogosphere has been reverberating the story everywhere.

Some apology.

Whether or not Juan Williams violated NPR’s policies is not the issue here. NPR determines its policies based on the demands of its hard-left and pro-Muslim constituency – federal government bureaucrats and elected officials, “charitable” foundations, and private donors such as George Soros. Its written policies are interpreted based on the demands of that same constituency. Thus, if one of NPR’s ‘journalists’ or ‘news analysts’ or what-have-you – particularly if that individual is a member of a minority group – strays one iota from the party line, even on his own time, out he goes, and that’s that.

NPR logo with red slashed circle

Pull NPR off the public teat

No more US tax dollars should go to support such enemy propaganda. Programs with a hard-left, pro-jihadi slant are offensive to the majority of Americans, and are counter to the interests of anyone who is not an outright traitor to the US. By constantly suppressing any suggestion that Islam is dangerous, NPR gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the US and to the enemies of its (perhaps former) allies.

To make this happen, NPR, PBS, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the National Endowment for the Arts must all be pulled from the federal teat, once and for all. They have a complicated shell game going, to conceal the extent to which they are being supported by your tax dollars. To prevent the shell game from continuing, all sources of government funding for NPR must be shut off.

We can do it!

The “dark side” will no doubt resort to some scare tactics about “killing Big Bird.” Don’t believe it! The private sector will ensure that the public can still watch or listen to any programs that people actually want, as opposed to those that the propagandists want to foist on us. If enough people still want to see Big Bird, then some other network and/or numerous local stations or cable channels will show Big Bird. Let the market decide, and let the beleaguered US taxpayers keep their money!

Also published on 1389 Blog.

Scroll down for the NCAA Football Thread, Week 8 thread below!

Obama Administration Enlisting “Arts Community” To Produce Propaganda?

by WrathofG-d ( 129 Comments › )
Filed under Art, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Media, Politics at September 9th, 2009 - 11:49 am

I guess mass spamming of unsolicited e-mails through AOL isn’t enough for this “computer savvy” Administration to satisfy their desire to turn everything into an arm of the Administration.  This time  it is the “art community” who was tapped to push the Administration’s agenda.

There is a old saying that “to a liberal/communist, everything is political.”  It seems that the Obama Administration is doing everything in their power to prove this saying true.

Another conference call has materialized, revealing a concerted effort by government to use the arts to address political issues.

Lee Rosenbaum, a blogger for Artsjournal.com, posted her experience with a meeting that occurred on August 27th and confessed that she also felt “uneasy” about the government’s arts effort.  The meeting invitation (viewable here) went out to all “member local, state, and regional arts agencies, community-based arts organizations, and national partners of Americans for Arts.”  Americans for Arts is a non-profit arts organization that has received substantial grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.

As with my conference call, the art group was invited to the meeting to work together to “tackle some of the nation’s toughest issues: education; health; energy and the environment; community renewal; and safety and security.” Also like my call, it included a private citizen moderating the phone call with key White House representatives participating. Kalpen Modi, Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, was to represent the White House and key representatives from the National Endowment for the Arts were also to participate.

Even more disturbing than learning that the White House and NEA are using the arts to address specific issues, is to learn what was discussed on this new conference call. Rosenbaum mentions that there was much talk of “leveraging federal dollars” to get artists and cultural organizations involved in social-service projects.

What appears to be emerging is a concerted and deliberate effort by the White House and the NEA to encourage the art community to create issue specific art. This new conference call shows the same modus operandi, including a “third party” individual moderating the call to apparently distance the NEA and the White House from initiating the meeting.

The National Endowment for the Arts has yet to comment regarding their involvement with this effort, except for one small, but damaging, comment by their Communications Director Yosi Sergant.

{The Article}

How long until Obama Administration comissioned propaganda turns up on our TVs, radios, etc?