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Posts Tagged ‘astroturfing’

A Night of Rapture

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 209 Comments › )
Filed under Art, Diary of Daedalus, Food and Drink, Humor, LGF, Open thread at May 20th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

I’d forgotten about this blog of excellence.  The whole purpose of Regretsy is to mock lame sales pitches for overpriced home-made crafts crap on Etsy, and they mock it mercilessly. Viciously.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I was reading comments at one of the lower tier leftist blogs today, and that’s where the link came from. A certain frozen Mustela kathiah posted it for the amusement of a certain race-baiting astroturfer who enjoys slug-mangled greens and whose nic was taken from a sophomoric Kurt Vonnegut novel.

Got all that? Good, because we’ve got better things to munch and mangle on
The Overnight Open Thread.

Obama’s Green Thumb: Planting Astroturf in New Hampshire

by tqcincinnatus ( 28 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Healthcare, Politics at August 12th, 2009 - 6:30 am

Here’s a little something to brighten everybody’s Wednesday morning – looks like the Democrats have gotten caught planting a little shrubbery at Obama’s town hall meeting yesterday in New Hampshire

Due to some expert sleuthing on another website, we have learned that at least one of the “randomly picked” people who asked the president a question has ironclad ties to the Democratic Party and Obama himself.

About 29:25 into this CSPAN video (http://www.c-span.org/Watch/Media/2009/08/11/HP/R/22002/Pres+Obama+Senators+Hold+Health+Care+Town+Halls.aspx), a little girl reads a statement from a piece of paper explaining how she saw “mean” signs as she walked in and asked the president how kids can know what is the truth about the healthcare debate.

As it turns out, the little girl appears to be the daughter of the woman on the right (the girl’s left). That woman’s name is Kathleen Hall, a Democratic operative and supporter who gave the Obama campaign $1,991.00. But wait, there’s more.  Hall’s employer, Looney and Grossman LLP, donated a total of $12,101.00 to Democratic campaigns and $0 to Republicans.  Hall also was a Page at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Additionally, there are pictures on the web and on Facebook that depict Hall and Barak Obama enjoying some camera time together and Hall wearing a T-shirt with “Presidential Inaugural ‘09″ printed on it.

What was Obama saying about “transparency,” again?

So Obama exploited the sweet, innocent daughter of some low-level Democrat Party hack to try to buy sympathy for his effort to destroy America’s health care system?  This doesn’t surprise me in the least.  The day Obama actually takes real live unscripted questions at an event like this is the day that a certain region of perdition experiences enough -ΔH to reach the solid phase.