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Posts Tagged ‘Benghazi’

In which Dana Milbank squeals like a stuck pig.

by Guest Post ( 127 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Corruption, Democratic Party, Fascism, Progressives at May 8th, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Gust Blogger: Doriangrey

Given that the Washington Post has already repeatedly admitted that they lie to their readers whenever doing so suits their agenda.

File this under: Admitting that they knowingly and willfully lie.

Here at the Wilderness of Mirror’s I have been warning anyone who would listen for years that the Mainstream Media cannot be trusted. America’s self inflicted “It can’t happen here” delusions have cost America dearly. Let me make this 100 percent perfectly clear, the Washington Post is not the exception to the rule, they are the rule. Just as CBS knowingly and willfully lied with Dan Rather’s “False but accurate” lies, so virtually the entire American Media, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media have and are daily engaging in exactly the same dishonest treasonous behavior.

So, what other false headlines are acceptable in WaPo blogger world?

At The Washington Post, it often seems like liberal bloggers rule the roost. And as the 2014 campaign ramps up, two of those bloggers have made it clear that telling a falsehood is perfectly ethical — as long as it starts a discussion.

Last week, two Wonk Blog writers claimed the Keystone Pipeline would benefit the Koch brothers. They did so by pointing out some information that would be devastating, were it based in reality:

To see Dana Milbank engaging is such behavior is, of course not surprising in the slightest. What is more than a little amusing, is watching the way Dana is squirming and squealing though. Dana has spent the last 5 and a half years knowingly and intentionally lying to the American People about Barack Obama. In Dante Inferno their is a special circle in hell dedicated to individuals like Dana Milbank.

Treachery: Caina (32), Antenora (32-3), Ptolomea (33), Judecca (34)

Traitors Traitors Traitors Traitors

Dante divides circle 9, the circle of treachery–defined in Inferno 11 as fraudulent acts between individuals who share special bonds of love and trust (61-6)–into four regions. Caina is named after the biblical Cain (first child of Adam and Eve), who slew his brother Abel out of envy after God showed appreciation for Abel’s sacrificial offering but not Cain’s (Genesis 4:1-17); condemned to a vagabond existence, Cain later built a city (named after his son, Henoch) that for certain Christian theologians–notably Augustine (City of God, book 15)–represented the evils of the earthly city. In the circle of the lustful, Francesca identified her husband (Gianciotto)–who murdered her and Paolo (Gianciotto’s brother)–as a future inhabitant of Caina (Inf. 5.107). Dante’s attention is here drawn to two brothers, the ghibelline Napoleone and the guelph Alessandro, who murdered one another because of a dispute over their inheritance (Inf. 32.55-60).

The second region, Antenora, is named for the Trojan prince Antenor. While the classical sources–notably Homer’s Iliad–present Antenor in a positive (or at least neutral) light as one in favor of returning Helen to the Greeks for the good of Troy, medieval versions–histories, commentaries, and romances–view him as a “treacherous Judas” who plots with the Greeks to destroy the city. Dante places in this region those who betrayed their political party or their homeland.

In the third zone of circle 9 suffer those who betrayed friends or guests. Ptolomea is named after one or both of the following: Ptolemy, the captain of Jericho, honored his father-in-law, the high priest Simon Maccabee, and two of Simon’s sons with a great feast and then murdered them (1 Maccabees 16:11-17); Ptolemy XII, brother of Cleopatra, arranged that the Roman general Pompey–seeking refuge following his defeat at the battle of Pharsalia (48 B.C.E.)–be murdered as soon as he stepped ashore. Dante displays his abhorrence of such crimes by devising a special rule for those who betray their guests: their souls descend immediately to hell and their living bodies are possessed by demons when they commit these acts (Inf. 33.121-6).

Judecca, named after the apostle who betrayed Jesus (Judas Iscariot), is the innermost zone of the ninth and final circle of hell. The term also hints at a manifestation of Christian prejudice–which Dante certainly shares–against Judaism and Jews in the Middle Ages: it alludes to the names–Iudeca, Judaica–for the area within certain cities (e.g., Venice) where Jews were forced to live, apart from the Christian population. Together with Judas in this region of hell are others who, by betraying their masters or benefactors, committed crimes with great historical and societal consequences. Completely covered by the ice–like “straw in glass”–the shades are locked in various postures with no mobility or sound whatsoever (Inf. 34.10-15).

While it is a fitting end to people like Dana, I personally prefer the Schadenfreude of watching them writhe in the agony of of being hoisted upon their own tr4echorous petards, or rather Impaled as Vlad the Impaler would have done to them.

Wallachia, the case of Dracula

During the 15th century, Vlad III (“Dracula”), Prince of Wallachia, is credited as the first notable figure to prefer this method of execution during the late medieval period,[69] and became so notorious for its liberal employment that among his several nicknames he was known as Vlad the Impaler.[70] After being orphaned, betrayed, forced into exile and pursued by his enemies, he retook control of Wallachia in 1456. He dealt harshly with his enemies, especially those who had betrayed his family in the past, or had profited from the misfortunes of Wallachia. Though a variety of methods was employed, he has been most associated with his use of impalement. The liberal use of capital punishment was eventually extended to Saxon settlers, members of a rival clan,[71] and criminals in his domain, whether they were members of the boyar nobility or peasants, and eventually to any among his subjects that displeased him. Following the multiple campaigns against the invading Ottoman Turks, Vlad would never show mercy to his prisoners of war. The road to Vlad’s capital of Wallachia eventually became inundated in a “forest” of 20,000 impaled and decaying corpses, and it is reported that Mehmet II’s invading army of Turks turned back to Constantinople in 1462 after encountering thousands of impaled corpses along the Danube River.[71] Woodblock prints from the era portray his victims impaled from either the frontal or the dorsal aspect, but not vertically.
Purported image of a Polish prisoner of war being tortured by Bolshevik soldiers, Polish–Soviet War, 1920 image by Frenchman telling his story to The New York Times, 1920 Sees Bolshevism as Hideous Religion

As an example of how Vlad Țepeș soon became iconic for all horrors unimaginable, the following pamphlet from 1521 pours out putative incidents like this one:

Dana has turned is poison pen against Trey Gowdy, Trey’s sin? that of daring to threaten to expose the criminal misdeeds of the Obamanation Administration. Dana Milbank, like the vast majority of his fellow traitorous scum infesting the Fifth Column Treasonous Media have known all along that Barack Obama is a Marxist, but because they themselves are also Marxists, and their only moral value is that “The End Justifies the Means” Dana and his ilk have constantly lied to America about everything Barack Obama’s corrupt administration has done.

Oh I know, but let us not be deceived, ok? Yes Dana and his ilk deny being Marxists, they prefer to insist that they are enlightened Liberal Progressives. You and I are suppose to be too thick, too stupid to know or understand that Progressive is a term invented by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels designed too allow Marxism to infiltrate America. Or worse yet, we are suppose to be too simple minded to understand the nuanced difference between Progressive and Marxists.

Meet the chief prosecutor in the GOP’s Benghazi show trial

Rep. Trey Gowdy, the tea party Republican tapped to lead the new committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, made a telling slip Wednesday morning in describing his mission.

Asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about the possibility that his panel’s work would continue into the 2016 election campaign, Gowdy replied that “if an administration is slow-walking document production, I can’t end a trial simply because the defense won’t cooperate.”

A trial? And the Obama administration is the defense? So much for that “serious investigation” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) promised; his new chairman intends to play prosecutor, proving the administration’s guilt to the jury — in this case, the public.

As a legal matter, Gowdy, a volcanic former prosecutor, is on shaky ground declaring his committee a court and his investigation a trial. But his honesty is refreshing, and it confirms what seemed implicit in Boehner’s selection of the second-term South Carolinian to head the panel over more experienced and less combative colleagues.

In a broader sense, Gowdy’s rapid ascent in the party fits closely with what House Republicans are doing in this midterm election year: abandoning any pretense of legislating in favor of unremitting hostilities with the White House.

Gowdy, who deploys courtroom theatrics on the House floor and in committee hearings, often wears his gray hair long and slicked back and has gained attention for wild-eyed, high-volume bursts of pious indignation. The rise of another Southern white male to the top of the GOP probably won’t improve its demographic difficulties, but Gowdy’s climb is a key example of how the Republican Party has blunted the tea party threat in large part by co-opting the movement.

Let’s face it, Dana Milbank and his traitorous brethren have every reason to be angry and fear the results of Trey Gowdy’s investigation, since not only is it going to show the mendacious malfeasance of the Obamanation Administration, but the inevitable consequences will also be to expose the extent that the Fifth Column Treasonous Media has been a willing co-conspirator of the Obamanation Administration.

Ghosts of Benghazi; Or What difference does it make.

by Guest Post ( 108 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Corruption, Democratic Party, Islamists, Libya at April 23rd, 2014 - 1:00 pm

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

The 9/11/2012 attack on the US Embassy consular building in Benghazi Libya is once again meandering it’s way through the news. All of the same questions are being asked, and no surprise here, the same basic conclusions reached right here on this blog, are now being reached by many others who have looked carefully at the evidence.

File this under: “I Told you So” (The Kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens)

Back on April 30th I related a rumor to you about what supposedly really happened to Ambassador Christopher Stevens during the assault on the Consult in Benghazi. Most of you no doubt filed it away with a chuckle under super crazy tin-foil hat conspiracy theories. Here is what I told you back then.

Why we should hang the Fifth Column Treasonous Media talking heads.

Not only did Barack Insane Obama refuse to send Ambassador Stevens any help, their is considerable evidence to suggest that he actively prevented any help being sent. Moreover their is even rumor to the effect that that hep was specifically denied because the Whitehouse under Barack Insane Obama’s direct orders were engaging in a covert operation that was suppose to result in the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and 15 or 20 of his staff who were to be held as hostages so that the Obamanation Administration would have political cover for releasing Blink Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman to Egypt.

Moreover, their is even the suggestion that Ambassador Steven was intended to be killed at some point during that exchange because Ambassador Stevens was cooperating with known Al Qaeda terrorists in a trade of small arms and ammunition in exchange for a significant number of shoulder fired surface to air missiles that had been stolen from the US during the fall of Qaddafi’s Libya.

But, just as has been done in the past, so shall it be done again as this tempest in a teapot simmers down.

A burial shroud for Benghazi…

The Fifth column Treasonous Media is at it again, and sadly most conservatives who saw the 60 Minutes special on Benghazi are falling for it. Let me make something perfectly clear to everyone, the 60 Minute Special on Benghazi is not an expose designed to enlighten anyone nor to bring pressure on the Obamanation Administration. It amounts to nothing less than lime being thrown on a corpse to keep it from stinking, a burial shroud to inform everyone who see’s it, that this story is now officially dead.

The Mainstream media is and always has been fully aware of what happened and why in Benghazi. Their failure to cover the story more aggressively, to relentlessly demand the kinds of answers that was the hallmark of their coverage of the Nixon Watergate scandal, is because, like the Obama administration, they know such activity on their part would be profoundly damaging to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Damaging enough to result in Barack Obama being impeached and land Hillary Clinton in a Federal Prison. The Mainstream Media is no longer about faithfully keeping the American People informed about what is really transpiring around them, not it is now nothing more than a propaganda organization where Marxist/Socialist ideology trumps all, and protecting America’s first Marxist President is the only thing that matters.

Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn’t ‘switched sides in the War on Terror’ and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report

The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn’t been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

‘The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,’ Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.

‘Remember, these weapons that came into Benghazi were permitted to enter by our armed forces who were blockading the approaches from air and sea,’ Lopez claimed. ‘They were permitted to come in. … [They] knew these weapons were coming in, and that was allowed..

‘The intelligence community was part of that, the Department of State was part of that, and certainly that means that the top leadership of the United States, our national security leadership, and potentially Congress – if they were briefed on this – also knew about this.’

The weapons were intended for Gaddafi but allowed by the U.S. to flow to his Islamist opposition.


‘We don’t claim to have all the answers here,’ said Roger Aronoff, whose center-right group Accuracy in Media sponsored the group and its work.

‘We hope you will, please, pursue this,’ he told reporters. ‘Check it out. Challenge us.’
Retired Admiral Chuck Kubic said the White House refused to let the Pentagon pursue a peaceful exit for Muammar Gaddafi: ‘We had a leader who had won the Nobel Peace Prize, but who was unwilling to give peace a chance for 72 hours’

Retired Admiral Chuck Kubic said the White House refused to let the Pentagon pursue a peaceful exit for Muammar Gaddafi: ‘We had a leader who had won the Nobel Peace Prize, but who was unwilling to give peace a chance for 72 hours’

The commission and AIM filed 85 document requests under the Freedom Of Information Act, hitting the Department of Defense, State Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency with demand after demand.

But most of its information has come from insiders with deep knowledge of the flow of weapons in Libya and elsewhere in the African Maghreb.

Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons told the group that he believes the raid on the Benghazi compound was intended as a kidnapping exercise, aimed at snatching U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and demanding a prisoner swap for the ‘blind sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman.

Abdel-Rahman is serving a life sentence in federal prison for planning the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center garage in New York City. He also masterminded a plan, later foiled, to blow up the United Nations, both the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the George Washington Bridge and a federal building where the FBI had a base of operations.

A senior FBI source, Lyons said Tuesday, ‘told me that was the plan.’

The attack, history shows, grew in intensity and resulted in the deaths of Stevens and three other U.S. personnel.

Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.

‘I’m going to tell you that’s not true,’ he said. ‘We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.’

‘The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.’


The group has called for a Select Congressional Committee to investigate the Benghazi episode. A total of 189 House members have signed on to a bill that would create the committee, which would be bipartisan and have sweeping powers to subpoena the executive branch.

House Speaker John Boehner, Lopez said Tuesday, ‘he blocked it. One has to wonder if he and Congress have had some sort of briefing on what happened.’

Had the Mainstream Media any creditability what-so-ever left, it would be them, and not a British tabloid running this story, but, the American Mainstream Media has already chosen their side, it is not the side of the American people, for all practical purposes, they are repeating what are perhaps the most offensive and noxious words ever made on the subject of the attack on Benghazi, “At this point, what difference does it make?

(Cross Posted @ The Wilderness of Mirrors)

Writer’s block

by Mojambo ( 36 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Conservatism, Elections 2016, Hillary Clinton, Media, Ronald Reagan, Tea Parties at April 7th, 2014 - 7:00 am

Do not think that for one second that the same media which trashed Hillary Clinton for daring to seek the nomination in 2008 instead of passively making way for the Young Messiah will not  protect her in 2016.

by John Podhoretz

When it comes to Obama-era scandals, the American Right’s predominant emotion is frustration — a frustration that causes hypertension levels usually seen only in Cubs fans and the unfortunates hired to do PR for Lindsay Lohan and Shia LeBoeuf.

Liberals dubbed Ronald Reagan the “Teflon president” because they felt nothing ever stuck to him. President Obama is the Scotchguard president; the would-be scandals that ought to be dogging his administration simply seem to bead up into little droplets before they are briskly wiped away.

Conservatives will tell you, and rightly so, that this is happening because the mainstream media — the prestige press and the network television commentariat — are committing sins both of commission and omission. At times, they act as the president’s blocking tackles in some respects, speaking with contempt and dismissal when the scandals are even mentioned.

When they are not actively working in his defense, the media’s managers are downplaying the scandal stories as a general rule — and the failure to pursue them aggressively has the effect of quieting them down.

Why is this happening? Ironically, the mainstream media heavyweights may feel liberated from the responsibility of covering Obama administration malfeasances because of the existence of the alternative conservative media that have arisen over the past 20 years — talk radio, Fox News, and multiple websites.

Mainstream media types loathe the conservative media as much as the conservative media loathe them. The mainstream thinks conservative media are hysterical, ideologically driven by bad or stupid or evil ideas, and are simply after liberal scalps. They do not want to join those they consider jackals.

But the conservative media serve a second purpose, not only for their audiences but for the mainstream. The existence of the Right media means that the stories are being covered by someone, which relieves them of some of the responsibility they might otherwise feel to do the job themselves.

Even better, from their point of view, they also believe the stories are being covered in such a way that the mainstream media can dismiss them and attack them.


Well, did you know that the Attorney General of the United States was held in contempt back in June 2012 by the House of Representatives for refusing to provide documents to oversight committees regarding the demented Justice Department program that peddled guns to drug dealers later used to kill a federal agent?

That was no small thing — in fact, never before has such a sanction against a sitting cabinet member been declared by Congress. An unprecedented event is the very definition of news, and yet it went all but unacknowledged when it happened — dismissed as an election year stunt to harm the presidential candidacy of a man 90% of those who work in the media voted for.


Amazing to think it was only 11 months ago that the Internal Revenue Service admitted — on its own! — that it had outright targeted conservative groups for special (i.e., hostile) scrutiny in considering their applications for tax-exempt status. The matter seemed so serious that the president himself said he was outraged by it: “It’s inexcusable and Americans have a right to be angry about it and I am angry about it.”

Though he promised to hold the guilty parties accountable, and though several people resigned and/or retired, what has gone on since looks very much like stonewalling.

The IRS’s general counsel answered “I don’t recall” 80 times — 80 times! — when members of Congress asked him about what went on.

The now-retired person specifically in charge of the matter has repeatedly resorted to Fifth Amendment silence rather than answer Congressional questions.


And the once-angry president? He isn’t so angry any longer. There was “not even a smidgen of corruption” at work there, he told Bill O’Reilly.

Obama’s attitude is the mainstream attitude. Move along, nothing to see here.

This week, the former deputy director of the CIA acknowledged that he had disobeyed his then-boss, David Petraeus, and edited the administration’s talking points about the attack on an American consulate in Benghazi in September 2012 to remove reference to a terrorist attack.

You may not have heard about it. Why? Because the media long ago decided it was not interested in Benghazi. More that that: the one star reporter who was, Sheryl Atkisson of CBS News, found it necessary to quit her job earlier this year amid reports she couldn’t get airtime because her boss disapproved of the story.

The person serving as Obama’s secretary of state when the attacks happened actually demanded to know what difference the details made about the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi. That person is now the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.

She, too, will get 90% of the media vote.

Obama is Scotchguarded because the people who are supposed to be holding him to account are the ones holding the spray can.

Read the rest –  Conservative media is unintentionally protecting Obama

Benghazi Reward OOT

by Phantom Ace ( 15 Comments › )
Filed under Hillary Clinton, OOT, Open thread at November 29th, 2013 - 10:55 pm

I came across this funny picture on Twitter about the State Department’s reward for who is responsible for Benghazi.


Her Royal thighness the “Great Mother” aka the cackle has blood on her hands and sadly will get away with it.