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Posts Tagged ‘Black Lives Matter’

Trump Milwaukee Speech

by Deplorable Macker ( 151 Comments › )
Filed under Bill Clinton, Crime, Donald Trump, Economy, Education, Elections 2016, Hillary Clinton, Regulation, taxation at August 17th, 2016 - 8:00 am

Here’s The Donald’s speech from Milwaukee last night:

Link here.

TACO Tuesday – #EffUMizzou

by Crackerbox Palace ( 201 Comments › )
Filed under Censorship, Democratic Party, Hipsters, History, Marxism, Progressives at November 17th, 2015 - 11:00 am

Angry taco

[I apologize in advance for the use of vulgar, but in this case necessary, language.]

So, the precious kumquats at Mizzou and other campuses are upset that terrorists attacking Paris have taken the “spotlight” off their hurt feelings and need for safe “spaces”. How dare the media turn away from the horror of a poop swastika and instead focus on the blood flowing on the streets of Paris. Someone has been mean to us! Don’t you care? And look at Amherst! Why, those poor little rich kids – why, they have to endure a football mascot dressed as an American Revolutionary War hero! WHY, oh Lord, WHY? Besides, all those people who were murdered in Paris were White! And as we all know, only #BlackLivesMatter.

So these irrelevant little douchebags, not satisfied with making themselves look petty and ridiculous, decided to go for all the gusto and created a NEW hashtag, lest we forget just who the real victims are here: #fuckparis. No, seriously, they actually are using that in their tweets. What’s worse is that when taken to task for this, they double down with the “white privilege” argument.

Oh shut the hell up.

I’m old enough to have watched the Civil Rights movement in the South up close and personal. I was fortunate enough to have a mother – a white, conservative REPUBLICAN woman from New England, who gathered us to listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King at the foot of the memorial to the President who kept the Union together, at a very high price, paid on both sides of the conflict. I learned that #BlackLivesMatter watching a nasty piece of work turn fire hoses and attack dogs on children and protesters. I don’t need you clowns to tell me how it was. When I walked to school, I didn’t understand why my friend went left and I went right at the intersection. I’ve seen the Gorgon of racism – REAL racism. And you want to tell ME that my “white privilege” doesn’t allow me to understand the significance of your hurt feelings and fear?

Oh shut the hell up.

Fear? Do you want to talk about FEAR? There was a time when Blacks were afraid to even register to vote, were afraid to congregate, were afraid to look at a white person for too long a period of time. Yes, it was ugly and from this ugliness a great man arose. Who took America by the hand, untied the blindfold and said “Do you see? This is still a part of your country. You’re good people. You can’t let this go on.” And he walked, and he defied unjust laws and got arrested. And he did so with dignity. And people from all over the country came to help. White people linked arms with Black people and said “we are with you.” And some of those White people died for it. And it culminated in one of the most moving speeches in history that told us, indeed #AllLivesMatter. I try to think how The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King would have reacted had the media stopped covering his march in Selma to put the spotlight on a tragedy such as Paris. He would not have stomped his feet and acted like a five-year-old denied a cookie. He would have found the nearest house of worship and offered prayers for the victims. If no church was available he would have done it where he stood. You snots took to Twitter and whined because someone turned off the cameras.

Oh shut the hell up.

The civil rights movement I remember had Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy, Cecil Williams, Thurgood Marshall – who eloquently stated the truth of the situation, at great peril to themselves. You have DeRay McKesson, a garden-variety attention whore, who stokes the flames of dissent and runs away to the next location. And frankly, the last hit by Snoop Dog was more articulate than anything this guy has to say.

And all of you combined don’t equal the courage of one Medgar Evers.

And I’m sure this will all be branded as racist, vile, and I’m Bull Connor in a skirt. Say what you want, I know the truth of how I feel and who I am. But frankly, your hashtag and behavior in light of the real deaths of real people in Paris, who were in their “safe spaces” asking nothing, harming no one, really, really, pissed me the hell off.

So I invented a hashtag of my own.