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Posts Tagged ‘Brain Damage’

The London Riots: How It Began

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 104 Comments › )
Filed under Crime, Europe, Humor, OOT, Open thread, Progressives, UK at August 14th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

In the wake of the recent vandalism in London and elsewhere, some of the more genteel initiated the protest, and were completely ignored by the media. This .gif shows the initial graphic violence, presented for the sole purpose of illustrating just how it began on The Overnight Open Thread.

Well, of course…

by 1389AD ( 75 Comments › )
Filed under Iran, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Open thread, United Nations, Weapons at June 30th, 2011 - 11:30 am

Stunned smiley shaking head
Shaking my head…

North Korea assumes presidency of UN arms control conference

(h/t: Gulfloafer)

In the latest ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ news from the United Nations, North Korea assumed the presidency of the Conference on Disarmament Tuesday.

“Bare months after the U.N. finally suspended Libya’s Col. Muammar Qaddafi from its Human Rights Council, North Korea wins the propaganda coup of heading the world’s disarmament agency,” the executive director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer said in a statement protesting the move. “It’s asking the fox to guard the chickens, and damages the U.N.’s credibility.”

According to the U.N. summary of the meeting, North Korea’s So Se Pyong addressed the 65-member arms control forum, saying that “he was very much committed to the Conference and during his presidency he welcomed any sort of constructive proposals that strengthened the work and credibility of the body.”

Neuer said that though North Korea’s new role as head of the conference, which reports to the U.N. General Assembly, would likely be justified by the U.N. by saying it was the result of a an “automatic rotation,” such an excuse was not sufficient…

Why are we still in the UN? EPIC FAIL. It’s long past time to get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.

As if all of that were not enough…

The redoubtable Blazing Cat Fur reveals that Iran has been elected VP of the UN General Assembly. Words fail me.

This is an open thread. Have at it!

Today I Offend EVERYBODY!

by 1389AD ( 28 Comments › )
Filed under Abortion, Barack Obama, CAIR, Fight Thread, Free Speech, Hate Speech, Healthcare, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Open thread, Political Correctness, Serbia, Special Report at June 25th, 2011 - 10:33 pm

The ad shown below deeply offends ME.

No, NOT because the ad uses some politically incorrect words for various “diverse” groups, words that the left has bullied us into considering taboo.

I don’t give a rat’s patootie about something so trivial as politically incorrect vocabulary that might hurt some poor little crybaby’s feelings. Matter of fact, I hate crybabies.

Not Acceptable R-word PSA

I am very rarely tempted to indulge in a good rant. I’m as good at inflammatory rhetoric as anybody can be, but I normally deliver my invective with ice water in my veins.

Today will be an exception.

So here goes…

In the video above, the politically-correct thought police have just warned us that the word retarded is now taboo.

I don’t care whether the “Spread The Word To End The Word” campaign has a valid point or not – I am NOT having any self-appointed Gestapo telling me what I am allowed to think and to say, and that’s that!

What’s the result of all of this “diversity” guilt-tripping? Do you think it makes people like each other all of a sudden? No, it just creates an overpowering flood of pent-up rage in people who hate to be told what to do and what to think.

But very few people have the courage to tell the thought police where to go.

Who are the socially acceptable targets?

That flood of pent-up rage at being ordered to pay lip service to “diversity” has to go somewhere. There is always a group or two that are left out of the “diversity” mix on purpose, to provide a safety valve in the form of a socially acceptable target for demonization. Since the 1990s, the main targets in the US have been Slavs, with Russians and Serbs targeted in particular, and, of course, white people who live in the South. I end up in both categories, and whether anybody likes it or not, I am fighting back.

For more than two decades, the Serbian nation and people have been subjected to an unending parade of groundless accusations and truly unspeakable blood libels. As a direct result of those deliberate lies, Serbs have been thrown off their land, imprisoned, tortured, maimed, killed, and even butchered for their organs. Do you seriously expect me to care because somebody might call you a NAME?

If you, or your friends, cheered or dropped bombs when your government made war on my people, and if you still do nothing while one president after another persecutes and abuses my people – and yes, they are my people – don’t waste your time telling me why I should care about what anybody calls YOU.

How that video helps our ENEMIES

Every form of political correctness gives ammunition to the Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups, who are doing all they can to censor, and even to criminalize, any criticism of Islam or of Muslims.

Yoo-hoo, CAIR, you will NEVER shut me up! I am far from alone, you are our ENEMIES, and you are going DOWN!

Banning the words that identify stupidity

“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein

According to the video, we are to be condemned for using the word “retarded” to describe stupid behavior. Next, they’ll be telling us that we can’t even use the word “stupid” to describe stupid behavior. By stopping us from recognizing and putting a name to stupidity when we encounter it, these thought police would render us helpless to combat it. Shame on them for destroying the English language in their Orwellian attempt to eliminate the words and concepts that describe reality.

Do these bozos seriously think they can banish human stupidity and inadequacy simply by censoring the word retarded? The word came from the phrase mental retardation, which used to be the accepted term for what is now called developmental delay – which means the same thing anyway.

As soon as people start getting angry about the new term developmentally delayed, we’ll see yet another PSA telling us not to use it, and they’ll have to coin some other euphemism. Stupidity is a fact of life, it affects everybody, and the only difference is that some of us aren’t that way all of the time. If you can’t deal with that, then it’s easy to see which category YOU fit into!

If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot.
Click the above thumbnail for larger image.

Was that video meant to stop us from saying – or even realizing – how stupid Obama is?

We, the people of the United States, have a president, Barack Hussein Obama, who simply does not have, and never will have, the mental candlepower to function normally in the real world without 24×7 care on the part of various “handlers.” He can’t even call his dog without looking at a Teleprompter. We are not supposed to come out and say that he is mentally deficient, but in his case, it applies.

Why does Ubama have such a big scar on his head? Just askin’.

Our badly-educated and media-manipulated voting public has elected a president who, for whatever reason, can’t think on his own. His handlers – all of them prominent leftists – have been with him from the beginning. They made sure that he had all of the funding and the outside help and “influence” that he needed to get through college and law school, but of course we don’t get to see his school transcripts or medical records. He has never served in the military, nor has he needed to support himself by doing any real work.

Those handlers chose Obama, not in spite of his deficiencies, but because of them. He was, and is, amenable to their control. He is too dense to comprehend that anything could be wrong with what they want him to do. He may be dimly aware that there is a difference between right and wrong, but he learned early on to prefer wrong. He makes gaffe after gaffe after gaffe, and he can just barely manage to read his Teleprompter aloud, but at least his handlers can be sure that he won’t go rogue all of a sudden.

It sure seems mighty suspicious to me that this ad is coming out just after there has been a spate of complaints, in the blogosphere and elsewhere, that this president is anything but the genius that his media shills made him out to be.

I would call Obama and his handlers what they are, but no language in the world has words bad enough to describe them.

And that’s that.


After having posted this on 1389 Blog, I sent out an email to inform many people on my own mailing list that I have put up a blog post that not only would be sure to offend many people, but also might cause them to face some anger and blame on account of being associated with me. I did get some “negative feedback” myself, not all of it printable, but then, it isn’t a bad idea to prune my blogroll and mailing list every so often.

Most people on Blogmocracy are aware that I myself know a thing or two about brain damage. In fact, I refer to myself as brain damaged, because it is true. I will not use some other term for it, even though it upsets my stepdaughter when I say it. Some years back, I was in a car accident (hit by a semi), followed by brain surgery (Chiari decompression and repair of cervical stenosis). For several months, I had practically no short-term memory at all. I still struggle with poor memory and coordination issues. It’s a lot better than it was, but it’s still a problem. There are a lot of things that I am never going to be able to do, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

I am infertile myself, so I don’t have the experience of giving birth to anyone. That said, I am opposed to aborting unborn children, whether on account of Down’s Syndrome or anything else.

I am also opposed to the Obama Administration’s rationing of health care to the elderly, with the stealth implementation of “death panels” that will be sure to follow. Both my grandmothers died after long periods of senile dementia. One of them reportedly committed suicide, but given the fact that I was but three years old at the time, I cannot be sure about what actually took place.

Having suffered from severe and sometimes exceedingly painful neurological impairments myself, I will say that any form of neurological impairment is tragic for everyone involved. That does not mean that we cannot love people who have such impairments, only that it would be far easier for everyone if such were not the case.

Sugar-coating the terminology does not help anything. And if we have a president who is not fit to handle that type of job, the citizenry needs to confront that issue, and the sooner the better.

Stalkers “Я” Usses

by snork ( 558 Comments › )
Filed under LGF at July 9th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

The Animal Farm craziness is usually confined to Daedalus, but this is a) over-the-top, and b) directly implicates the leadership of the Blogmocracy, so by special dispensation from the highest power here (“m”), here is a reprint of what may very well be the most deranged bit of stalking yet. As far as is known, this is still up at the funny farm, but to avoid going there, Nil Stooge has posted it here.


This is from the official scientist, video gamer, rabbi, and bondage expert of LGF, Ludwig, van Quixote:

Occasionally, new readers here will see references to various stalkers of LGF. I’m making this post as a guide to new folks should you see such references and wonder what we are talking about. I invite anyone who comments on this to share any fun stories about these lost souls they care to share.

I’m not making this post so much as to dish (well a little) but more to fill in some history for those who might not know.

The first thing to say, is that the stalkers really are stalkers. How seriously you take them likely depends on any number of circumstances, but they have tried very hard to find the real world identity of various LGF posters and have certainly issued threats in addition to endless screeds of vile and insulting mails. Vile and insulting means the worst sort of middle school insults, incoherent rage and genuine hatred. They have seriously threatened the life and limb of Charles and others.

So where did they come from? Well once upon a time, a boy demented troll loved a girl demented troll, who drank during pregnancy very much… More seriously, it started when a group of very unpleasant folks misunderstood the nature of LGF.

After 9-11, this blog posted much about Islamic terrorists and the various threats aimed at America and Israel from the Islamic world. Those threats were, and still are, very real. This, on the one hand, placed this blog at odds with certain left wing sorts who were apologists for Islamic extremism and very anti-Israel. This also attracted various far right sorts to this site like moths to a flame.

There is nothing wrong with being conservative. There is an awful lot wrong with becoming the very things you claim to hate – as in a drooling, genocide preaching fanatic.

Early on, Charles, our gracious host, had made connections with other bloggers who were involved in blogging about the dangers of radical Islam – people like Pam Geller and allahpundit to name a few. Charles however, was never of the let’s kill them all mentality. Charles also was always willing to reach out to the left and talk with them too. He was one of the founders of Pajamas media – which was envisioned as a right meets left and debates and discusses sort of site. He was never a racist or a bigot. When he discovered these people sliding into true craziness and actually siding with bona fide neo nazis like Vlaams Belung, Neo Confederates, white supremacists, Christian Dominionists and other truly scary and repugnant sorts, Charles left in disgust and voiced very strongly that he had no desire to be involved with such repulsive things. Pajamas media mutated into a cesspool of uber right craziness.

This angered the crazy right wing contingent here to no end. As political events moved forward at home, and the American right began getting even more crazy, the unpleasant sorts at LGF were even more shocked to find that Charles does not care for sexism, homophobia, attempting to destroy the Establishment clause etc… either.

Another split was when Charles and other posters began arguing that yes indeed, Evolution really did happen. Many people here were shocked that their creationist views were challenged by hard science – not only challenged, but shown to be foolish and irrational. A similar thing happened with AGW. Charles started out as a skeptic on that issue, but came to realize that just as the right lied about evolution routinely, they were even more grievously lying about AGW with many of the same tactics and many of the same marketing firms and think tanks. Again, hard science won out.

This created a diaspora of people who hate LGF and hate Charles and certain posters here with an almost religious fervor. Some left on their own, others were banned after outbursts. Ever since, they have carried a childish grudge. They have their own little web sites now where the main purpose seems to be providing an echo-chamber for like minded genocide preaching, history revising, anti-science, conspiracy mongering psychosis and bitching about how much they hate us.

Mostly they bitch about us and pretend to be aggrieved. Many love to create sock puppets, which are accounts under other names, only to “flounce” which is to write a long essay about how much they hate it here and flounce off. It is a big badge of pride for them to attempt this. After all, they managed to get an angry screed written about how betrayed they feel, that Charles was never a lunatic like them, and how all the liberals here don’t appreciate how special their mad rants are etc…

And the rants are mad. They are not just angry, spiteful and full of a desperate almost adolescent venom, but the standard mix of racism, sexism, homophobia, conspiracy mongering, anti-science and general teabag nuttiness.

One should also know about the socks. A favorite pastime of stalkers is whining about how they were ohhh so unfairly banned from here. Writing hateful crap under a second or third or fourth name will get you banned in a shot. You can read elaborate fabrications of their “innocence” over and over. “There are eight of us living in our apartment and we share the same computer – me, my wife, my cousins Elmer and Larry and our four pet possums. Well Baxter the possum got on one day, and I didn’t do anything…”

So as a guide, here are some notable stalker personalities:

Rodan, AKA the Rodent: In addition to openly calling for the murder of all Muslims on numerous occasions and congratulating Serbian war criminals, he has an insane fixation with his precious Latin blood. He believes that everyone is racist if they disagree with him and has a remarkable angry victim complex. He likes to start false internet rumors that people are pedophiles, gays and nazis. He believes strangely that Latinos are white and takes vast umbrage at the idea that they are not Caucasian and that it is racist to deny their whiteness – this is because he does not consider those “tainted” by native American blood to be real Latins and he does not want his whiteness challenged. He also believes that this is not racist. He is an alcoholic who routinely posts about how drunk he is and generally acts like an evil besotted clown. Watch out for his Columbian family. They will hurt you and all. In many ways he is the most like Achmed the dead terrorist.

Savage: Savage is perhaps the brightest of the Stalkers. That is why his conspiracy theories are the most elaborate and his hate speech the most full of dog whistles that almost sound justifiable. Make no doubt though, the man is a lunatic who sees commies under every bed – which he believes are the same as Nazis and he has an angry conspiracy theory for everything. He is racist of the variety that tries to justify naked hate.

Snork: Snork is a failed engineer who has routinely shown that he does not understand basic calculus or thermodynamics. That is probably why he failed at being an engineer. He is their “scientist.” He routinely denies AGW and anything to do with any environmentally friendly policy. He is also a birther and a deather as well as an historical revisionist and the sort of “scientist” who is OK with creationism. In other words, he is an an off the wall crank who failed in his chosen profession and spins hateful conspiracy theories as sops to soothe the deep realization of his own failures.

Buzzsaw Monkey: Buzzy is perhaps the greatest disapointment. He could be rational at times, but was banned for the most hateful homophobic and sexist garbage. Since leaving here, he has graduated into a full scale drooling conspiracy theorist.

Bunk x: Bunk is the slavering lapdog of the group pining for the approval of the larger members. Amongst a pack of overly macho beta males who routinely brandish how tough they are, he is the gamma dog licking their feet. Truly a delightful toadie.

Formercorpsman: This is a morbidly obese man who claims to have once been a marine. This is unlikely since his man breasts are so large that his nipples must be the size of furry dinner plates. He is a standard gun loving, hate speech writer.

Iron Fist: This is another beta who compensates for his lack of manhood by routinely writing about guns, guns and more guns. He is tough don’t you know?! Don’t mess with him! He is very tough. He is also a ninja. Watch out. He also really hates women.

TFK: Tax free killer is a Vietnam veteran with very serious mental problems. He is actually tragic. He has a particular issue with John Kerry taken to the extent of fetishism.

Goddess of the Classroom: She is a Christian darn it, and does not want to be corrupted by sinful talk of evolution or not hating gays or being OK with women who have and enjoy orgasms. And yes, she teaches kids somewhere. She demands “constant vigilance” from concerned parents and teachers to keep “liberalism and corruption” out of text books that would influence young minds. I am not close to exaggerating.

Coldwarrior: This one is a former soldier who wishes he had more chances to kill people. He writes hateful and violent fantasies about killing endless enemies. He openly espouses the forcible removal of all Muslims from America, denial of religious freedoms and has a general desire these days to see a second civil war in the US where his forces of Justice remove all the “progressive nazi tranzi communist cancer” in America. Don’t ask him to define those words.

M: M is the grand dam of the hate site. As one of the few females there, she enjoys the worshipful adoration of sexually deprived, obese, aging single men. She is the sort of woman who enjoys such attention, so that should say something about her real life attractiveness. Her writing is just as hateful, conspiracy laced and deluded as the others however.

Rix: is another one with a wolf for his nic. He is a great example of many others, the ohh so tough “alpha” male in his own mind with delusions of warriorhood. In reality, he is another teabag loony who loves to pick fights from the anonymity of his keyboard while making impotent threat displays as a sop to his real world lack of manhood.

Possum: Possum thinks that women are asking for rape. Since they asked for it, he believes they deserve it. He has had multiple socks over here and takes a perverse pleasure in being a douche of a sneaky kind. Otherwise, his entire raison d’etre seems to revolve around currying favor with the other stalkers by mocking us. He does not generally froth on the usual subjects to the same extent, and is in general, seen as a joke by his compatriots. This is why he tries so very hard to gain popularity by being exceptionally disgusting over here. He briefly flounced from the hate site after Bunk edited some of his drivel, then was laughed at by them, and then came crawling back. If Bunk is the gamma dog this one is the delta. In a world of imaginary wolves and dragons, this one is still just a possum. And just tonight, he came on as a sock appearance to abuse Iceweasel. It is curious that most of his socks are him pretending to be girls however. I suspect that he is deeply closeted.

Nil Stooge: This one is so obsessed with this site that he keeps stats of every poster’s karma and rankings with trends. I don’t have a good read on nil stooge. On the one hand, the usual victim complex and conspiracy mongering is there, but on the other, his statistician like way of obsessing over us is truly creepy. Of course, his stats don’t make very much sense. It is not as if his percentages add to one or as if his trends are well labeled. This does mark him as a simple dork as opposed to an intellect.

There are others who are lesser players, but equally pathetic. They do read here regularly to feed their near fetishistic hatred of everything to do with this site. They are bonded together by intense animus – if undefined. Those are the stalkers, sometimes called “our fan club” sometimes called the village of the banned.

I see that I’m among the special mentions. I’m only going to make one comment; you all can thrash through the content if you wish, but what I find striking about this is that it reads just like a video game manual. Draw your own inferences from that.