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Posts Tagged ‘Department of Education’

Quit Telling Lies About Common Core, It’s Just A Raising Of Our National Standards

by Flyovercountry ( 171 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Progressives at June 27th, 2014 - 8:28 am

Every so often, there comes an issue that really and truly unites Americans in a way not seen often. We are a divided country, separated by factions left and right in a manner not seen since the last time we were divided by factions of left versus right. Even with this bitter division, there exists one issue that finds both left and right united in fevered battle with political leaders, both left and right. That issue is Common Core, and the fevered battle against all politicians is being led by the ultimate weaponry of grass roots movements, anyone with a kid or grand kid.

Don’t blame this crap on Barack Obama, at least not exclusively. He’s just the last guy holding the bad filled with this turd. While it’s true that he’s jumped on this bandwagon, it’s also true that this one started rolling during the day’s of Jimmy Carter, and not one single President since has failed to heap himself upon it. If ever there were an issue to make one a Libertarian, this is it. We can go back to the roots of the Department of Education, the absolute folly that led us to that creation, and call that our starting place. Carter proposed and pushed through Congress this new Cabinet level Department within the Federal behemoth as a vehicle to funnel massive amounts of tax payer money from households to Washington D.C., ostensibly in an effort to raise the standardized test scores of American Students as compared with foreign kids. It has been nothing short of an abject failure in its original mission. But like all good baby gorillas, it has grown into the 800 lb. variety. That original intention of course was eschewed for others, including a lucrative money laundering scheme that has enriched public sector unions and shifted considerable political clout to that fine group of thugs. Indeed, the 10 worst performing school districts in America are coincidentally at or near the top in terms of money spent per student. Coincidentally, those same school districts are still crying out for more and more funding, since there is no evidence that any money being spent per student has actually made into those class rooms. (We keep getting promised that our good friends, fraud, theft, and waste, will be eliminated as a means to save the taxpayers money.)

Ronald Reagan campaigned on eliminating both the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. In an 8 year Presidency, he attempted neither. I realize that Reagan never had a Republican Congress to help him get things passed, but he also had a knack for taking his case straight to the American People and having individual communities pressure Congress Critters to pass his agenda. Reagan’s economic boom was a tremendous testament to his policy achievement, but let’s not forget that much of that success should also be attributed to Paul Volcker and his refusal to bow to political pressure designed to force him into loosening the money supply.

George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton both expanded the roles of these Departments, and by the time those 12 years had passed, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education had become permanent entities that Americans believed we could not live without. Many may have actually contemplated how could we have survived past our Bicentennial without them. Never mind that like many of the pitched boondoggles, neither agency came close to accomplishing the original mission which was sold as being the vital reason for its creation, they are still what’s best for we mere subjects of the worker’s paradise formerly reserved for the free and and brave.

Enter George W. Bush and that perfect lesson of how dangerous vague legislation can be. With the framework that No Child Left Behind created, the apparatus to make Common Core a reality for every lucky girl and boy in the land was created. Now, it is true that this program is, “voluntary,” and left up to each individual state as to whether or not they’ll play along, but that belies the point that Federal Dollars to the States for education are being held hostage to insure compliance. Federal Matching funds are why a lot of states decide to voluntarily go along with federal suggestions on a variety of issues.

Now in the public debate over Common Core, many things are said, and a lot of them, while not technically true, or technically true, (picking the pepper from fly shit so to speak,) I’ll hear that Common Core is nothing more than a raising of our national bar in regards to education, and that minimum standards need to be set in order to keep us competitive. Technically, this is true, Common core is only the set of standards, and not the individual lesson plans that have us all shaking our heads.

The lie to all of that of course is found in the picture above. We didn’t see that kind of crap coming home with our kids prior to Common Core, nor can that wonderful example be found anywhere within the very vague text of the law. So, when you read Common Core, all it actually says is that we’ll establish some national standards, and that the Secretary of Education will be responsible for what is considered adequate to satisfy those standards, disburse the money necessary, establish a methodology of tracking progress, and hold states and school districts accountable.

Politicians from both major political parties have pimped this mess to us. The difference this time around is that parents, almost all of them, are not willing to just take it. The common core lesson plans, not found in the law itself, but within the rules drawn up by the Secretary of Education, something most people never think to bother with, include this new methodology of doing math, Socialist dogma, a revised version of American and World history, and many other surprises that American Parents find troubling.

Common Core had been originally signed onto by 45 States, and of those 45, 5 have reversed course. The political pressure from angry parents will continue to build, as more and more children pass from grade to grade, believing that these bizarre number lines are the best way to solve simple math problems, where getting the right answer is no where near so important as how pretty you draw the picture corresponding to description of the problem introduced.

I know many teachers, and shockingly almost all of them are solidly left of center. Most of them have bitched about Common Core. They tell me, a solid member of the anti-Common Core choir, that this new method of teaching is tying their hands and preventing them from doing the right thing by their students. I have found in my life time that teachers actually do care a great deal for doing a good job, and actually imparting knowledge to those young skulls full of mush that pass through their class rooms. They agree with the goals of Common Core, establishing standards by which kiddies actually learn something, and truthfully, it’s hard to argue with that. Then they’ll give that tried and true Leftist argument, “we just didn’t have the right people running things.”

Such is the danger of all vague government programs, they depend upon the right people running things, a mythical beast I’ve yet to meet. Local control of our schools complete with parents of children running the school boards in those communities had worked well for 200 years prior to the Department of Education. Our standards then were much higher, and our kids were graduating with far greater knowledge and skill.

I will predict that this government intrusion into perpetrating damage upon the fabric of our society will fail. Anyone with skin in the game is really pissed off, both teachers and parents alike. That upset is national and unifying across ideological lines. The proponents of this pig can place as much lipstick on their beauty queen as they wish, call us liars for balking, and even spend millions to air slickly produced adverts telling us all how important it is to raise educational standards, but as long at the above homework assignment keeps coming home, the truth will be seen. Messing with someone’s kids is that tipping point to stir up real grass roots anger.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Uh, What!?

by Flyovercountry ( 140 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, DHS, Economy, Progressives at May 20th, 2014 - 9:00 am

A picture of the Department of Agriculture’s latest acquisition.

Many of you may remember those heady days of 2008, when some of us were sounding the alarm bells about the dangers of an Obama Presidency. “Back away from the Fox News,” was sounded like some sort of dismissive automatic suppression system. “If you listen to Fox News, you’re only getting lies, Senator Obama has no wish to inflict Socialism or any form of top down government control upon the masses. He will be a benevolent and kind Messiah.” What scared us the most, were the things he himself said, and things by the way that were only ever repeated on Fox News, things like the following:

Under President Obama, the Department of Education now has armed officers, in case any of you got the bright idea of failing to repay those student loans. Forest Rangers now have guns, in case you suddenly get the urge to smoke a cigarette out in the woods when you believe no one to be looking. The census bureau I’m sure wishes the right to shoot anyone who might seek to have their conservative leaning suburban homestead adequately represented when drawing up congressional districts. The Department of Transportation will need to deal with those gas guzzlers who drive Hummers without being famous Hollywood types first somehow, and shooting them will help thwart global warming in its tracks. Lord knows that the fellows in the Department of Commerce will need guns to help them deal with the black marketeers who inevitably spring up from no where any time Socialism becomes the economic system of choice. And farming community, don’t worry, there’s something under the Christmas tree for you as well.

The United States Department of Agriculture has declared its intent to purchase .40 cal Smith & Wesson submachine guns.

In an announcement on the procurement branch of the General Services Administration’s website, the USDA has claimed it wishes to buy semi-automatic or burst fire machine guns with night sights and flashlight attachments.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What could possibly go wrong with giving automatic weapons to the same people who made it possible for you to pay over $50 Billion in reparations to any African American who claimed to have tried growing a tomato plant on their balcony and failed at it, aka, “failed to farm?” I say you’re a racist for objecting to anything that the Bamster has it in his mind to do, ever. I mean after all, he’s nothing short of a beneficent Messiah, who really really cares about all of us personally. Let’s meet one of those new armed USDA agents now, shall we?

I know I feel safe, knowing that we have an armed civilian security force that answers only to President Zero. What did the WWII era Germans call their armed civilian security force again?…. I believe it was called the Gestapo.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Dumbing Down America, Creating An Entire Generation Of Good Comrades.

by Flyovercountry ( 218 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Education, Marxism, Progressives at December 6th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

All links point to Twitchy, a wonderful Twitter aggregation site implemented by Michelle Malkin.

During that Administration that ran things in our country from 1977 until January 20, 1981, we got as gifts from the store of bad Marxist applications, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. Two behemoth top down government bureaucracies designed to alleviate some perceived pain, which in fact were either caused by previous government intrusions or fabricated whole sale from nothing. The Department of Energy was created supposedly to insure that we would never again be held hostage as a nation to the whims of Mid Eastern Despots, using their oil to inflict their will upon our national politics. The idea was that only through the aid of a government agency, would sufficient domestic energy production become possible. The result of course has been the opposite. The Department of Energy has acted as a block to domestic sources of energy, and the recent energy surge gleaned from hydraulic fracturing has been in spite of government interference, and not a result of any aid from the Department of Energy. In fact, the boom has been almost entirely fueled by privately owned land, leased over government objection to private companies who have bypassed the federal behemoth at every turn.

The other brand new spiffy bureaucracy given to us by Jimmy Carter of course was the Department of Education, the main topic of today’s post. The original purpose of the Department of Education was to improve the quality of education for America’s Children, who at the time, were placing second or third among all industrialized nations on a consistent basis. Currently, after three decades of our federal government’s intrusion into our schools, our children are not even cracking the top 25 on a consistent basis. This is hardly a picture of success, at least in terms of the actual mandate. It does however manage to get even worse than that. When the sounds start emanating to end this drain of our national resources, the political left begins whining immediately that this would be the end to Head Start. The problem is of course, emotional blackmail aside, every study of Head Start shows that children who graduate from that vaunted program have actually been harmed by the experience, and are less ready to enter a full day of school and learn than if they would have just merely skipped the program entirely. Thanks to the Department of Education, our children are less qualified than most in the industrial world to perform basic math, but somehow feel better about their skills than those who outperform them. This is because self esteem is actually something that has been taught in place of math, or at least shares time. Rather than teaching basic economics and an accurate history regimen, duty to the state has been coupled with alternate history lessons showing the glories of Socialism and why those governments were actually better for their citizenry than systems that allowed for maximal freedom.

George W. Bush was not the worst President in our national history, and he got a lot of things right. I would even defend him on most issues, but one place where he really blew it, and I mean in spectacular fashion, was the No-Child-Left-Behind-Act. Not specifically the implementation of the act under President Bush, but because of the chicanery that the ambiguous act allowed to happen under the stewardship of his replacement. (There are several instances of this to be sure, with our current NSA spying scandal being one such example, Fast and Furious another, but discussions of those failures would be beyond my intended scope for this discussion.) No Child Left Behind was the primer for Race To The Top, which is where Common Core was born. Common Core, for the uninitiated, is the federal government’s new idea to teach all of the children in our nation the same curricula, while eliminating local control of the parents who’s children are being impacted by those decisions as to what will and will not be taught in school. In short, those of you with children no longer know what’s best for your kids, big brother does, and he’s fully intending on inflicting his vision for their upbringing on you.

So, exactly what will your kids be learning through common core, and how will they be taught this? I’m glad you’ve asked, the answer can be found by clicking here. Besides the fact that the assignments themselves had glaring errors in math, spelling, and grammar, there is this little gem:

View image on Twitter

Check out the answers to numbers 4,5, and 6 particularly. This purportedly was for an English class, teaching our children how to read and write, and the lesson clearly calls for obedience to the state, and acquiescence to the collective. Remember that this lesson is designed for every child in America. This is Marxist dogma, and it is now the common core curricula being taught to our kids.

Here’s another example from the same site:


Here’s another bizarre school assignment to add to the pile, courtesy of Wisconsin-based talk show host Vicki McKenna. Students are asked to work in groups to choose seven people to save from a shipwreck. To help in their decision, they are given some rudimentary information about each passenger, such as race and religious views.

Mr. Blake, for example, is a Mormon who “sympathizes with anti-black views,” while Mr. Newton is a “black power advocated” [sic] who is “suspected of homosexual activity.” You can see the educational value, especially when you take into account Father Frans, a priest who is “often criticized for liberal views.”

Rather than reading, writing, Science, Math, Economics, History, or anything formerly considered worthy of inclusion in the basics of what our children learn as a part of their education, which used to be geared towards creating productive members of society, our children are learning conflict resolution, liberal policy, the intolerant toleration of the left, Marxist dogma, and anything but the aforementioned subjects. We as a nation are not, “racing to the top.” We are racing towards mediocrity, or worse.

The Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, himself a socialist with plenty of bona fides in that particular arena, has declared that all of the push back on common core is due to, “racist white mothers from suburbia.” Pushing the bile back down my throat in order to finish this last thought, I have to tell you that were my children still of school age, I’d be plenty pissed. It’s not just my same old objection that any and all dissent in our nation has been dismissed as pure racism for the entirety of Barack Obama’s time as our President. Nor is it the fact that these statements, all of them, amount to nothing more than ad hominem attacks, meant to stifle debate and avoid meeting us in the arena of ideas. It is the thought of what in the hell will we do when the bulk of our work force is populated by idiots, who have learned not one God Damned useful thing to help them be productive to the level that we will need for them to be productive at? This will produce an entire generation of kids who are unable to tie their own shoes or put their pants on correctly. Do we really want a whole generation of children to become adults, completely unprepared for the shit storm that is adult life? This transcends bad idea, and has moved into the territory of downright dangerous.

If your goal were to destroy America, is there one single decision that you would have made differently than any of those made by Barack Obama?

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

That Perfect Example Of The Department Of Education At Its Finest!

by Flyovercountry ( 48 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Communism, Fascism, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Socialism, Tranzis at May 23rd, 2012 - 5:00 pm

A few weeks ago, as a part of my Carter retrospective, I wrote about the creation of the Department of Education. Part of my assertion was the complete failure that this Department has turned out to be. Our national ranking for our students on the world stage has dropped steadily and substantially since this cabinet level bureaucracy was created. The costs per student spent in terms of real dollars have increased as the quality of the product supplied has declined. Our top spending school districts in this country are, not by any accidental coincidence, also our worst. How bad has the situation in our public schools gotten? Have a listen to the youtube clip below. Bear in mind, this teacher is the source for learning for a class that is covering Social Studies, a subject which should include our Constitution and the First Amendment among other topics.

There has been much hand wringing over the fact that this is a shameful example of indoctrination being substituted for actual learning, and those complaints are spot on. I don’t wish to diminish that argument, although I feel that it is somewhat secondary, and if not secondary, then at least it shares importance with something else of equal concern. This teacher is incompetent. When I say incompetent, what I mean is that she is a complete disaster, and should have in no way, shape, or form, been permitted to be introduced to a room full of anyone learning anything, as a teacher. The parents of this school district should be outraged that their tax dollars, which they are undoubtedly asked during every single election through a new bond issue to increase, are used to pay this woman a salary to instruct their children on anything more basic that how to tie their shoes. If it were my child in this school, I would be angry if she were allowed to be monitoring the lunch room.

Take a good listen to the taped recording above if you can stand it again. This woman is stupid, and that does not begin to cover the situation. Her grasp on the English language can at best be described as tenuous. She somehow feels as though her teaching certificate has given her authority to affect an arrest for people who, “disrespect,” the President. The entire concept of our political leaders being common folk who temporarily serve as our representatives seems so thoroughly lost, that she draws a clear distinction between our two contenders for this year’s election. Not only in terms of the job that they currently hold, but in terms as to what we mere citizens are allowed to even think about them. Her student has to remind her, the supposed expert on the very subject discussed, that our Constitution contains something called the First Amendment, which follows here.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances.

Listening to this teacher, I couldn’t help but wonder, how did she escape her own school experience without being labeled as a special education student herself. As it is, I would be willing to bet that she not only has somehow managed to obtain the proper teaching credentials necessary to be certified a teacher in her state, but that she managed to be conferred with a Masters Degree. Which begs the question, where on Earth did she attend college, and why on Earth are there no standards there? That she seems to feel that teaching Social Studies is all about mass indoctrination of our youth to the Marxist point of view, fear not. She seems, at least from the complete lack of control of her class room that she is no more competent at that than she is with her grasp of the English language or her grasp of her subject matter.

How long has this woman been teaching? What is the NEA’s role or her Union’s role in keeping her in that position? How many other incompetent teachers are being forced upon the good people of North Carolina? This is the true legacy of the Department of Education. The sad fact is that this situation is not an isolated case of some illiterate moron slipping through the cracks to accidentally appear in front of a class room full of eager sponges ready to absorb the poison that springs forth from her Marxist view of the world. This woman is the rule and not the exception. Her suspension was with pay, and will undoubtedly be forgotten when the next school year begins.

Get ready also for new rules banning any type of recording devices at all public schools when classes reconvene in September. It’s not that they are afraid that you’ll find out that there is massive indoctrination going on. They are afraid that you’ll figure out the quality of education your unionized public employees provide for the taxes you pay, and then vote to defeat every single bond issue the school boards ever ask for in the future.

As an afterthought, here is the response from the school board.

The Rowan-Salisbury School System expects all students and employees to be respectful in the school environment and for all teachers to maintain their professionalism in the classroom. This incident should serve as an education for all teachers to stop and reflect on their interaction with students. Due to personnel and student confidentiality, we cannot discuss the matter publicly.

Nothing about the fact that the teacher has not a single clue as to the material being taught, nor the language she is expected to teach that material in.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.