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Posts Tagged ‘Elizabeth Warren’

Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren’s race card was a real joker

by Mojambo ( 158 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives at May 10th, 2012 - 8:00 am

Howie Carr makes a very interesting point – liberals support reverse discrimination because they and their kids will not be affected by it personally. Their kids are not going to become firemen, policemen, sanitation workers,  public school teachers,  teamsters, subway conductors, etc.  The diversity that they celebrate will never impact negatively on a Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Gore, Edwards,  Clinton,  Obama, Kerry,  Warren,  Pelosi,  et al. Their kids will all get into the best schools as legacies. Ted Kennedy hired someone to take a Spanish test for him at Harvard – did he pay a price for it?

by Howie Carr

The Beautiful People still can’t figure out what all the fuss is about over Granny Warren’s family “lore.”

The other day, The Washington Post ran a lengthy story about the 62-year-old Oklahoman’s sputtering campaign. Would you care to guess how far down you had to read to find the first mention of the fake-Indian fiasco?

The 21st paragraph.

The problem the elites have understanding the power of this story is simple. They’ve never been passed over for a job they were qualified for because of some allegedly disadvantaged person who wasn’t.

Nobody ever leapfrogged over a moonbat’s kids into a good school because of the racial spoils system. As Michael Barone put it yesterday, the upper classes have no comprehension of the “rottenness” of this system. (And even if they did, it would be un-PC to bring it up).


Someone passed over for a job because he’s white? But Chauncy, don’t the ads always say “Equal Opportunity Employer”? Must be another of those anecdotes our eminently qualified governor Patrick is always talking about.

Liberals are all for affirmative action … in the police and fire departments, because they know their kids won’t be working there.

Oh sure, someone in the Harvard counseling office might sadly inform a young Trustafarian that he might have a problem getting into the law school. But then Someone who knows Someone picks up the phone and young Throckmorton suddenly bumps a kid from Quincy with higher LSAT’s who never knows what hit him, although he probably has his suspicions.

Guys grew up around here figuring they’d be the third, maybe even fourth-generation cop in their family. Now they’re pounding a beat … at the mall.

The racial spoils system doesn’t reduce the number of legacies in the freshman class, but it damn sure decimates the population of working-class whites and Asians. It’s as if the old white-shoe outfits have dusted off their old “No Irish Need Apply” signs. Only now they say, “Celebrate Diversity.”

Granny’s fellow multimillionaire academics may pooh-pooh it this summer on the Vineyard, but this is going to be a problem for Pinnochio-hantas. Nobody who ever lost out, or thinks they lost out, on a good school or job because somebody played the racial trump card on them is ever going to vote for that person.


Read the rest –  Granny Warren’s race card was a real joker

Scott Brown losing to a Neo-Marxist

by Phantom Ace ( 5 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at December 8th, 2011 - 9:58 am

Neo-Marxist Elizabeth Warren would be elected Senator from Massachussets if the election were held today. A new poll shows her leading Sen. Scott Brown 49-42.

Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up a lead against Republican incumbent Scott Brown for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, but a barrage of attack ads appears to have damaged Warren and Brown’s standing among Massachusetts voters, a new University of Massachusetts at Lowell/Boston Herald poll shows.

Warren leads Brown by a 49-42 percent margin, outside the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 5.3 percentage points. That number includes voters who say they are “leaning” for either candidate. But even without the “leaners,” Warren still leads by a 46-41 percent margin, barely within the margin of error.

The poll of 505 registered Massachusetts voters was conducted for UMass-Lowell by Princeton Survey Research from Dec. 1 – Dec. 6, and shows Warren with her largest lead yet in the campaign. A UMass-Lowell/Boston Herald poll taken in late September showed Brown ahead by a 41-38 percent margin, so the new poll represents a 10-point swing in Warren’s favor in less than two months.

If this holds, it will make the GOP winning the Senate much harder.


Elizabeth Warren and the perverse robber baron myth.

by Flyovercountry ( 116 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Politics at September 23rd, 2011 - 11:30 am

Part of the wonderful effects of being reported to attack watch, and subsequently my immediate application for membership into that website is that I now get daily emails from the official Reelect Obama Campaign. This video was included in today’s mailing. I am sure it is viral by now as I have seen it in other places as well. Watch carefully, it contains in one two and a half minute nut shell, the entirety of Leftist Economics. Socialism defined, by the woman who will be seeking to unseat Senator Scott Brown newly elected in Massachusetts. A small rebuttal will follow.

First, shag the easy pop flies. The $1 Trillion tax cut for the rich as she terms it, actually gave the country a dramatic increase in revenue. It spurred economic activity and served to end the recession which President Bush inherited from President Clinton. It also shifted the pie chart as to the percentage of taxes paid by social strata to the sharpest percentage of taxes actually being paid by the upper strata of income earners to the highest percentage in our nation’s history. Such that as of now, the bottom 47% of Americans pay zero in income taxes. It increased the number of people able to call themselves millionaires, and served to actually increase the living standard of America’s poor to a point where they enjoy a living standard which is better than the middle class in most other nations around the globe. I would rather be poor in America than middle class in Ghana. Secondly, the prescription drug plan, as much as I hate that piece of legislation, which by the way was a bipartisan effort, pales in comparison to the mammoth cost of Obamacare. Calling the prescription drug entitlement a budget buster while still supporting Obamacare is intellectual dishonesty in its purest form. Warren is most definitely a female version of our current President.

Now onto the crux of her argument. It is based entirely on the premise that any wealth in this country was built on the backs of the masses. This argument is the first cousin to the broken window fallacy. Anyone successful in this country has now been dismissed as a robber baron in this woman’s worldview. During Ms. Warren’s rant, she suggests that it was the taxation previously collected and spent on behalf of all citizens which made business success possible. He logic breaks down almost immediately. First off, this is not a chicken and egg argument. Since the huge amounts of money spent on those very bridges and roads were made possible by the unprecedented wealth created by the free enterprise system itself. Evidence for this is not hard to find. travel to any other nation in the world where the Socialist model of economics has been employed. How are those roads in say, the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, China, etc? For that matter, how is any of the infrastructure in any of the Communist Bloc countries? The wealth which was created by entrepreneurs undoubtedly came first, and it was that wealth which made any social welfare program possible. Ms. Warren should be saying thank you to the business community, and not attempting to create antipathy towards it.

Then, with complete disdain for the Second Amendment, she gives credit for the protection or our early settlers to the Police Departments established hundreds of years later. Those entrepreneurs for example would have been destroyed by marauders in the early 1800’s if not for the armed police officers patrolling our cities today. Do not take this as a statement bashing the noble and difficult work of today’s peace officers. It should just be noted that the Railroad owners hired private security officers to keep their assets protected. These men, armed under the protections of the Second Amendment used deadly force to protect their interests. By the way, who will protect us from rogue police officers once they begin to abuse their authority. Youtube is full of incidents of police officers overstepping the constraints of the trust placed in them.

The businesses also give a chunk of their profits away in the form of taxation and regulatory thievery already. Roads are in fact the perfect example of this. I am not a trucker, but man I feel for that class of business owner. To use those roads, he pays 18 cents a gallon on top of all other taxes already collected on fuel, just to repair the roads Ms. Warren wants them to pay for again. This is before each state, county, and municipality gets in on the fun. Next, the truckers have to hold an IPCC license just to drive each vehicle on the road. These licenses are route specific, and expensive. They carry so much value in fact, there are many trucking companies who earn Millions in profit with out operating a single truck. What this means of course is that the government, saints that they are in Warren’s world, have already taken their pound of flesh long before any wealth is created.

Most of the time, any business that is started in this country is done by the business founder taking a hell of a risk. For every business that succeeds, the profit and loss system also has one that fails. When a business fails, does Ms. Warren’s saintly band of bureaucrats then take that person, and make him whole. Warren is quick to lay claim to the reward, but where is her share of the risks involved. People who build businesses that employ the rest of us, do so with not help from the Warrens of the world, but obstacles placed in their way. Warren, who has never worked in the private sector, has done nothing to justify the share of the winners pot to which she is trying to confiscate. Here, clarified for us is the stark difference between the left and the right in this country. Those who have worked for nothing in their lives are telling us all that we should hate those who have. They are trying to convince us that they are merely being benevolent and completely altruistic by confiscating a rather large percentage of the fruits of those creators of wealth who in actuality created any the wonderful things being pointed to as the accomplishments of the elites who seek to rule us. They demagogically call the wealth creators greedy, while at the same time openly steal the lions share for their own grab of power and influence.

In the profit and loss system, loss is every bit as important as profit. This sum of earnings represents the degree to which all of our society has been served. When an oil company or a drug company makes a large profit, this represents the degree to which we were all positively impacted. In the case of the drug company, it represents lives saved or discomfort reduced, or quality of life improved. In the case of the oil company, it represents the ability to expand your personal labor market in terms of miles from your home that you are able to travel, and do so comfortably. It also represents how far you are able to travel for recreation and what you can accomplish in a day. It also represents the dependability with which you are able to accomplish these things. If a profit is viewed as obscene, it simply means that even more people were impacted in even greater fashion. Ms. Warren has helped nobody get to work, nor has she saved a single life. Her politics, if allowed to flourish will destroy plenty though.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.