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Posts Tagged ‘FOX’

Sen. Chris Murphy asks Fox not to broadcast Nascar due to NRA sponsorship

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at April 12th, 2013 - 3:37 pm

Government telling broadcasters what they can and can’t show on TV is a sign of a One party state. America is a defacto One Party State since Progressives control most aspects of  society. In a display of this control, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy is asking Fox to not broadcasts Nascar. He is demanding this because the NRA is sponsoring a  Nascar event.

(CNN) – The National Rifle Association-sponsored NASCAR race slated for this weekend is “inappropriate in the immediate wake of the Newtown massacre,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, wrote to the race’s broadcaster on Thursday.

“The race not only brings national attention to an organization that has been the face of one side of this heated debate, it also features the live shooting of guns at the end of the race,” Murphy wrote to Rupert Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corporation, which owns the Fox network where the race will be broadcast.

Although this is a voluntary demand, one day it will be mandatory. Do not laugh or dismiss this, it’s actually quit frightening.

Spinning Zombie Fox Heads

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 92 Comments › )
Filed under Art, OOT, Open thread at October 25th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Lately we’ve noticed that the number of comments have dropped dramatically on the OOT, which suggests sumpin’ ain’t right. To help us serve you better, drop your suggestions and/or gripes in the comment box below. Want more videos? Cute animal pictures? Lesbian amputee dwarf porn? Blue Screen of Death? Want Bunk to just go away?

Smack us with the clue bat on The Overnight Open Thread.

Charles Johnson attacks FOX in support of Pro-Jihadi/Leftist GE

by Phantom Ace ( 129 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, LGF, Media at April 23rd, 2009 - 12:51 pm

Charles has once again attacked FOX news. Now he is mad that Jesse Waters who is a GE shareholder. He has a right to ask questions about MSNBC. But the LGF Cult leader doesn’t like this so he attacks.

Fox’s O’Reilly Producer Ambushes GE Shareholder Meeting

MSNBC’s extreme leftward bias is obvious to any honest observer; Keith Olbermann is the poster boy for it, and was the winner of our 2007 Fiskie award.

But with this little stunt, Fox News crossed a whole lot of journalistic lines into behavior that borders on unethical: Drama at GE shareholders meeting.

The hostility between Fox News Channel and MSNBC reached a fever pitch Wednesday when a Fox producer infiltrated the GE shareholders meeting.

Just before GE re-elected board members, company brass were hit with questions from shareholders critical of an alleged leftward political slant at MSNBC.

But one of those questions came from Jesse Waters, a producer on “The O’Reilly Factor” whose criticisms were cut short when his microphone was cut off, according to several attendees. Waters apparently did not publicly identify himself as a Fox employee.

Waters has built a reputation as an ambush interviewer, specializing in on-the-street confrontations. But this is arguably the boldest move by a Fox newsie to utilize the tactic inside their chief rival’s tent, as it were.

Many LGFers support what FOX did, at least initially so Charles responds what the cult should think.

This is sleazy journalism at its worst. Sorry, whether Waters is a shareholder or not, I can’t co-sign on this one.

13 Charles  4/23/09 9:45:29 am

This is sleazy journalism at its worst. Sorry, whether Waters is a shareholder or not, I can’t co-sign on this one.

Charles must approve of things in order to be legit. His Fascism is showing here.

68 Charles  4/23/09 9:56:45 am reply quote

I guarantee that if an MSNBC employee had pulled this kind of stunt at a Fox shareholders’ meeting, nobody on the right would be making excuses for them. Crappy behavior is crappy behavior, and this was simply wrong.

Charles doesn’t like this because he’s scared someone will do this to his cowardly self.

103 Charles  4/23/09 10:04:22 am

re: #94lawhawk

At the point I wrote that, I hadn’t seen evidence he was a legitimate shareholder. Now, there is evidence, in which case he did have every right to ask them.

Fact is that GE has been allowing NBC to run hard left at every opportunity and shareholders have not demanded an accounting. Maybe they don’t mind going for a niche market, but when you’ve got a brand that NBC does, you’d expect it to be more than a niche market.

He may have had a right to ask the questions, but it was simply improper not to identify himself as an employee of a competitor.

Charles is just thing of excuses to bash FOX and defend his Leftists and Islamist friends. I salute lawhak for pointing out Waters did nothing wrong. I read the thread and most of the LGFers support what Waters did. Charles will get his enforcers of Sharmuta, Kilgore Trout and the Albanian Islamists Medaura to enforce the antiFOX attitude of the Lizard King. There will soon be more bannings.

Charles Johnson is clearly in the Leftists camp. He defends GE which supports the Iranian regime and is a propaganda outlet for the Leftist-Islamic Alliance. Wake up Lizards, Charles is a false prophet!

Update: Charles is being hammered be most of the Lizards. His patience is runny very thin. As a Cult Leader one must not dare question him. He already lashes out at a poster!

222 Charles  4/23/09 10:45:28 am reply quote

re: #214 kay1212

The SEC doesn’t have any regulation about private shareholders announcing who they work for when they speak at shareholder meetings or any regulations about who can purchase stock in any publicly held company if they work for any competitor.

There are regulations against foreign ownership and there are regulations requiring disclosure when someone owns more than x% of a company.

There IS an SEC regulation called Reg. FD that stipulates that no information can be given to one group of shareholders or investors or analysts that is not made public to ALL. The FD stands for Fair Disclosure. So nothing secretive can ever be announced in shareholder meetings. The reason they are closed is so that management doesn’t have to answer tough questions.

Excuse me if I tend to doubt what you’re saying about this — you claimed a few days ago that you heard that completely bogus Navy SEAL Somalia rumor directly from a first-hand source. Why should I trust what you say about SEC regulations (without any links to sources) when you’ve shown that you’ll make up stories?

230 Charles4/23/2009 10:53:33 am PDT

re: #225 Orangutan

I ask you to prove your assertion that the SEC has a law regulating such questions at a shareholder meeting.

Why are you putting words in my mouth? I did not make any such assertion. I said I don’t know if the SEC has a regulation like that, and I said it very clearly.

240 Charles  4/23/09 11:03:11 am reply quote

re: #237 LGoPs

No, I respectfully disagree. It is more a matter of engaging in the fight and a fight is what this is. A fight for providing the information that the American people need to make their decisions and judgments.

Bill O’Reilly is promoting Bill O’Reilly with stunts like this. What kind of “information” did anyone get out of it? None.

You’re being played.

Clearly Charles is having a meltdown. How dare his opinions be questioned, this is unethical! Charles you are exposing yourself!