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Posts Tagged ‘Geert Wilders’

Geert Wilders Thread

by DJM ( 46 Comments › )
Filed under Uncategorized at February 26th, 2009 - 3:39 pm

Just for Arwyn and Jamuka! Both items here are from www.geertwilders.nl

First, a little Q & A in New York:

And the speech:

Speech Geert Wilders New York, Four Seasons (Monday Feb 23, 2009)
woensdag, 25 februari 2009

Thank you very much for inviting me. And – to the immigration authorities – thank you for letting me into this country. It is always a pleasure to cross a border without being sent back on the first plane. Today, the dearest of our many freedoms is under attack all throughout Europe. Free speech is no longer a given. What we once considered a natural element of our existence, our birth right, is now something we once again have to battle for.

As you might know, I will be prosecuted, because of my film Fitna, my remarks regarding Islam, and my view concerning what some call a ‘religion of peace’. A few years from now, I might be a criminal.


Geert Wilders Detained in UK

by Phantom Ace ( 12 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Dhimmitude at February 12th, 2009 - 10:05 am

This is sick and a sign that the UK is lost. They allow Jihadists who call for a Caliphate to enter Britain and preach their hate. However someone like Gert Wilders who stand for the west is banned!

Anti-Islam film’s maker blasts UK over ban

LONDON, England (CNN)— Controversial Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders condemned as “crazy and cowardly” Britain’s refusal to let him enter the country Thursday

Wilders, a Dutch lawmaker who produced a much-criticized film about Islam last year, flew to London for a screening of the movie despite being told a day earlier he would not be admitted.

“I still believed and hoped that they would change their tune,” he told CNN by telephone, saying he was speaking from a detention room at London’s Heathrow Airport.

He said he was met by customs officers as soon as he left the plane.

“They took me to a detention center,” Wilders said, and there he was interviewed “for 45 seconds” before they took his passport and left.

This shows how lost the UK is. Geert Wilders is one of the few in the West standing up to Islamo-Fascism. I bet Charles and his cult are happy.

Charles throws Geert Wilders under the Bus

by Phantom Ace ( 62 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Europe, Free Speech, Islamists, LGF at January 22nd, 2009 - 9:16 am

Charles wrote an email to Geert Wilders a while back asking him about his planned alliance with the Vlaams Belang. He hasn’t answered. Now with the Dutch charging him with hate speech, Charles kicks him.

Geert Wilders to Be Charged with Hate Speech in Netherlands

Wilders, however, has called for the Koran to be outlawed. In other words, Wilders wants to ban books with which he doesn’t agree. If there’s one thing we should have learned from history, it’s that book-banning never turns out well—and it’s anathema to the American ideals of free speech and free choice of religion.

This prosecution is disgusting and wrong, but it’s difficult to cast Wilders as an icon of free speech when he explicitly advocates taking away the rights of others.

Charles has now turned on Geert. All becausehe never recieved an answer to his email. This shows Charles isn’t serious about Jihad and is fake. But it gets better! Kilgore and Sharmuta have their say as well!

Sharmuta 1/21/09 10:34:35 am reply quote

I’m also having a hard time being sympathetic if he’s going to run with neo-fascists and their sympathizers. But I guess that’s the price one pays for the company they keep.

45 Killgore Trout 1/21/09 10:37:49 am

But is agenda to ban the Quran and make Islam illegal is reprehensible. The laws used to prosecute him for free speech are equally awful. He would have a much better moral standing and would be a much better advocate for freedom of speech if he also advocated freedom for others.

Killgore’s Pro-Islamic colors are showing and Sharmuta is just following Charles. This is sick and pathetic. LGF is increasing isolated and irrelevant.

Update by Arwyn

Online Petition in support of Geert Wilders (thanks, DJM)

Charles trying to keep up with Kos:


(thanks, BuddyG!)

When Truth Hurts

by DJM ( 38 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Europe, Free Speech, Islamists at January 21st, 2009 - 8:12 am


A Dutch court has ordered prosecutors to put a right-wing politician on trial for making anti-Islamic statements.

Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders made a controversial film last year equating Islam with violence and has likened the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

“In a democratic system, hate speech is considered so serious that it is in the general interest to… draw a clear line,” the court in Amsterdam said.

“…to draw a clear line…”

Between what? Free speech and hate speech? Or between unpopular truth and popular fantasy? Between intolerant hatred and bigotry hidden under the guise of religion?

There is more on the line here than Freedom of speech. It is one thing to limit free speech by prosecuting inciting and hateful comments. But the real danger is to limit free speech that expresses truth.

(Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit)

Below the fold, a short video on the difference between Hate Speech and Religious Right:
