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Posts Tagged ‘global warming hoax’

Belief In Global Warming Is A Threat To Our National Security

by Flyovercountry ( 105 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Progressives, Regulation at February 13th, 2015 - 7:00 am

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

A couple of days ago, I wrote a post which highlighted the dangers of forcing law enforcement authorities to misappropriate resources by investigating fallacious reports alleging criminal activity. Unfortunately, the Liberal practice of deflecting attention from real problems and towards make believe problems does not end at the borders of law enforcement. It continues into just about every other aspect of our societal existence. The most dangerous of those places of course, at least from an existential point of view, is our National Security.

While we all thought this scene from the movie, “Up,” was cute,

I think we can all agree that it’s no way to run a railroad.

The day before Barack Obama’s most recent bit of Kabuki Theater, AKA this year’s State of The Union Address, NASA and the NOAA trumpeted their, “finding,” that 2014 was the warmest year, ever! You remember 2014 don’t you. Some of us recognize it as the year that ended a month and a half ago. It’s also the year when we first heard the phrase, “Polar Vortex.” That was the Environmentalist’s way of explaining to those of us who make up the sloped forehead, knuckle dragging, anti-science crowd, why it was so freaking cold from mid December through mid April. I also, possessing an adult memory and all, remember bitching about how there was a palpable lack of good swimming days over the summer, seeing as how that season was also freakishly cool as well. We decided to go to North York swimming lessons to learn new swimming techniques. So, and I’m only asking the question here, when exactly was it the warmest year ever?

As it turns out, I wasn’t the only one who found the claim to be suspicious. About ten minutes after the politicos at NASA and the NOAA made the claim, real scientists began refuting it. The purpose of the lie however achieved its objective, which was to bolster Barack Obama’s poll numbers for his theatrical performance, and convince Americans, if only for a day or two, that our big problem is with Global Warming, and not with those Islamic Thugs hell bent on waging a war against us.

Of course, lost in all of those refutations linked to above is the small fact that both NASA and the NOAA have been caught recently actually fudging the very data that they’d used to confirm those computer models that predict the demise of all life on our Planet to begin with. The official purpose for fudging the data? Glad you’ve asked. It of course, and you really can’t make this stuff up, was so that the confirmation bias used in the predictive models created to make the case that we’re doomed would actually reflect that doom, rather than the reality that the whole thing is a con game with us, meaning you and me, cast in the role of the mark.

Get that? They created a theory based solely on a computer model, then fudged data to confirm the computer model, and told us to be scared because the real data was somehow flawed when it didn’t confirm the computer’s predictions, which just has to be right, because science.

As important as the whole scam is however, is the reason behind the scam, as well as what other nefarious purposes it has become useful for. Yesterday, I was literally inundated with snippets of President Zero’s Vox interview. Apparently, The Bamster sat down with the folks at hard core lefty talking points dissemination central, and managed somehow, to cause them to scratch their heads with his refusal to accept reality. According to the Obama Administration, Global Warming is having a greater effect upon the daily lives of Americans than any other threat faced by our nation today. So, let ISIS alone you riders of the proverbial, “High Horse,” because not only was Islamic Aggression defeated by those evil Crusades 1000 years ago, (which by the way was the actual reason why those wars were waged,) but whether we know it or not, Capitalism threatens our very existence today, or something.

Never mind the fact that every other period of warming throughout world history had heralded wild expansions in economic activity, improvements in living standards for all of man kind, and unprecedented wealth creation. It is a make believe danger which necessitates our very real misappropriation of considerable resources, so that we may pretend to thwart for the good of the Unicorn infested Universe inhabited by our man child President, said make believe danger. What should worry you is that our Chief Executive has made it an absolute point, and he’s not even bothering with any pretense any longer, to deflect our national attention away from real danger in order to scare us with something completely fabricated. Each drone used by the EPA to fly over a farmer’s private property in search of some new puddle to protect after a rain storm is one less drone available to fly over territory controlled by ISIS to protect Americans against maniacs who’ve made human sacrifice a part of their Friday religious ritual.

But hey, why worry so much about what reality holds? All we really need to do to confront our problems in the Unicorn infested Universe is tweet out some cleverly worded hashtag. This is of course preferable to those violent solutions which as any fool will tell you, only begets violence in return. Just ask anyone who’s met a member of the Religion of Peace lately how true that particular bit of sophistry happens to be. Will the last free American please turn out the lights?

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Why build a chemistry laboratory entirely of combustible WOOD?

by 1389AD ( 84 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Education, UK at September 15th, 2014 - 6:00 pm
'Irony Alert!' sign
Suggestion: Next time, try iron.

Daily Mail (UK): Not so carbon neutral now! New eco-friendly £15million university laboratory built out of wood goes up in flames

  • ❋ The Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry at Nottingham University caught fire at 8.30pm Friday
  • ❋ The £15million wooden structure has been completely destroyed in the blaze which needed 60 firefighters to control
  • ❋ Nottingham University held an open day for prospective undergraduates today despite the fire continuing to blaze
  • ❋ Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service said they expected the fire would continue for at least another 24 hours
  • ❋ An investigation into the cause of the blaze has not yet started as the building is still too dangerous to examine
  • ❋ University Registrar Dr Paul Greatrix said the college would be working with its partners to rebuild the structure
  • ❋ At the height of the blaze people could see the flames from seven miles away across the city

Complete story, video, and photos here.

Don’t build a chem lab at home…

…or at school, or at work, unless you know what you’re doing! For some surprisingly entertaining reading, Max Gergel offers a wealth of good reasons to exercise extreme caution in the planning, construction, and setup of procedures in chemistry facilities. Derek Lowe and John D. Clark offer many more.

If you can ignore the “climate change” guff, some good science education comes from Nottingham:

https://www.youtube.com/user/numberphile/videos (Mathematics)
http://www.youtube.com/periodicvideos (Chemistry stuff)
http://www.youtube.com/sixtysymbols (Physics and astronomy)
http://www.youtube.com/DeepSkyVideos (Space stuff)
http://www.youtube.com/nottinghamscience (Science and behind the scenes)
http://www.youtube.com/foodskey (Food science)
http://www.youtube.com/BackstageScience (Big science facilities)
http://www.youtube.com/favscientist (Favourite scientists)
http://www.youtube.com/bibledex (Academic look at the Bible)
http://www.youtube.com/wordsoftheworld (Modern language and culture)
http://www.youtube.com/PhilosophyFile (Philosophy stuff)

Couldn’t Have Timed It Better Myself

by Flyovercountry ( 129 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Progressives at March 17th, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

As I’m writing this, just one day after the Senate Democrats held their, “all night global warming awareness pajama jammy jam,” my driveway is currently accepting 8 to 10 inches of mid March snow. I’m not certain if this one is some sort of a panicked attempt to find a campaign deflection issue, an attempt to get we the people talking about something other than the fact that no one in the entire nation has decent affordable access to health care now that their, “fix,” has begun to take effect. What’s more likely is that it’s an attempt to drive up the cash machines, now that the smart money distributors of campaign funds will undoubtedly begin the practice of holding onto their Democrat destined currency until a time when they might stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning anything. The 2014 midterms won’t be that time, and they’re eyes will be firmly affixed to 2016 and beyond.

The reason I believe that this is about money, and not a substitute campaign issue, lies in the names of those suspiciously missing from the night’s merry making frivolity. After all, were it a substitute campaign issue, those who are undeniably facing the fiercest of the upcoming battles will need the, “pet issue,” more than those who were in attendance.

From the CMS article linked to above:

Some notable Democrats, however, are no-shows: Mark Begich of Alaska, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and Mark Pryor of Arkansas. It’s not that they want their shut-eye. It’s that they want to win their very competitive races come November.

Instead, Four of the most vulnerable Democrats in this years top card decided in effect to face things with nothing to talk about besides Obamacare, meaning, they feel that global warming will be no better for them to woo voters with. What global warming is still great at however, is as a Democrat ATM. This issue raises gobs of cash for them, and I have no doubts that the aforementioned four will receive a good sized chunk of that cash with which to find other squirrels to get easily distracted voters to look at.

One thing that didn’t get reported yesterday, along with the Democrat’s midnight version of their sick Kabuki Theater, was the fact that a rather impressive group of non political NASA scientists banded together and declared the entire concept of Man Made Global Warming to be baloney. James Hansen has spent years, and improved his personal stock by the way, engaging in the practice of bleating into any microphone its owner would let him stand in front of, about the, “settled,” science of global warming. The problem of course is that James Hansen, NASA’s science director, is a political appointee, and not actively engaged in scientific inquiry. Tired of being spoken for, and mischaracterized by the way, (when Hansen speaks, he does so for an entire agency,) NASA’s actual scientific brain trust decided to set the record straight.

From the IBD article linked to above:

Rather than bash deniers, or fence them into some lepers ghetto as Apple CEO Tim Cook and Virgin CEO Richard Branson seem to want, the senators should have invited the Right Climate Stuff Research Team to their festival. This group of more than 20 retired NASA Apollo scientists and engineers — James Delingpole at Breitbart.com calls them “the men who put Neil Armstrong on the moon” — would have put their worries at ease.

“There is no convincing physical evidence of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming,” the group says in a summary of its preliminary report.
The team also says that anthropogenic global warming is not settled science, doesn’t believe it to be an immediate threat, and insists that the computer models that the alarmists have so much faith in “need to be validated before being used in critical decision-making.”

What’s really going to keep the group out of the mainstream news coverage, though, is its finding that even if we burned all of Earth’s “remaining economically recoverable fossil fuel reserves,” we could not “raise global average surface temperatures more than 1.2 degrees Celsius above current levels.”

Don’t expect to see that little bit from any of your tech savvy facebook friends though, they’re most likely either too entrenched in the fervor of saving the world panic, or too intelligent to get caught up with pop culture street smarts. Either way, no matter how much this nonsense is beaten back, don’t expect the politicos to give it up, it’s just too darned good at what they really want to use it for, which is raising money and beating the GOP to death.

So one final thought as I go to take my fossil fuel burning snow removal device to the driveway in an effort to allow our gasoline burning motor vehicles egress in our daily attempts to warm the planet, (just doing our part.) Buck up my fellow inhabitants of the political right, tomorrow I’ll have some really good news from last night to speak to. This news is even better upon further analysis. I’ll give you a hint:

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

The cold December weather, the climate hoax, and…secession?

by 1389AD ( 90 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Breaking News, Climate, Economy, Elections 2010, Environmentalism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Regulation, Weather at January 3rd, 2011 - 1:30 pm

(The owners of Blogmocracy do not share this contributors opinion of secession. However, in the interest of the free flow of ideas, we are posting this in its entirety even though the owners think secession is a horrible idea and we do not want this blog ‘tagged’ as a pro-secessionist blog. We have not given up on the American Experiment yet, some some folks have. What are other ideas short of secession that states can do, in reality, to prevent fedgov from destroying local economies?)


Let’s begin by hearing expert meteorologist Joe Bastardi of AccuWeather debunk “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW). He minces no words in refuting those who would claim that the cold weather in December 2010 is somehow caused by human activity. It’s refreshing to hear him speak:

AccuWeather’s Bastardi debunks global warming causing cold weather myth, warns of severe 2011 drought

(h/t: Climate Depot)

By Jeff Poor – The Daily Caller

Much of the United States and Europe is suffering through extreme wintery weather conditions. But what is causing it?

Some have blamed global warming, specifically the “Arctic paradox.” However, AccuWeather’s chief hurricane and long-range forecaster Joe Bastardi told the Fox Business Network on Tuesday you can chalk it up to three things – oceans, sunspots and volcanoes.

“A few years ago, about why we have to start looking for more and more of this [cold weather],” Bastardi said. “It’s called the triple crown of cooling – the natural reversal of the oceans cycles. Three years ago the Pacific went into the cold state. Solar activity, very low sunspot activity and volcanic activity, not the kind you see in the tropics but the kind we had in the Arctic regions a couple of winters ago — and this is something that could be causing a return to for instance, the times of the Victorian era when they used to have ice fairs in the early-1800s around Christmastime on the Thames and you’re seeing that type of thing go on.”

As for those who are blaming global warming, Bastardi said that theory was childish and presented instead the possibility of long-term global cooling.

“Well, I’ve been saying what I believe is going on is this is the big debate between the natural cycles and the forces of AGW [anthropogenic global warming] – by the way, these folks claiming that global warming is causing severe cold is like the kid on the playground who doesn’t get his way and takes his ball home. The fact of the matter is the forecast that was made by this forecaster three years ago that we we’re going to start seeing these things because of this and it opens up the big debate – are the natural cycles taking over and are we going to see cooling over the next 20 to 30 years? You see, we started measuring temperatures with satellite at the end of the last cold cycle in the Pacific. We had nothing but warm in the Pacific and warm in the Atlantic. What’s going to happen to the temperatures if the oceans are warm? Now that they’re cooling let’s see what’s going to happens in the next 20 to 30 years.”

Read the rest.

Climate change fraud as a political weapon

The Obama Administration and the Democrat Party have doubled down on the anthropogenic “climate change” agenda, despite the fact that the science behind it has been thoroughly debunked as a deliberate fraud. The progressives are pushing intensive government regulation to “save the world” from the nonexistent threat of manmade climate change, not because they truly believe it will happen, but because they are our enemies. A glimpse of our pre-industrial past reveals the quality of life they have in mind for us – though not for themselves – in the future.

A startling evisceration of the motives of the progressive/green faction appears on 2.0: The Blogmocracy: Progressives claim blizzards are a sign of global warning. On that thread, Pat comments:

Indeed. The vast majority of Warmists are really totalitarians. The government is highly in favor of this hoax of AGW being a serious issue because it will lead to higher taxes, it will eliminate the free market, and it will involve government in every aspect of your life from what you eat, what you do, what you think to how many children you will be allowed. The latter to make room for the hordes of immigrants we are morally bound to support as reparations.

Obama’s malignant narcissism, hubris, and megalomania are evidently boundless. In his latest attempt to make an end-run around the US Constitution, he does not hesitate to “mess with Texas” – one of the few States in the US that still has any traces of a functioning economy.

Investors.com: Messing With Texas

(h/t: Da_Beerfreak)

…Two days before Christmas, EPA Regional Administrator Al Armendariz, in a letter to industry, said the agency was taking permitting authority over refineries, power plants and cement facilities in Texas away from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as of Jan. 2, 2011.

Happy New Year!

The EPA’s new rules — continuing an Obama administration pattern of using regulations to circumvent the will of the people in implementing what it cannot get through Congress, such as cap-and-trade — were issued after the U.S. Supreme Court said it had the authority to regulate carbon dioxide, the basis of all life on the planet and what we exhale, as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act.

Texas was not amused and is the only state to refuse to implement the rules, filing suit against the EPA.

In Texas’ suit, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said the documented IPCC and CRU fraud, on which EPA findings are based, made any policy decisions based on that work flawed and unjustified.

Abbott cited several examples in which he said climate scientists engaged in an “ongoing, orchestrated effort to violate freedom of information laws, exclude scientific research and manipulate temperature data.”

“With billions of dollars at stake, EPA outsourced the scientific basis for its greenhouse gas regulation to a scandal-plagued international organization (the IPCC) that cannot be considered objective or trustworthy,” Abbott argued.

[Texas Gov. Rick] Perry, a champion of the 10th Amendment, says, “This legal action is being taken to protect the Texas economy and the jobs that go with it, as well as defend Texas’ freedom to continue our successful environmental strategies free from federal overreach.”

Two days after the midterm elections, President Obama served notice that the failure of the outgoing Congress to pass cap-and-trade and the unlikelihood of a GOP House pursuing the matter would not be an impediment.

“Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way,” he said. “I’m going to be looking for other means to address this problem.”

Read it all.

This is an outright attempt to ruin the economy of Texas.

Obama is punishing Texas for having voted Republican; this is exactly how Chicago politicians behave.

Obama is making an example of Texas, so as to threaten regulatory strangulation and extinction against any other State that resists submission to his arbitrary will.

Obama is deliberately crippling the economy of Texas, because it supplies the rest of the US with a viable domestic source of energy. Domestic fossil fuels and nuclear energy must be shut down, in order to make various “green” boondoggles appear profitable when they are not, and in order to make us more dependent on oil imports from our Muslim enemies. To put it bluntly, Obama is selling us out to fraudsters at home and jihadis abroad.

I doubt that the citizenry of the US as a whole is capable of dismantling the tyranny of the federal government. This tyranny has crept too deep into the culture and the structure of society in too many parts of the US.

Secession is another way out of that stranglehold. The State of Texas is obviously big enough to stand on its own, and if it does, most or all of the Southeast is likely to join with it.

While the following writer does not quite come out and say “secession,” he hints at it strongly enough:

The Red and Blue States’ Fort Sumter

(h/t: The Osprey)

By William Tucker on 12.28.10 @ 6:09AM

The opening shot of the War Between the Red and Blue States may have been fired last Friday when the Environmental Protection Administration announced its intention to take over Texas’s authority on issuing clean air permits to new industrial facilities as of January 2.

It is hard to imagine a more stark confrontation between public and private sector-oriented economies. Texas has the strongest economy in the nation, based on its philosophy of limited government. The Texas Legislature convenes only in odd-numbered years is constitutionally limited to meeting only 140 days. Until this year, Texas has had a budget surplus and still has $7.5 billion in a rainy-day fund created by voters in 1988. During 2006 and 2007, Texas created 52 percent of all new jobs in the nation, according to a study done by the Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business. People are flocking to the state so fast that Texas will gain four seats in the House of Representatives in the new decade.

Washington, on the other hand, has run up a trillion-dollar budget deficit and destroyed private-sector jobs all over the country while expanding the government and presiding over 10 percent unemployment. The states on the East and West Coast that adhere most closely to Washington’s philosophy are approaching insolvency. Yet they continue to pursue dreamy energy agendas, trying to close down existing power plants and refusing to build new ones while planning for a world running on windmills and solar collectors.

Now Washington is going to try to impose this blue-state agenda on Texas. The struggle will dwarf the Arizona-versus-Washington contest over immigration.

In fact the conflict over energy production has been brewing for decades. As far back as the 1920s, Texan entrepreneurs built natural gas pipelines to carry their surplus gas north, only to run into Progressive Era reforms saying that utilities had to be regulated as “natural monopolies.” In 1936, the Roosevelt Administration extended this municipal regulation back to the gas pipelines themselves, giving the Federal Power Commission authority to fix prices across the country. Then after endless prodding from northern consumer states, the U.S. Supreme Court finally decided in 1954 that the whole diversified collection of thousands of wildcatters and individual well owners in Texas and Louisiana constituted a “monopoly” that could be regulated by the federal government. Over the next twenty years, the D.C. Court of Appeals tried every trick imaginable to prod gas out of its Texas owners’ hands. It developed the “life of the field” doctrine saying once gas had been put into interstate commerce it could not be withdrawn. Even if a well owner went bankrupt, he was still obliged to keep sending gas to northern consumers at prices fixed by federal regulators. Still, Texas managed to keep as much gas as possible at home. When the Arab Oil Boycott prompted thousands of northern businesses and residences to convert from oil to gas, the whole system collapsed in the Natural Gas Crisis of 1976, when factories and schools closed for weeks in Ohio and Pennsylvania for lack of gas. Meanwhile Texas was using gas to generate half its electricity. The Carter Administration was appalled to discover these distortions but decided to solve them in typical fashion by extending federal price controls even further into Texas as well. Bumper stickers sprouted all over Texas and Louisiana declaring “Let the Yankees Freeze in the Dark.”

Fortunately, the Reagan Administration came along and solved the problem by appointing new members to the Federal Power Commission who deregulated gas prices within a decade. Prices fell as new supplies gushed forth and for the first time the nation had adequate supplies of natural gas — so much so that we resumed the wasteful practice of burning gas for electricity after environmentalists stymied everything else. When conventional supplies peaked in 2000, however, prices quadrupled and gas-dependent industries such as plastics, chemicals, and fertilizer started fleeing for foreign shores. Once again, Texas came through, this time through a stubborn Fort Worth oil man named George Mitchell who spent ten years experimenting with various techniques of horizontal drilling and fracturing hard rock until he devised a way of “fracking” huge gas deposits out of the Barnett Shale. Once again, Texas had rescued the nation.

Read the rest.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

More here:

Originally published on 1389 Blog.