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Posts Tagged ‘Gov. Rick Perry’

Gov. Rick Perry will not seek re-election

by Phantom Ace ( 15 Comments › )
Filed under Election 2014, Headlines, Republican Party, The Political Right at July 8th, 2013 - 2:41 pm

Love him or hate him, but Gov. Rick Perry has been the most successful governor in Texaa and probably US history. His policies have help turn the state into an economic powerhouse. But all things must come to an end and Perry is announcing that he will not seek re-election.

Rick Perry, the longest-serving governor in Texas history who famously muttered “oops” after forgetting during a 2011 presidential debate the third of three federal departments he’d pledged to close, announced Monday he won’t seek re-election next year to a fourth full term.

A staunch Christian conservative, proven job-creator and fierce defender of states’ rights, Perry has been in office nearly 13 years, making him the nation’s longest-sitting current governor.

The 63-year-old ruled out another try for the White House in 2016, but Perry’s decision not to run again for his current post likely clears the way for longtime Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to make a serious run at the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the March primary.

Perry had initially promised to divulge his future plans by July 1 but was forced to push that back following a rare political victory by state Democrats — a filibuster of abortion restrictions during the first 30-day special legislative session.

Rick Perry is doing the right thing here. It is never good to stay in office too long and his legacy will be the economic powerhouse that Texas has become.

Romney campaign manager sorry for immigration rhetoric (but only because it wasn’t necessary?)

by Mojambo ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, immigration, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at December 4th, 2012 - 11:18 am

I knew Mitt Romney’s  demagoguery regarding Perry and Gingrich over immigration would bite him in his ass during the general election.

by Matt K. Lewis

During a forum at the Harvard University Institute of Politics yesterday, Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades said he regretted the decision to attack Rick Perry over immigration.

But here’s the interesting thing — he didn’t seem to regret the move (which contributed to Mitt Romney’s losing 71 percent of the Hispanic vote in the general election) based on policy merits — or even a change of heart.

Instead, according to reports, his lamentation was primarily based on a the assessment that attacking Perry on the issue was strategically superfluous.

As Jeff Zeleny reported: “‘In retrospect,’ Mr. Rhoades said, ‘I believe that we could have probably just beaten Governor Perry with the Social Security hit.’” (In case you’ve forgotten, Romney attacked Rick Perry relentlessly over comments Perry made about the Social Security program being a ”Ponzi scheme”.)

Having gone to Perry’s left on Social Security, Romney then tried to go to Perry’s right on immigration. In so doing, he played to the nativist fears of some in the conservative base. (Romney presumably needed to demagogue the immigration issue in order to curry favor with conservatives, who never trusted him to begin with.  Sadly, but predictably, his rhetoric worked.)

But it’s not as if Romney experienced a moment of weakness. He had a similar conflict with Newt Gingrich over “self-deportation” — and whether or not we should be kicking grandmothers out of the country.

If you’re looking for a reason Republicans do so poorly with Hispanics — despite the fact that they agree with conservatives on a lot of issues — this is it.

Mitt Romney takes a shot at Rick Perry

by Phantom Ace ( 28 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Progressives, Republican Party at August 30th, 2011 - 2:40 pm

Rockefeller Republican Mitt Romney is feeling the heat from Rick Perry. At a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, he takes shots at the Texas Governor. He makes a remark about professional politicians, a veil swipe at Perry’s 36 years of public service. Romney in his speech touts his private business experience. He leaves out the fact he made money shipping jobs overseas.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) looked to contrast himself with Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Tuesday in a visit to his fellow GOP presidential candidate’s back yard.

Romney, in a speech he delivered to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) conference in San Antonio, Texas, stressed his private-sector experience as the major factor qualifying him for the presidency.

Romney also decried “career politicians,” a subtle shot at Perry, who’s held public office continuously since 1985.

“I am a conservative businessman. I have spent most of my life outside of politics, dealing with real problems in the real economy,” Romney said. “Career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don’t know how to get us out!”

Mitt Romney should be careful with this line of attack. Rick Perry has to utter 2 words, Bain Capital and Romney’s house of cards will collapse.

Rick Perry against military adventurism

by Phantom Ace ( 53 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Republican Party, Special Report at August 29th, 2011 - 6:09 pm

The GOP’s Bush era flirtation with Wilsonian nation building is at an end. All the major Republican Candidates are Jacksonians. Rick Perry gave a speech to Veterans. He came out against military adventures. Perry also stated that when we go to war, we need a plan to win and commit all resources possible.

Texas Governor Rick Perry delved into foreign policy this morning as he addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in San Antonio, warning that the United States “cannot concede the moral authority of our nation to multi-lateral debating societies.”

“I do not believe that America should fall subject to a foreign policy of military adventurism. We should only risk shedding American blood and spending American treasure when our vital interests are threatened and we should always look to build coalitions among the nations to protect the mutual interests of freedom loving people,” Perry told thousands of veterans today.

“It’s not our interest to go it alone. We respect our allies, and we must always seek to engage them in military missions. At the same time, we must be willing to act when it is time to act.  We cannot concede the moral authority of our nation to multi-lateral debating societies, and when our interests are threatened American soldiers should be led by American commanders.”

Perry pointed to the lessons learned from the Vietnam War as helping leaders make more cautious decisions when engaging in combat.

“A president should never send our sons and daughters into war without a plan to win and the resources to make that possible,”

Rick Perry understands that America can’t go looking for demons abroad. He outlined a Jacksonian based foreign policy based on national interests. The era of nation building is over.