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Posts Tagged ‘Bain Capital’

Democrats planning to use the new Batman villain “Bane” to bash Romney

by Phantom Ace ( 78 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Republican Party at July 17th, 2012 - 8:00 am

The Obama regime has launched a brutal assault on Mitt Romney. The Progressives have lied about Romney’s role in Bain Capital from 99-2002. Even the MSM says they are lying but it doesn’t matter. Obama smells blood and is going for the kill. These attacks have left Romney reeling. He has been unable to launch a good counter attack. But more is to come.

This week the final installment of the new Batman series, The Dark Knight Rises, is set to be released. The villain is named Bane. In the comic books he broke Batman’s back. Now the Obama Regime will use the movie to go after Romney. They are claiming that Mitt Romney through Bain will break America’s back.

This summer’s much-anticiapted Hollywood blockbuster, “The Dark Knight Rises,” is getting an unusual boost from Democrats and other foes of Mitt Romney who are eager to tie the Gotham crushing villain to the GOP presidential candidate. Their angle: the mask-wearing, “Venom” gas breathing bad guy has a name that sounds just like Romney’s former investment firm that President Obama has been blasting as a jobs killer.

“Bane” is the terrorist in the new movie who drives the caped crusader out of semi-retirement in the final Batman movie. Democrats, who believe they have Romney on the ropes over the president’s assault on his leadership at Bain Capital, said the comparisons are too rich to ignore.

“It has been observed that movies can reflect the national mood,” said Democratic advisor and former Clinton aide Christopher Lehane. “Whether it is spelled Bain and being put out by the Obama campaign or Bane and being out by Hollywood, the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society,” he added.


Conservative commentator Jed Babbin told Secrets, “Now we have the new Batman movie with super-villain Bane, the comic book bad guy who broke the Bat’s back. How long will it take for the Obama campaign to link the two, making Romney the man who will break the back of the economy? Romney can’t win if he’s constantly on the defensive,” he said.

Even GOP advisor Frank Luntz jumped into the fray. “Hollywood does it again,” he told Secrets. “[Romney] had to know all this was coming and he should have done a lot more to prepare for it.”

Mitt Romney needs to hit back harder on Obama. Right now, Obama is totally whipping his butt and everyone knows it. One idea I have is for Romney to bring up Obama’s involvement in the nuclear freeze movement in the early 80’s. Romney should mention that it was funded by the Soviets. Another option is to compare Obama to the Batman villain Bane. Point out that like Bane, Obama is terrorizing America. Romney should even compare himself to Bruce Wayne/Batman. He is a rich person who is sacrificing himself for the greater good.

This is not panic, but a warning. Romney needs to hit Obama hard soon. Email the Romney campaign and let the know. We want a fighter not a gentleman.

Gingrich Brings Romney’s Actions at Bain Capital To The Spotlight

by coldwarrior ( 62 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Open thread, Politics, Republican Party, Special Report at January 8th, 2012 - 12:02 pm
Bain was predatory, and wont play well in flyover county where they destroyed the manufacturing base for a one time payoff. Romney – Soros, same tactics, same result, the destruction of real wealth.

Attack ads to blast Mitt Romney’s work at Bain Capital

A ‘super PAC’ backing Newt Gingrich is financing a campaign that aims to show Romney destroyed jobs while running a venture capital firm.

Reporting from Washington—

Voters in South Carolina are about to witness an attack on Mitt Romney and the work of a private equity firm that made him wealthy and has provided the underpinnings for his appeal to voters.

The assault will come Monday in the form of a planned $1-million-plus advertising campaign. The effort, which may expand to other states, is sponsored by an independent political group backing Newt Gingrich that has received donations from some of the country’s most ardent conservatives.


The group, Winning Our Future, promises a sustained attack on Romney and the company he formed, Bain Capital. “We will buy whatever it takes to get people to understand Romney’s real record of deliberate job destruction,” said Rick Tyler, a longtime Gingrich aide who works now as a senior adviser to the “super PAC” backing the former House speaker.

The ads are expected to focus on the plight of workers who were laid off after their employers were purchased by Bain Capital. Romney founded the venture capital company in 1984 after working for the Bain consulting firm, and throughout the campaign he has boasted of the jobs he created during his tenure.

Anger at Romney and others in the financial elite has been roiling throughout this election season. But the criticism has come mostly from the left. Next week’s wave of complaints are an attempt to spread the anger among Republicans, in whose hands Gingrich’s future rests.

In recent days, Romney has sought to distinguish his background by defending his brand of capitalism and scoring President Obama for what he terms “crony capitalism” — using government resources to benefit firms and organizations that back his political career.

“This is not capitalism,” Tyler said Saturday of Bain’s record. “This is predatory paper-shuffling.”

The new effort drew a harsh response from Romney backers.

“It’s puzzling to see Speaker Gingrich and his supporters continue their attacks on free enterprise,” said Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul. “… Unlike President Obama and Speaker Gingrich, Mitt Romney spent his career in business and knows what it will take to turn around our nation’s bad economy.”

Gingrich came in for harsh criticism several weeks ago when he raised questions about job losses resulting from leveraged buyout deals in which Romney took part at Bain Capital.

The disagreement underscores a divide among Republicans like Romney, who defend the behavior of Wall Street entrepreneurs, and others who have been seething at some activities of the financial elite.

The ads rely on footage from a film critical of Romney that was just completed by a former Romney ally, Jason Meath, who collaborated in 2008 with Romney adviser Stuart Stevens to produce pro-Romney ads.

The film, called “When Mitt Romney Came to Town,” focuses on four companies that Bain Capital took over in the 1980s and 1990s. It includes interviews with workers and residents in Marion, Ind., where a plant owned by Ampad, a paper products company, was shut down after Bain Capital acquired the firm.


Often, Bain would come in, buy a company and then extend its borrowing limits. Then max out the credit line and then, *BLAMMO* declare the company as bankrupt and sell off the assets. while the Bain Execs kept the borrowed money leaving the company’s stock holders, bondholders with partial payments at best or often like the employees, nothing.


On this blog we relentlessly beat up George Soros for doing exactly the same things. This is not free enterprise, this is not capitalism. This is destruction of wealth, no matter how Romney’s people try to spin this.


Here is the commercial for the film: THAT WAS PULLED, and now is back



So here is part one and two extended trailers, thx fritz cat


A pro-Gingrich “super PAC” is planning to air a blistering new attack video in South Carolina on Mitt Romney, depicting the GOP presidential front-runner as a corporate “raider” whose firm “destroyed the dreams of thousands of Americans” by buying up companies and firing its workers.

The film, titled “King of Bain: When Mitt Romney Came to Town,” — was made by a former Romney advertising adviser. Its contents mirror attacks that have been made for months by political surrogates of President Barack Obama on Romney’s years as the chief officer of the Bain Capital investment firm.

“For the first time, this film will show what Bain Capital actually did,” said Rick Tyler, a senior adviser to Winning Our Future, a pro-Gingrich super PAC that acquired the rights to the movie on Friday. The super PAC is posting a two-minute trailer from the 27-minute film on a website Saturday.

“They targeted companies … they raided them … and thousands of workers lost their jobs. This is not capitalism. This is predatory,” Tyler said.

GOP: Reject Mitt Romney or Lose Everything

by 1389AD ( 44 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Health Care, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at October 23rd, 2011 - 11:30 am

We, the voters, rejected him last time around for good reason.

NO Mitt Romney!

No, it is not Mitt Romney’s turn to get the GOP nomination. If you expect there to be a Republican Party or even a United States in the future, it had better NEVER be Mitt Romney’s turn.

Stop trying to foist him on us. We don’t care whether Democrats and a few rich New England and Beltway RINOs think he’s electable. It is pointless to “defeat” Obama by replacing him with an Obama that has an (R) after his name!

We can’t stand Mitt Romney. No, not because he professes to be a Mormon, but because he’s a bad man and a bad candidate whose only interest is in promoting himself. No matter what he says, Mitt Romney’s only real object of worship is himself.

How We REALLY Feel

Some of us merely despise Mitt Romney, while the rest of us hate him with the white-hot thermonuclear fury of a thousand suns. Don’t even ask where I fit on that spectrum; suffice it to say that, if Mitt Romney gets the nomination, we will emigrate and make a new start on some foreign shore.

Just for starters, we hate Obamneycare and all its pomps and all its works. We hate what Mitt Romney did at Bain Capital, which he used as a vehicle for gutting US companies and shipping vast numbers of US jobs overseas. We will not let him do any more of that to us.

We Know a Sinking Ship…

…when we see one, and the US is hemorrhaging fuel and taking on water. We know which people are hacking huge holes in the hull, while we of the Tea Party are desperately striving to patch it up and bail out the water. We are getting very tired and more angry than you are capable of imagining.


And no, not all of the saboteurs of the ship of state are Democrats, Occubaggers, SEIU goons, Soros operatives, or self-proclaimed Communists.

The very worst are the “establishment Republicans,” a/k/a RINOs, such as Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney.
RINOs implement the leftist/ecofreak/big-government/pro-jihadi agenda just slowly enough that most people won’t notice it. They have no respect for the US Constitution or for your life, liberty, and property, but they know how to mouth the right phrases so that you won’t notice what they are doing to you.

We all know about the boiling frog analogy. But THIS frog knows what’s up. This frog is getting ready to jump to pleasanter quarters if any RINO wins the nomination. This frog is also warning YOU that the temperature is rising and that you have only a little time left to do something about it.

Mitt Romney, the RINO


Mitt Romney takes a shot at Rick Perry

by Phantom Ace ( 28 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Progressives, Republican Party at August 30th, 2011 - 2:40 pm

Rockefeller Republican Mitt Romney is feeling the heat from Rick Perry. At a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, he takes shots at the Texas Governor. He makes a remark about professional politicians, a veil swipe at Perry’s 36 years of public service. Romney in his speech touts his private business experience. He leaves out the fact he made money shipping jobs overseas.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) looked to contrast himself with Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Tuesday in a visit to his fellow GOP presidential candidate’s back yard.

Romney, in a speech he delivered to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) conference in San Antonio, Texas, stressed his private-sector experience as the major factor qualifying him for the presidency.

Romney also decried “career politicians,” a subtle shot at Perry, who’s held public office continuously since 1985.

“I am a conservative businessman. I have spent most of my life outside of politics, dealing with real problems in the real economy,” Romney said. “Career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don’t know how to get us out!”

Mitt Romney should be careful with this line of attack. Rick Perry has to utter 2 words, Bain Capital and Romney’s house of cards will collapse.