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Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare’

Finding Out What’s In It: Part X

by Flyovercountry ( 106 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Health Care, Politics, Progressives, Socialism at May 17th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

I know, I know, I am getting just as tired of writing about it as you are of reading about it. Something pretty important still remains however. This sink hole of a law remains in effect. America is worse of for it. We, as a nation still have the ability to do something about it. To that end, I am not going to give it up. On to today’s tedium.

The new statistics have been released regarding the waivers granted for the law. The waivers for those of you who do not know, are those people who will be exempted from paying their fair share of this unaffordable monstrosity. To date, we, (meaning we the people,) have exempted 1372 organizations. Some interesting facts about those who will be living off of the rest of us for the next 4 years. 80% of those chosen arbitrarily by the Executive Branch to be opted out of paying are affiliated with unions. Only about 7% of American workers are members of a union. These two stats alone should have an alert Department of Justice scrambling for some coherent answers. Don’t hold your breath. Our Justice Department is headed up by Eric Holder, who is more concerned with foisting a back door slavery reparations solution on us without our knowledge or input, (Pigford.) One in five of the waivers granted during 2011 are for businesses located within the borders of Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district. Again, this is a statistical anomaly which alone should be enough to send the former House Speaker to prison. Perhaps, if we had an Attorney General who was actually doing his job, we could get a picture of Nancy being sentenced against a backdrop photo of her holding that comically sized gavel that she marched from her office to the Capitol Building. One of our 50 states has been completely exempted. That means there is a 98% chance that you should be outraged for having to pick up their share of the cost, which is actually killing our jobs and national economy.

Over and over and over and over again we are told about how the Democrats are for the little guy, and how Republicans are the party of the rich.  Going over the list of approved waivers to date, I can not find a single little guy anywhere on the list.   Also of special note in this search, it seems that the Obama Administration, you know, the most transparent Administration ever, has disallowed the list of waivers from being shown in its entirety.  It is now necessary to do multiple searches, for each month and by industry in order to get the whole picture.  What we do see in the list is some very wealthy Democrat supporters getting a political payback for selling the rest of us down the river.  So, down the river we go, paying for the likes of such small and helpless guys like GE, Aetna, SEIU local 25, The state of Maine, Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district…………  What you won’t find on the list is a small business owner who might very possibly be put out of business by the additional $20,000 of expense per employee.  Any one who’s business is new, and is just marginally profitable, has now effectively been put out of business by the man who claims that he has created the best environment in the world to conduct commerce.  On their way to fighting this added onerous burden, they get to listen to President Obama lecture them about how they should step up and do their part by hiring employees they can neither afford, and are in fact going to be punished for hiring.

The most oft repeated phrase in the law is, “at the discretion of the secretary.”  To date, there is no discernible criteria for who gets a waiver and who does not.  It is completely at the whim of a bureaucrat, who is a political appointee.  The current political appointee is not answering any questions regarding how she makes these decisions.  This is not the transparency promised by Candidate Obama.  This is in fact the worst form of cynicism that he promised to end.  There is a good reason why the Democrats lost 72 House Seats in the midterm elections.  This law was that reason.  The American people were outraged that something they were clearly against was rammed down their throats, and further outraged that the elected representatives who voted for this did not care enough to listen to their constituents.  That is why I continue to write about this.  I do not wish to lose that outrage, this is not looking better.  It is getting worse.  It is now being used as a form of political payback. 

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Finding Out What’s In It! Part VI.

by Flyovercountry ( 93 Comments › )
Filed under Healthcare, Politics, Progressives, Socialism, Tranzis at January 29th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

The number of Obamacare waivers now total 729.  This represents a total of 3,000,000 Americans who are exempted from the taxation increases the remainder of us will be forced to pay this year.  Their waivers are good until 2014, coincidentally the last year of taxation increase, and where the free government largess begins.  There are several problems with this, which we should all have.  First, who decides who gets to opt out, and who doesn’t?  How is that determination made?  My fear, is that picking who gets to opt out is totally dependant on who supported this monstrosity to begin with.  Looking over the list of approved waivers, found within this link, I get the distinct impression that you will find zero companies or organizations who publicly opposed this monstrosity.  You will find however 7 SEIU union locals.  You will find GE.  You will find the Teamsters.  These were all the main cheerleaders telling the rest of us how good this was going to be.  They now are exempt from the burdensome extra expense the rest of us have to pay in order to conduct business.  The process for picking those worthy of waiver of course is located in the Law.  It is one of the many sections which says, “at the discretion of the Secretary,”  In essence, the Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sibelius gets to make up the rules for most of the new Law as she goes along.  Any company or organization which the Administration likes, does not have to pay, and any they don’t, well hard cheese for them.  The really insidious thing about it is, it is all perfectly legal according to the Law, (remember the constitution was thrown out in the passage of this nightmare.)

One of the things we were all told was this, “we must all purchase these policies, because if we don’t all pay into the pool, that will make the model unsustainable for everyone who does pay.  So here we are a year later, and some lucky few of us have been exempted from the pool.  This is crony capitalism.  this is not the free market system which made our country great.  This is the, “Party'” picking and choosing who works, and who benefits.  The CEO, Jeffrey Immelt,  of GE, one of the exempted companies, was just tapped by the Administration to head up the new Green Jobs Program at the White House.  Coincidentally, GE’s new focus for its company is green technology and green infrastructure.  So, when we are assured by our fellow citizens that we should trust completely the government, that these altruistic servants of the people are beyond reproach, and would never allow their own personal ambitions for power affect their decision making process, it makes me laugh.  They are so brazen about their intentions to destroy our personal freedoms and free market system that it makes me wonder truly how anyone could possibly miss it.  Bear in mind, the latest argument I heard on MSNBC posited by Chris Matthews was not that we conservatives interpreted the constitution wrong, but that the constitution should no longer apply at all to our nation.  The constitution should just be considered null and void, because it has outlived its usefulness.

During the State of The Union Address on Tuesday, President Obama cited Ronald Reagan as a political figure he would like to emulate.  I’ll assume for a moment that Obama really does admire Reagan, and that he was not merely invoking Reagan’s name because of Reagan’s popularity.  In that case, we’re in luck, because we can hear for ourselves what Reagan had to say about what Obama inflicted upon us.  Here it is:


***COLDWARRIOR UPDATE: I was going to do a post on this article, but i’ll just add it here:

Patient care at risk under NHS reforms, experts warn

Patients could be denied hip, knee and hernia operations under unprecedented reforms to the NHS, the Royal College of Surgeons has warned ahead of a crucial Commons debate.

The people that wrote the health care bill admitted they are emulating the British system.

I wasn’t joking when i typed that treatment for a broken hip under Obamacare is going to be a wheel chair and some opiates…and your loved ones will have to bring back the wheelchair when your done with it. An unmended broken hip in a senior is a death sentence, you will die from pneumonia and have lovely bed sores; both from immobility. Just what the bean counters want; less seniors that they have to pay for. I am in this field, dont think I am kidding baby boomers…you will get this treatment first in a few years, then gen x and gen y will get it with both barrels as the system goes broke and has to shed patients. This has got to be stopped.

UPDATE II:  Here is the take from Investor’s Business Daily.

First Victory in a Long War: A Call to Action

by coldwarrior ( 123 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Guest Post, Politics at December 16th, 2010 - 11:30 am

Blogmocracy in Action:

First Victory in a Long, Long, War

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Yesterday, I heard of a group calling themselves, “No Labels.”  Make no mistake, this is a group of Democrats who were recently removed from office by angered voters.  They are trying to paint themselves as the true voice of America, angered by the great and ugly, “Partisan Divide.”  Make no mistake however, they are nothing more than professional leftists committed to yet another attempt to hide what and who they truly are.  This time, the angry cry is that they are mad that no one will take them seriously.  What poppy cock, that this group of posers feels the right to be taken seriously.  I keep a copy of the Constitution in my office, and I have yet to see that particular right anywhere.  We all have the right to free speech.  That is true, but that is not the same thing as compelling people to listen.  Listening, and taking seriously is left up to each individual, (at least currently, not withstanding the current assault on the Constitution by the Obama Administration.)  So, before we all get carried away by the seemingly sanity laden No Labels group, let’s recognize them for who and what they are.  They are the latest attempt of the professional left to fool us into thinking we are voting once again for the mainstream center while putting the same group of Marxists and socialists into positions of authority.

Now look at the past, so that we may learn from history, rather than repeating it.  In 2005, David Axelrod and Nancy Pelosi went on a recruiting expedition to attract center right Democrats to run for Congressional office.  The plan was repeated in 2007.  The results were extremely successful.  By the end of the 2008 elections, the Democrats had a huge majority in both houses of Congress.  The voters were upset with Republicans who had run as conservatives and waffled on their principles in the great effort to appease the left and gain acceptance from the media.  (John McCain is the clearest example there is of this.)  The Democrats by contrast had a fresh batch of relatively unknown and thus somewhat innocent candidates, who all sounded more like Republicans on the campaign stump than like Democrats.  The results were a shellacking for the GOP at the polls in two straight elections.  This was followed by endless left punditry claiming the death of the Republican party, and a brash statement that we in America were now Socialists.

Not so fast.  Yesterday’s court ruling in Virginia is the end result of governing against the will of the people.  Obama got elected by largely not telling us mere citizens what his plans for the most powerful office in the land were.  Those large majorities in both houses of Congress were gained by not telling their constituents what their plans for office were.  The legislation, which had to be rushed through a vote without having been read or debated represented a vast departure from the will of the people.  It was made possible by the governed being tricked by candidates.  That is nothing new.  What the candidates learned however is that governing is different than campaigning.  The power of the Presidency is only as long as the consent of the governed is still there.  President Obama is a little upset, mostly because he is learning the hard way that he is not King Obama.

Now, the other shoe has dropped.  the forgotten thing the politicians of the Legislative and Executive branches have just been reminded of is the third and equal branch of our government.  The Judicial branch has spoken.  The Health Care Law, as terrible and monstrous as it is, is also unconstitutional.  Obama will try to fight for it, but in the end, this baby ain’t surviving.  We, the people have won a temporary victory against the leftists who wouldn’t die.  This temporary victory was granted us by the foresight of the founding fathers.  We were saved by their work.  Before we spend time celebrating though, we have the recognize the undead nature of the enemy.  When the Berlin Wall fell, we thought we were well rid of the leftists.  Not so, they changed their name to progressives, and they took over our Congress and Presidency.  Now that they have been recognized there, they are slinking back into the shadows, and they are regrouping.  Their next incarnation is No Labels.

Let us not repeat the mistake of 95, keep vigilant, and keep letting your representatives know that we don’t want any more capitulation of ideals going on.  When you hear your Congressman or Senator say the words compromise, bi-partisan, reach across the aisle, or any other sign of capitulation, flood his/her office with phone calls, e-mails, and letters to show your anger.  The price of failure is the Socialism of the last two years.

Partisan Politics

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 257 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Health Care, Healthcare, History, Liberal Fascism, Open thread, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tea Parties at April 11th, 2010 - 10:00 pm

Read into it as you see fit. Seems obvious to me.

The source of the graph along with some excellent commentary here. Might as well be an Open Thread, too.

[Crossposted here.]