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Posts Tagged ‘Israeli-Arabs’

Great video about Israeli Arab Christians joining the IDF

by Phantom Ace ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, IDF, Israel at May 17th, 2014 - 2:24 pm

The fascinating part of the video comes at around 7 minutes in. The Christians deny they are Arabs and identify as Israeli Christians.

About Those “Loyal” Israeli-Arabs…

by WrathofG-d ( 125 Comments › )
Filed under Hezballah, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Judaism, Middle East, Religion, Terrorism, World at August 31st, 2009 - 10:17 am

Much-a-do has been made about calls by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and other so-called “right-wing” politicians doubting the loyalty, and threat of the Israeli-Arab citizens.  Those ignorant of the reality regarding the Arab-Israeli citizens quickly label Avidor, and other like him “racist”, “nazi-like”, “nationalist”, or “ultra-right-wing”, thus allowing them to ignore any of the claims made.

It is in the following context however that individuals like Avigdor Lieberman sound the alarm.

Israeli-Arab Indicted For Hiz’b’allah To Murder IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi.

Hizbullah recruited an Israeli-Arab and ordered him to collect intelligence on IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi ahead of plans to assassinate him to avenge the death of the guerrilla group’s military leader Imad Mughniyeh.

On Monday, an indictment was filed at the Petah Tikva District Court against Rawi Sultani, a 23-year-old Israeli-Arab from the town of Tira, alleging that he was recruited by Hizbullah in the summer of 2008 when he traveled to Morocco to attend a Balad Party summer camp.

The pan-Arab summer camp takes place every year in a different country, and was also attended by other Israeli-Arabs who are Balad activists.

During his stay at the camp, Sultani allegedly met Hizbullah operative Salman Harab, and provided him with information about Ashkenazi, particularly his routine at the Kfar Saba country club where the two occasionally worked out together.

The predominantly Arab town of Tira is just north of Kfar Saba, Ashkenazi’s hometown.

Harab, a 26-year-old Lebanese Shi’ite Hizbullah operative, met personally with the group of Israeli Balad activists, introduced himself as a Hizubllah member, and gave them a lecture about the conflict and struggle against Israel, read the charge sheet.

{The Rest of The Article}

To put a finer point on this, “Balad” is an Israeli-Arab political party that has held seats in the Israeli Knesset.  Here is their official site. (notice the colors.  Israel’s are blue & white)

Unfortunately, this is not nearly the first time an Israeli-Arab has committed outright treason against Israel.  In fact, they have a long history of it, beginning with Israel’s creation in 1948.  Some of the recent instances have been covered here by The Blogmocracy.

Israeli-Arab M.K.s Attend “Durban 2″ Despite Government Boycott

Um…About Those Loyal Israeli Arabs – April 1

Israelis To Parade Through Israeli Town With Israeli Flags; Israeli-Arabs Protest & Threaten Violence

Rocks were thrown at security forces, and shouts of “Death to the Jews!” could be heard.

Israeli Muslim Leader Attacks Police!

Court Finds Two Arabs Guilty of Plot Against Pilots & Scientist

This is all despite the fact that Arab Israelis have full and equal rights pursuant to Israel’s Declaration of Independence, which guarantees “freedom of religion, conscience, language, education, and culture.” Since 1948, Arab Israelis have run the political and administrative affairs of Arab majority municipalities and have elected representatives to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament.

Is this just a small problem?  Hardly!  There are more than one million Arab citizens who live in Israel.  That is 1/6th of the entire population.

The sad, and scary truth about questioning the loyalty of Israeli-Arabs is that Avigdore, and other “right-wingers” like him are right – there is a very genuine reason to worry!  No amount of purposeful naivety, or wishful thinking can change this very disappointing -but real- fact!


(*Update by WrathofG-d: 8/31/09 12:00 p.m.)

MK Ben-Ari has a recommendation of how to help curtail these issues that is sure to get him labeled “racist” or worse:

MK Ben-Ari: Declare Balad Illegal

In a letter to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz Monday, MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) demanded that he declare the Balad party illegal. “Those who kept quiet during the spy activities of Bishara, and refused to declare Balad illegal then, are now witness to the development of a movement that has gone completely out of control and works from within the Knesset to destroy Israel,” the letter stated.

Sultani is being defended by his father, Fuad Sultani, who said that his son is either making the story up or is being framed. “The indictment has been blown up out of proportion for political purposes. My son was just bragging that he knows the Chief of Staff, but of course he does not know him. The defense will be examining this indictment closely,” he said.

Security officials said that it was no accident that Sultani was recruited by Hizbullah at a Balad-sponsored camp: Former Balad chairman ex-MK Azmi Bishara fled the country after the Second Lebanon War in light of allegations that he sold information to Hizbullah about IDF troop movements and the location of sensitive installations during the war. The elder Sultani also represented Bishara during several legal proceedings surrounding the former MK’s resignation from the Knesset.

{The Article From Israel National News}

Um…About Those “Loyal” Israeli-Arabs

by WrathofG-d ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Iran, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamists, Israel, Middle East, Multiculturalism, Nuclear Weapons, Palestinians, Political Correctness, World at April 1st, 2009 - 10:52 am

Again, the Israeli-Arabs go out of their way to show a world with its eyes closed where their loyalties are.  When an Israeli points this out however, they are labeled by the World as “racist”, “ultra-nationalist”, “right-wing”, or worse.   The following two articles regard Israeli-Arab Members of the Israeli Knesset.  They were democratically elected, and hold one of the highest offices in the State.  Accordingly, they experience the full rights, opportunities, and benefits of Israel.  However, despite all of this freedom, equality, and privilege in Israel they are still loyal “palestinians” and a traitorous 5th column to Israel.


Israeli Arabs shout slogans during the Al-Aqsa rally organized by the Islamic Movement in Umm al-Fahm, an Israeli-Arab town 60 kilometers north of Tel Aviv (ed -That Green Flag Is The Flag Of Hamas)


Israeli-Arab Member of Knesset Ahmed Tibi

MK Ahmed Tibi[ed- Israeli-Arab] MK Ahmed Tibi spoke to Palestinian Authority media on Wednesday from the Arab League Summit in Doha, Qatar.  Tibi told the PA papers that Israel’s new government poses a threat to Arabs inside and outside the state.

“The new Netanyahu extremist government does not represent a threat to the Palestinians living in Israel only [ed-Notice how this Israeli-Arab MK herself referrers to the Arab-Israelis], but a threat to all Arabs who must understand and study more and more Israeli plots,” Tibi told the Bethlehem-based Ma’an News.

In interviews with other Arab media outlets, Tibi referred to the Palestinian Liberation Organization as “the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

PA media expressed satisfaction with Qatar’s decision to invite Tibi to the conference.  Tibi’s presence at the gathering guaranteed “the representation of Palestinians in Israel at the diplomatic level,” according to Ma’an.

Tibi attended the conference last year as well, as an official representative of “Palestine.”


Israeli-Arab Member of Knesset Hanin Zoabi

MK Hanin ZoabiMK Hanin Zoabi (Balad) broke new ground in anti-Israeli rhetoric by a Knesset Member Tuesday when she told a reporter that she welcomes the development of nuclear weapons by Iran.

In an interview with Samuel Sokol for the Philadelphia Bulletin, the newly sworn-in Knesset Member said she preferred Iran over the more moderate Arab states: “The policy of Iran is more useful to the Palestinian issue and more standing against occupation than a lot of the Arab countries. This is our interest.  If anyone is supporting me – so I will not mind this influence, even I would ask for this influence [sic],” she explained

When the reporter asked her if she is not afraid that an Iranian attack would put her at risk as well, she said: “I’m not afraid from the nuclear Iranians.  I‘m more afraid from the Israeli nuclear [sic].”

Asked if she thought Israel might use its reported nuclear weapons, she answered in the affirmative.  “I am afraid from real risk rather than from potential risk,” she added.  “The Iranian is still in a potential.  But the real risk is the Israeli army.  I need a power which can make counter [sic] to the Israeli power. It is not supporting me, the fact that Israel will be the only state with a nuclear weapon. It’s more supporting me to have [a] counterpower to Israel [sic].”


These are only a few of the most recent examples of the true Israeli-Arab hatred, and disloyalty to Israel and something to remember the next time you hear someone slandering Israel, or anyone for daring to point it out publicly, or suggesting that the Israeli-Arabs are a threat to Israel.


UPDATE 4/1/2009 – 1:02:13 p.m.

As was expected, (and pointed out above, before reading of his installment) Avigdore Lieberman was installed as Israel’s new Foreign Minister “today” (taking over for Tzipi Livni), and the press is already gunning for him and calling him names. They however will not be outdone in their name calling by the Israeli-Arab MKs themselves, or their brothers-in-arms the Phakestinians.  The partial, Pro-Phakestinian and exceptionally biased Mainstream Media, getting their cues from Hamas, and the P.L.O., has a grudge against Lieberman….and they are not going to be quiet about it.  (the buzzwords are “racist”, or “ultra-nationalist”)

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a top aide to Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas and his unofficial spokesman, said that no one could force the Palestinians to sit around the negotiating table with “a racist like Lieberman.”

Hadash MK Afo Agbaria called on the international community to impose a diplomatic embargo on Israel following Lieberman’s comments. [ed- that is an Israeli-Arab politician calling for a diplomatic embargo against his own country]

“It isn’t surprising that such fiery declarations come from the mouth of the racist foreign minister just one day after the government’s establishment,” added Agbaria.


Racist? Hardly!  But don’t take my word on it, click the link above (or below) and hear Lieberman in his own words.  Do they seem “racist” to you?

Regarding Israel’s difficult diplomatic standing in the world today, Lieberman noted that this came at a time when Israel was willing to make more concessions than ever before.

In relation to public opinion, he asked, “When was Israel most at its most popular in the world? After the Six Day War, not after Oslo A, B, C and D.”

Lieberman added that in order to be respected in the world, you have to respect yourself.


From CBS NEWS – Lieberman’s speech:

“Whoever thinks that concessions … will achieve something is wrong. He will bring pressures and more wars,” Lieberman said. “What we have to explain to the world is that the list of priorities must change.”

CBS’s name-calling:

Israel’s new hard-line foreign minister delivered a scathing critique of Mideast peace efforts Wednesday, rejecting the past year of U.S.-led negotiations and telling a room crowded with cringing diplomats that concessions to the Palestinians only invite war.

The appointment of Lieberman, head of the ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu, has raised international concerns because of his hard-line positions on peace and an election campaign that was widely seen as racist.


You can expect this misplaced mistreatment of Lieberman, and Bibi’s Government the entire time they are in office.  The media, etc., will label anything that doesn’t help their goal of destroying Israel as “racist”, “ultra-nationalist,” etc.  It has nothing to do with facts, and everything to do with agenda.


Israelis To Parade Through Israeli Town With Israeli Flags; Israeli-Arabs Protest & Threaten Violence

by WrathofG-d ( 33 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Middle East, Religion, World at March 24th, 2009 - 1:12 pm

Israelis have received the proper authorization from the Government to parade with Israeli flags through Northern Israeli towns.  Although they got no resistance from any other towns they are going to march through, the supposedly loyal Arab-Israeli citizens and leadership of the Israeli town of Umm El-Fahmof are mobilizing to block the march, protesting, and threatening violence.



(IsraelNN.com) Leaders of the Arab population in Israel are calling upon masses of Arabs to show up in Umm El-Fahm Tuesday in order to block the planned march by 100 Jews in the northern Israeli city. The marchers will hold Israeli national flags.

[Member of Knesset] Ben-Ari noted: “We are just going to march with Israeli flags, not enemy flags. This is the country where the residents of Umm El-Fahm live, and it gives them stipends and a budget for their municipality.”

Ben-Ari’s mentor, the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, led a march into Umm El-Fahm in 1984. The marchers managed to make a small advance into the town but encountered a mass of rock-throwing Arabs and eventually had to retreat.

When the route of the proposed march was discussed in court, the police asked for it to pass on the outskirts of the Arab city, (ed- Israeli Jews cannot safely walk though an Israeli-Arab city IN Israel?) but the court accepted the organizers’ requests and insisted that it pass inside the city. Police have worked out a route for Tuesday’s march with Ben-Gvir and Marzel, but Ben-Gvir said that although the organizers have agreed to the route proposed by police, he is not happy with it and thinks that it “bodes ill.” The number of participants in the march was limited by the court to 100.

Amir Mahoul, head of the Subcommittee for Liberties in the Higher Monitoring Committee of Israeli Arabs, published an announcement Sunday in which he called upon the public to show up in the greatest possible numbers in order to physically block entry by the marchers. He also asked that human rights activists and Arab lawyers show up to document the events.

Mahoul said the Israel police “is not a neutral side and is not trying to maintain public order. It is a mechanism for depriving our public of the right to organize and oppose the aggression against it.” (ed-Israelis marching with Israeli flags in an Israeli city is “‘aggression”?)

MK Hana Sweid (ed-Arab-Israeli MK from “Hadash” the Communist Arab Party) said the planned visit to Umm El-Fahm was “an act of pure provocation” and warned that it could turn into a confrontation.

{The Rest of The Article}


The above is not unique behavior for the Israeli-Arabs against Israeli-Jews.  On election day this year, the so-called loyal Israeli Arabs threatened, and assaulted Jewish Member of Knesset Aryeh Eldad while he was acting as an election monitor at Polling Place #12 in the city’s Arzi neighborhood.

MK Eldad replaced another Jewish election monitor who was prevented by police from entering the city altogether because of threats on his life.  While MK Eldad was performing his duties, an Israeli-Arab mob began rioting and threatening him outside of the polling station.  Rocks were thrown at security forces, and shouts of “Death to the Jews!” could be heard. (Video)

This was not in the “occupied territories”, or Gaza, and these were not the actions of Hamas, “palestinians”, Fatah, or Hiz’b’allah.  These are Israeli-Arab citizens in an Israeli town well within Israel’s borders…and they consider citizens walking through their streets with their own national flag to be “aggression” and “provocation”!

Can we question their loyalty yet?
