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Posts Tagged ‘Avigdor Lieberman’

Bosnian Serbs force Bosnian UN Rep to vote No on Palestinians

by Phantom Ace Comments Off on Bosnian Serbs force Bosnian UN Rep to vote No on Palestinians
Filed under Headlines, Progressives at October 28th, 2011 - 5:21 pm

The evil Serbs are at it again! The Bosnians Serbs of the Republika Srpska have pressured The Bosnian government to vote no on a Palestinian bid. The beloved Bosnian Muslims wanted to support the Palis, but didn’t because of the division with the Serbs.

With two weeks to go until the UN Security Council resumes its deliberations over the Palestinian statehood bid, Foreign Ministry sources told Ynet that Bosnia-Herzegovina, which a currently a non-permanent member of the UNSC, will not vote in favor of the PA’s request.

 Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who is currently on a state visit to Sarajevo, met Friday with the prime minister of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS), who assured him that “Srpska’s position on the matter is definite and will not change. We will oppose the move. Only negotiations can resolve the (Israeli-Palestinian) issues, not unilateral steps.”


While in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lieberman met with all three member of the country’s Presidency. “I found support and understanding in Srpska. They understand the meaning of a unilateral move like this and the precedent that it will create in the international area,” he said.

I wonder what so called Pro-Israel people like Bill Kristol, John McCain, Jennifer Rubin and Paul Wolfowitz have to see about this. These so called Conservatives gave Bill Clinton cover in his illegal action against The Bosnian Serbs in 95. Now their beloved Bosniaks are the ones who want to support The Palestinians. Meanwhile the hated Serbs are sticking by Israel and forcing Bosnia to vote no. The Pro-Islamic “Right” has egg on its face again.

Israeli FM Lieberman will take the gloves off with Turkey

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Headlines, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey at September 9th, 2011 - 10:33 pm

The Turks have been bullying Israel and Cyprus in recent days. Now Israeli FM Avigdor Lieberman has decided enough is enough. Israel will now (they should have done this before) back making the Armenian genocide recognized internationally. They will strengthen ties with Greece and Cyprus. To up the ante, Israel may aid the Kurdish PKK.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has decided to adopt a series of harsh measures in response to Turkey’s latest anti-Israeli moves, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.


The Foreign Ministry has now decided to proceed with the formulation of a diplomatic and security “toolbox” to be used against the Turks. The first move would be to issue a travel warning urging all Israeli military veterans to refrain from traveling to Turkey. The advisory will be especially harsh as it will also urge Israelis to refrain from boarding connections in Turkey.

 Another planned Israeli move is the facilitation of cooperation with Turkey’s historic rivals, the Armenians. During Lieberman’s visit to the United States this month, the foreign minister is expected to meet with leaders of the Armenian lobby and propose anti-Turkish cooperation in Congress.

 The implication of this move could be Israeli assistance in promoting international recognition of the Armenian holocaust, a measure that would gravely harm Turkey. Israel may also back Armenia in its dispute vis-à-vis Turkey over control of Mount Ararat.


Lieberman is also planning to set meetings with the heads of Kurdish rebel group PKK in Europe in order to “cooperate with them and boost them in every possible area.” In these meetings, the Kurds may ask Israel for military aid in the form of training and arms supplies, a move that would constitute a major anti-Turkish position should it materialize.

I fully support this move by Israel. Turkey has enemies and the Israelis should take advantage of this.


Israeli FM Lieberman: Islamists Use Democracy to Promote Hatred

by WrathofG-d ( 193 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Iran, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Middle East, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Terrorism, World at November 10th, 2009 - 8:20 am

Even before he became the Foreign Minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman has been the whipping boy for the Left.  With a insatiable fervor, the MSM and other bastions of the International Left have taken every opportunity possible to slander him nearly constantly with every negative label possible, and otherwise use him to distance Israel from the International community.

I knew then, and I still believe now why that is:

He keeps telling them what they don’t want to hear: the truth!

(IsraelNN.com) Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told his hosts during an official visit to Denmark on Monday that Islamic fundamentalists in Europe are abusing European Union freedoms to promote Islamic supremacy and anti-Semitism.

Radical Islamic elements are misusing the democratic tools granted to them by the European countries in order to agitate, aggravate and radicalize relations within and among these countries, at the same time increasing and encouraging anti-Semitic phenomena,” Lieberman said during a meeting with the Danish Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs Birthe Rønn Hornbech…

While in Denmark, Foreign Minister Lieberman took part in dedicating a new memorial in honor of the country’s Jews who were deported to the Thereisenstadt concentration camp. He laid a wreath in memory of the victims and delivered remarks on behalf of the State of Israel. Lieberman noted that the people of Denmark risked their lives to save Jews who were to be sent to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis. For the nation’s collective resistance to Nazi anti-Semitism, “Denmark will always hold a special place in the history and in the hearts of the Jewish people,” he said.

Turning from the past to the present, Lieberman continued, “We are today again facing elements who threaten to destroy the Jews, not only those living in Israel. The Iranian regime is funding terrorist activity throughout the world and particularly against Jews. The State of Israel is responsible for all Jewish communities in the world, and all Jewish communities are responsible for the State of Israel. This cooperation is essential in order to halt this threat.”

Yet the danger is not to the Jews alone, the Foreign Minister emphasized, “The struggle against the Iranian threat is the greatest challenge that the democratic world faces today.”

{The Rest of The Article}

Avigdor Lieberman is everything that threatens the International Left’s grip on world affairs.  He is an unapologetic, proud Jew and Zionist, who is unafraid to stick his own neck out to ensure the security of his Country.  Even when it is unpopular and non-politically correct, he will unabashedly state any uncomfortable truth whether it be about the Islamist threat to Democracy in general, or the rampant disloyalty of the Israeli-Arabs/Muslims.

For this the Left has tried to destroy him.

-Previously Re:  Avigdor Lieberman

The Arab-Israel Conflict According To Avigdor Lieberman

About Those “Loyal” Israeli-Arabs…

by WrathofG-d ( 125 Comments › )
Filed under Hezballah, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Judaism, Middle East, Religion, Terrorism, World at August 31st, 2009 - 10:17 am

Much-a-do has been made about calls by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and other so-called “right-wing” politicians doubting the loyalty, and threat of the Israeli-Arab citizens.  Those ignorant of the reality regarding the Arab-Israeli citizens quickly label Avidor, and other like him “racist”, “nazi-like”, “nationalist”, or “ultra-right-wing”, thus allowing them to ignore any of the claims made.

It is in the following context however that individuals like Avigdor Lieberman sound the alarm.

Israeli-Arab Indicted For Hiz’b’allah To Murder IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi.

Hizbullah recruited an Israeli-Arab and ordered him to collect intelligence on IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi ahead of plans to assassinate him to avenge the death of the guerrilla group’s military leader Imad Mughniyeh.

On Monday, an indictment was filed at the Petah Tikva District Court against Rawi Sultani, a 23-year-old Israeli-Arab from the town of Tira, alleging that he was recruited by Hizbullah in the summer of 2008 when he traveled to Morocco to attend a Balad Party summer camp.

The pan-Arab summer camp takes place every year in a different country, and was also attended by other Israeli-Arabs who are Balad activists.

During his stay at the camp, Sultani allegedly met Hizbullah operative Salman Harab, and provided him with information about Ashkenazi, particularly his routine at the Kfar Saba country club where the two occasionally worked out together.

The predominantly Arab town of Tira is just north of Kfar Saba, Ashkenazi’s hometown.

Harab, a 26-year-old Lebanese Shi’ite Hizbullah operative, met personally with the group of Israeli Balad activists, introduced himself as a Hizubllah member, and gave them a lecture about the conflict and struggle against Israel, read the charge sheet.

{The Rest of The Article}

To put a finer point on this, “Balad” is an Israeli-Arab political party that has held seats in the Israeli Knesset.  Here is their official site. (notice the colors.  Israel’s are blue & white)

Unfortunately, this is not nearly the first time an Israeli-Arab has committed outright treason against Israel.  In fact, they have a long history of it, beginning with Israel’s creation in 1948.  Some of the recent instances have been covered here by The Blogmocracy.

Israeli-Arab M.K.s Attend “Durban 2″ Despite Government Boycott

Um…About Those Loyal Israeli Arabs – April 1

Israelis To Parade Through Israeli Town With Israeli Flags; Israeli-Arabs Protest & Threaten Violence

Rocks were thrown at security forces, and shouts of “Death to the Jews!” could be heard.

Israeli Muslim Leader Attacks Police!

Court Finds Two Arabs Guilty of Plot Against Pilots & Scientist

This is all despite the fact that Arab Israelis have full and equal rights pursuant to Israel’s Declaration of Independence, which guarantees “freedom of religion, conscience, language, education, and culture.” Since 1948, Arab Israelis have run the political and administrative affairs of Arab majority municipalities and have elected representatives to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament.

Is this just a small problem?  Hardly!  There are more than one million Arab citizens who live in Israel.  That is 1/6th of the entire population.

The sad, and scary truth about questioning the loyalty of Israeli-Arabs is that Avigdore, and other “right-wingers” like him are right – there is a very genuine reason to worry!  No amount of purposeful naivety, or wishful thinking can change this very disappointing -but real- fact!


(*Update by WrathofG-d: 8/31/09 12:00 p.m.)

MK Ben-Ari has a recommendation of how to help curtail these issues that is sure to get him labeled “racist” or worse:

MK Ben-Ari: Declare Balad Illegal

In a letter to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz Monday, MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) demanded that he declare the Balad party illegal. “Those who kept quiet during the spy activities of Bishara, and refused to declare Balad illegal then, are now witness to the development of a movement that has gone completely out of control and works from within the Knesset to destroy Israel,” the letter stated.

Sultani is being defended by his father, Fuad Sultani, who said that his son is either making the story up or is being framed. “The indictment has been blown up out of proportion for political purposes. My son was just bragging that he knows the Chief of Staff, but of course he does not know him. The defense will be examining this indictment closely,” he said.

Security officials said that it was no accident that Sultani was recruited by Hizbullah at a Balad-sponsored camp: Former Balad chairman ex-MK Azmi Bishara fled the country after the Second Lebanon War in light of allegations that he sold information to Hizbullah about IDF troop movements and the location of sensitive installations during the war. The elder Sultani also represented Bishara during several legal proceedings surrounding the former MK’s resignation from the Knesset.

{The Article From Israel National News}