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Posts Tagged ‘Avigdor Lieberman’

The Israel-Arab Conflict…According To Avigdor Lieberman

by WrathofG-d ( 13 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Barack Obama, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Islamists, Israel, Media, Middle East, Palestinians, Terrorism at April 28th, 2009 - 12:32 pm

Newspapers all over the world are working overtime to brand new Foreign Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman as a “racist”, “ultra-nationalist”, “right winger” and any other supposedly disparaging term they can dig up.  They will tell you nothing about the man other than he is an evil man who dared to suggested that Israelis, including Israeli-Arabs, be required to take an oath of loyalty.  What they don’t show you is why he suggested it.

Sadly, it seems that our own Government still just doesn’t get it.  Just a few hours after The Jerusalem Post completed the interview below with Lieberman, Hillary Clinton, gave testimony on Capitol Hill that insists that Israel continue the failed policies of the past.  Clinton stated that “For Israel to get the kind of strong support it is looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can’t stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts.  They go hand in hand.”

Israel however has never even hinted that it has any desire to stall peace-making efforts with the so-called Palestinians.  When asked about this, Lieberman stated that his government instead, “intends to take the initiative” [on peace efforts].

Hillary Clinton knows this.  But what she really means when she says “peace efforts” is that Israel must surrender to the Phakestinians, follow the same failed policies of the last 60 plus years, and continue to surrender their sovereignty and security in return for nothing but empty promises.  This however is something that Lieberman, and Netanyahu, (for now it seems) won’t do.

Below are segments from this interview with Avigdor Lieberman.  Hear him in his own words.


Can we start with the issue of two states for two peoples. Wasn’t the international basis for the establishment of Israel that there be a Jewish entity alongside an Arab entity? Is your government now departing from this paradigm or is the principle of two states still the applicable one?

First of all, we must understand why the Palestinian issue is deadlocked, because since 1993 we really made every effort. We had very dovish governments. We can start with Ehud Barak at Camp David, who made a very generous offer to [Yasser] Arafat and he rejected it. As for the Ariel Sharon government, we undertook an insane process called disengagement. We transferred thousands of Jews from the Gaza Strip. We evacuated tens of flowering settlements and we received in return Hamas and Kassam rockets. The last government of Ehud Olmert is the same. From what I saw in the papers, he really made a very very generous offer to Abu Mazen. And the same thing happened: Abu Mazen rejected it.

Were there elements that Olmert offered that were surprising to you?

Of course. I was shocked, as was everybody.

But more than this offer, more important at the end of the day: what was the final result? This was a very dovish government – without Lieberman, without Netanyahu. It was Olmert, Barak and Tzipi Livni. And the result? The Second Lebanon War, the operation in Gaza, severed diplomatic relations with Mauritania and Qatar, our soldier Gilad Schalit still in captivity.  And we cannot move forward without understanding why.

I know that all of us know some very popular slogans – land for peace, two-state solutions. It would be very easy to win over public opinion or the mass media by talking in slogans. But this is not election time. We’re not during the campaign. We want to bring real results.

Israel has proved its good intentions, our desire for peace. Since 1978, we gave up territories three times larger than Israel. We invested billions of shekels in the Palestinian Authority. We paid a very heavy price. Thousands of our citizens were killed in terrorist acts. What more can we do?

Without understanding the real reasons for this long-standing conflict, we cannot move forward. That’s my view.

Over the last two weeks I’ve had many conversations with my colleagues
around the world
. Just today, I saw the political adviser to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Chinese foreign
minister and the Czech prime
. And everybody, you know, speaks with you like you’re in a campaign: Occupation, settlements, settlers…

You mean they speak in slogans?

Yes, slogans. Settlements, outposts.   And I ask only one thing: What was the situation before 1967, before we established a single settlement. What was before ’48 and ’67? Was it peace, was it a heaven here?

It was the same:  friction, terrorism, bloodshed. The PLO and Fatah were established before ’67 and the Arab countries controlled Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip for 19 years, from ’48 to ’67. Nobody spoke during this time about the Palestinian state. And even before the establishment of the state of Israel, it was the same: friction, tension, terror, riots, pogroms.   People try to simplify the situation with these formulas – land for peace, two-state solution. It’s a lot more complicated.

You don’t need to persuade this newspaper not to speak to you in slogans, but nonetheless, is it not the case that for our sake, to keep a Jewish, democratic Israel, we have to find some way to separate from the Palestinians?  And doesn’t that mean, in principle at least, statehood?  I understand the prime minister’s concerns about what statehood brings with it – giving one the right to arm and to pose a threat.  But what then is the ultimate goal here vis-a-vis the Palestinians?

We must clarify our position. The real reason [for the deadlock with the Palestinians] is not occupation, not settlements and not settlers. This conflict is really a very deep conflict. It started like other national conflicts. Today it’s a more religious conflict. Today you have the influence of some non-rational players, like Al-Qaida. What is Hamas and Islamic Jihad? It’s Iran by proxy.

To resolve this conflict, it is not enough to repeat slogans. I don’t see any short way for any comprehensive solutions.

From my point of view, we’re interested in three things. First of all, as Israeli citizens, the most important thing is security. I don’t want to see, every day, every morning, Palestinian missiles striking Sderot.

Second, what is most important for the Palestinians? I think it’s also very clear – the economy. Now I say as a settler, we at Nokdim are the biggest employer in our area. I have met many times with Palestinians from the villages around us, who really strongly do not believe in any political process, in peace processes – not in summits, not in conferences, not in declarations…

Is our government going to say to the international community and the Americans in particular, ‘We’re not even going to start trying to make progress with the Palestinians until you stop Iran?

No, no, no, no, no.

That’s the impression that’s sometimes being created.

No, we must start with the Palestinian issues because it’s our interest to resolve this problem. But there should be no illusions. To achieve an agreement, to achieve an end of conflict, with no more bloodshed, no more terror, no more claims – that’s impossible until Iran [is addressed], one of the biggest players in our arena.

You say you don’t foresee a comprehensive solution in the near future, but we’re already hearing from the new American president that this has been going on for long enough.

Annapolis was the wrong approach. With the Road Map, you can see some logical path: First of all, [for the PA to] dismantle terrorist organizations, collect illegal weapons, establish a justice system and establish normal state institutions. You have three stages in the Road Map, with 48-49 paragraphs. Only the last stage, the last paragraphs, deal with negotiations for the permanent solution. So, [under Annapolis,] to jump straight to the last paragraph and to concede on all of the Palestinian commitments to fight terror – it’s a very strange approach.

Now in our policy review, it’s a new government and we need time. I’m not ready for someone to stand with a stopwatch and say, ‘What’s happening, what’s happening?’ I talked with [President Obama’s special envoy George] Mitchell, and he well understood our problems.

The people of Israel made their decision [in the elections] and this is really the right time to examine new ideas, new approaches, new visions. We’re trying to formulate this new approach now.

{The Entire Interview Including Comments On Iran, and Hamas}


Although I do not agree completely with everything Liberman says in his interview, I believe that the Netanyahu government is on the right track by trying something different.  Despite what the World media wish for you to believe, Liberman is hardly an “extremist”, nor a “ultra-nationalist”.  His only sin here is that he questions the prevailing so-called wisdom, of blaming the conflict on Israel not giving enough to the Arabs.  The problem however is that the media is wrong, and Liberman is right.  The main stumbling block with the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the World’s insistance that we continue the same failed policies.  Sadly, from the words of Secretary of State Clinton, it seems that the U.S. still doesn’t get it, and I am afraid that with an Obama Administration we never will.  Despite history, they wish to continue the “all for nothing from Israel” policies that have caused the stalemate Israel and the Arabs are in today.

For the sake of everyone involved, I pray for the peace of Israel, and that our leaders finally get it!


In related news:  PA Court: Death Penalty To Arab For Selling Land To Jew

Um…About Those “Loyal” Israeli-Arabs

by WrathofG-d ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Iran, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamists, Israel, Middle East, Multiculturalism, Nuclear Weapons, Palestinians, Political Correctness, World at April 1st, 2009 - 10:52 am

Again, the Israeli-Arabs go out of their way to show a world with its eyes closed where their loyalties are.  When an Israeli points this out however, they are labeled by the World as “racist”, “ultra-nationalist”, “right-wing”, or worse.   The following two articles regard Israeli-Arab Members of the Israeli Knesset.  They were democratically elected, and hold one of the highest offices in the State.  Accordingly, they experience the full rights, opportunities, and benefits of Israel.  However, despite all of this freedom, equality, and privilege in Israel they are still loyal “palestinians” and a traitorous 5th column to Israel.


Israeli Arabs shout slogans during the Al-Aqsa rally organized by the Islamic Movement in Umm al-Fahm, an Israeli-Arab town 60 kilometers north of Tel Aviv (ed -That Green Flag Is The Flag Of Hamas)


Israeli-Arab Member of Knesset Ahmed Tibi

MK Ahmed Tibi[ed- Israeli-Arab] MK Ahmed Tibi spoke to Palestinian Authority media on Wednesday from the Arab League Summit in Doha, Qatar.  Tibi told the PA papers that Israel’s new government poses a threat to Arabs inside and outside the state.

“The new Netanyahu extremist government does not represent a threat to the Palestinians living in Israel only [ed-Notice how this Israeli-Arab MK herself referrers to the Arab-Israelis], but a threat to all Arabs who must understand and study more and more Israeli plots,” Tibi told the Bethlehem-based Ma’an News.

In interviews with other Arab media outlets, Tibi referred to the Palestinian Liberation Organization as “the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

PA media expressed satisfaction with Qatar’s decision to invite Tibi to the conference.  Tibi’s presence at the gathering guaranteed “the representation of Palestinians in Israel at the diplomatic level,” according to Ma’an.

Tibi attended the conference last year as well, as an official representative of “Palestine.”


Israeli-Arab Member of Knesset Hanin Zoabi

MK Hanin ZoabiMK Hanin Zoabi (Balad) broke new ground in anti-Israeli rhetoric by a Knesset Member Tuesday when she told a reporter that she welcomes the development of nuclear weapons by Iran.

In an interview with Samuel Sokol for the Philadelphia Bulletin, the newly sworn-in Knesset Member said she preferred Iran over the more moderate Arab states: “The policy of Iran is more useful to the Palestinian issue and more standing against occupation than a lot of the Arab countries. This is our interest.  If anyone is supporting me – so I will not mind this influence, even I would ask for this influence [sic],” she explained

When the reporter asked her if she is not afraid that an Iranian attack would put her at risk as well, she said: “I’m not afraid from the nuclear Iranians.  I‘m more afraid from the Israeli nuclear [sic].”

Asked if she thought Israel might use its reported nuclear weapons, she answered in the affirmative.  “I am afraid from real risk rather than from potential risk,” she added.  “The Iranian is still in a potential.  But the real risk is the Israeli army.  I need a power which can make counter [sic] to the Israeli power. It is not supporting me, the fact that Israel will be the only state with a nuclear weapon. It’s more supporting me to have [a] counterpower to Israel [sic].”


These are only a few of the most recent examples of the true Israeli-Arab hatred, and disloyalty to Israel and something to remember the next time you hear someone slandering Israel, or anyone for daring to point it out publicly, or suggesting that the Israeli-Arabs are a threat to Israel.


UPDATE 4/1/2009 – 1:02:13 p.m.

As was expected, (and pointed out above, before reading of his installment) Avigdore Lieberman was installed as Israel’s new Foreign Minister “today” (taking over for Tzipi Livni), and the press is already gunning for him and calling him names. They however will not be outdone in their name calling by the Israeli-Arab MKs themselves, or their brothers-in-arms the Phakestinians.  The partial, Pro-Phakestinian and exceptionally biased Mainstream Media, getting their cues from Hamas, and the P.L.O., has a grudge against Lieberman….and they are not going to be quiet about it.  (the buzzwords are “racist”, or “ultra-nationalist”)

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a top aide to Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas and his unofficial spokesman, said that no one could force the Palestinians to sit around the negotiating table with “a racist like Lieberman.”

Hadash MK Afo Agbaria called on the international community to impose a diplomatic embargo on Israel following Lieberman’s comments. [ed- that is an Israeli-Arab politician calling for a diplomatic embargo against his own country]

“It isn’t surprising that such fiery declarations come from the mouth of the racist foreign minister just one day after the government’s establishment,” added Agbaria.


Racist? Hardly!  But don’t take my word on it, click the link above (or below) and hear Lieberman in his own words.  Do they seem “racist” to you?

Regarding Israel’s difficult diplomatic standing in the world today, Lieberman noted that this came at a time when Israel was willing to make more concessions than ever before.

In relation to public opinion, he asked, “When was Israel most at its most popular in the world? After the Six Day War, not after Oslo A, B, C and D.”

Lieberman added that in order to be respected in the world, you have to respect yourself.


From CBS NEWS – Lieberman’s speech:

“Whoever thinks that concessions … will achieve something is wrong. He will bring pressures and more wars,” Lieberman said. “What we have to explain to the world is that the list of priorities must change.”

CBS’s name-calling:

Israel’s new hard-line foreign minister delivered a scathing critique of Mideast peace efforts Wednesday, rejecting the past year of U.S.-led negotiations and telling a room crowded with cringing diplomats that concessions to the Palestinians only invite war.

The appointment of Lieberman, head of the ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu, has raised international concerns because of his hard-line positions on peace and an election campaign that was widely seen as racist.


You can expect this misplaced mistreatment of Lieberman, and Bibi’s Government the entire time they are in office.  The media, etc., will label anything that doesn’t help their goal of destroying Israel as “racist”, “ultra-nationalist,” etc.  It has nothing to do with facts, and everything to do with agenda.


Israeli Muslim Leader Attacks Police!

by WrathofG-d ( 17 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Hamas, Hezballah, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Israel, Middle East, Palestinians, Political Correctness, Terrorism at March 23rd, 2009 - 3:08 pm

For years now the World has been insisting that if Israel were to just create another “Palestinian” state there would instant peace in the middle east, Arabs would love the Jews, and everything would be right with the universe.  However, what they, and most Israeli Government officials (excluding Lieberman, whom the MSM works day and night to slander) fail to realize is the larger threat that exists within the pre-1967 borders: The traitorous Arab Israeli citizens!

Despite having full rights as Israeli citizens, a higher standard of living than any other Arab in the Middle East, and full representation in the Israeli Knesset, Arab-Israelis consider themselves “Palestinians”, support the Terrorists over their own Government, threaten other Arab-Israelis who wish to participate in National service, meet with Hamas, and openly state their desire to crush Israel/Zionism.  Arab-Israeli acts of antisemitism, growing radicalism, violence against Jews, and other treason, although unreported by the international MSM, are common place within Israel.


Israeli-Arabs Rally In Support of Hamas During Operation Cast Lead

Israeli-Arabs Rally In Support of Hamas During Operation Cast Lead

(IsraelNN.com) Israeli Muslim leader Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement’s “Inner Palestine” division, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting police officers. The incident allegedly took place as officers dispersed an illegal gathering in Jerusalem. Four others, one of them Salah’s personal guard, were arrested in connection with the same incident.

Infuriated Islamic Movement officials called Salah’s arrest “unacceptable” and accused Israel of “Judaizing Jerusalem.”

The illegal gathering which Salah attended was connected to the Palestinian Authority’s celebrations of its own version of “Jerusalem Day.” The PA, joined by the Arab League, has designated Jerusalem “the capital of Arab culture for 2009,” and kicked off celebrations on Saturday in what Israeli police called a violation of Israel’s agreements with the PA and an attempt to flaunt Israeli sovereignty in the capital city.

When officers arrived to disperse the meeting, Salah and his supporters allegedly rioted, physically assaulting the police.

Salah has been arrested for alleged incitement and assault in the past, as well as for allegedly financing Hamas activities. He has served time in prison and has also been temporarily barred from Jerusalem, a sentence he received after a series of riots sparked when Muslim leaders accused Israel of attempting to destroy the Al Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount.

{The Rest of The Article}


A lot is being said these days about Avigdor Lieberman, and other leaders around the world whom have expressed their concern regarding the intentions, and loyalty of their Islamist citizens. Practically everyday the MSM doesn’t miss an opportunity to libel these individuals as “racist”, “nationalist”, “fascist” or “ultra-nationalist”, etc. Despite all these slanderous labels being thrown around, there is one thing that these ivory tower nay-sayers cannot prove, and that is that these leaders are wrong! It might not be politically correct or comfortable, but the facts support so-called “extremists” like Lieberman.